

A Study on Spatial Features about Improvement of Regional Technological Innovation Capacity and Regional Chase

【作者】 王锐淇

【导师】 张宗益;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 区域技术创新是区域经济发展的内生动力。随着政治和经济活动全球性特征的不断加深,技术创新活动也随着表现出了越来越明显的区域互动性,技术创新活动以及各种影响要素在各个区域间的溢出效应呈现出了逐步加强的趋势。因此,传统的区域内部封闭性技术创新能力分析已经不能满足现代经济社会以及实际技术创新活动的发展需要,在各项研究过程引入空间经济学已刻不容缓。本文以区域空间经济学的基本思路作为分析区域技术创新活动的切入点。从理论上来看,空间经济学理论已提出近30年的时间,其发展形态从最初的概念性模式逐渐发展到建立起了较完备的理论框架。虽然空间经济学理论发展的较快,同时对区域技术创新能力分析有一定的借鉴作用,但就我国的实际情况来看,理论分析与实际情况结合的并不紧密。将空间经济学知识与我国普通经验性的回归研究结合起来,在空间经济学的角度利用我国技术创新活动历史数据来进行经验性分析,从而得出较科学和可靠的结果,仍是我国在类似相关研究领域的一个较薄弱环节。因此,在已有空间经济学的理论基础上,通过传统理论与新的实证研究手段相结合的方式,对我国区域技术创新能力提升与追赶进行一个宏观的经验性分析是本文的主要研究思路。本文首先对空间经济学的理论基础以及空间计量经济学的方法工具进行了相关的文献梳理和概括性介绍,将空间经济学的基本分析框架和空间计量经济学的基本分析思路展现出来,剖析空间计量方法是如何将经济活动的空间性融入到回归分析模型中来的。同时阐述其分析优势,提出将空间概念引入到技术创新活动中的必要性和紧迫性。我国区域技术创新能力显著不均衡性。作为经济发展的内生动力,技术创新能力的区域不平衡显然不利于我国经济整体发展。因此,完成落后地区对先进地区的技术创新能力追赶是必须的。本文首先关心落后地区对先进地区的技术创新能力追赶状况。通过对过去十年我国区域技术创新能力的收敛性研究入手,在有针对性的区域划分基础上,本文对区域技术创新能力收敛速度和收敛特征进行经验分析。在分析过程中,我们考虑到由于一地区收敛过程往往受到周边地区的影响,特别是在技术追赶过程中,先进地区有可能通过基础设施以及先发优势等各种原因抑止后发地区的技术追赶,也可能通过资源互动和资源共享推动后发地区的技术追赶。所以在具体模型估计过程中,本文将技术创新收敛过程中的空间相关性纳入到分析中来,利用空间计量经济学的方法进行区域技术创新收敛性分析,力求找出在过去十年时间中,我国整体和各区域内部落后地区对先进地区的追赶情况和趋势,以及影响这一趋势的主要原因,从而为下一步的区域技术创新活动相关政策制订提供参考。收敛的速度和程度往往是对一种过去已存在现象的客观描述,从深层次来看,导致区域技术创新能力收敛产生的内在因素仍是各区域内部的技术创新提升情况。因此,本文在收敛性分析的基础上,对各区域内部的技术创新能力提升情况进行了进一步的分析。在各区域的技术创新能力提升中,技术创新相关各要素的要素外溢是不可避免的,而在以往的研究中往往忽略了这一点,更重视的是本地知识的封闭创造过程,因此这样的研究显然是不全面的。通过本文的文献分析可知,要素流动在区域间综合作用有可能是正向的,也可能是负向的,有可能是显性的,也可能是隐性的,要素的外溢又将导致知识的外溢,从而一区域的技术创新能力好坏往往会影响周边地区甚至不相邻地区的技术创新能力。通过以上分析,本文在各区域内部经验数据的基础上,利用空间面板工具,将周边地区可能的技术创新能力溢出情况纳入到各区域技术创新能力回归分析中来,判断其空间影响形式和程度。同时在理性面对各区域空间相关性的基础上,清晰化各区域在技术创新能力提升过程中的实际影响因素。由于技术创新能力的区域收敛性分析与区域内部的技术创新能力提升分析主要是对过去经验数据的一个总结,是针对数量与数量间直接影响的一种对应研究。但在技术创新能力提升过程中,资源消耗是否合理,是否存在资源的过度使用和浪费等现象,只依靠量的分析我们无法获知。本文因此引入区域技术创新效率分析,在技区域术创新效率测度的基础上,本文进一步的对技术创新效率相关影响要素进行新的分解研究。通过内生和外生两种新的角度分别进行分析,找到影响技术创新效率的关键要素及其影响程度,从而为以后的区域科技资源投入方向和力度提供有效参考。在宏观层面研究基本完成的基础上,本文进一步从中观的产业层面对区域技术创新能力进行分析。产业是区域技术创新各要素的直接受益者,同时也是区域技术创新能力提升实现的主要载体,产业的分布在某种程度上也影响着区域技术创新能力的分布。因此本文对产业进行筛选,以主要产业的集聚性和创新性作为研究对象,同时应用空间经济学的理论,对其集聚产生的原因,集聚的特征以及集聚的可持续性进行分析,力求挖掘其内在和我国区域技术创新能力差异可能存在的相互关联。其结论对我国区域产业结构调整和区域技术创新水平提升有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Regional technological innovation is the inner power that pushes the regional economy forward.As the accelerated globalization of political and economic activities, the regional technological innovation includes more and more obvious regional interaction.Meanwhile,the spillover effect of technological innovation activities and relevant elements are showing same trend as well.Therefore,traditional closed regional technological innovation cannot satisfy the need of modern society any longer. Therefore,this thesis used spatial economeics theory to solve the regional technological innovation issues.From the theoretical point,spatial economics has been developed nearly 30 years,it has built the comparative integrated framework.Although it is helpful to the relevant analysis, but how to combine the spatial economics and ordinary empirical research,using spatial economics to analyse our country’s technological innovation is still a poor aspect in related analysis.This thesis based on the theory of the spatial economics,using the Spatial Econometrics to did some tentative researches to our country’s regional technological innovation activities.Firstly,this thesis do the introduction to the theoretical basis of the spatial economics and listed some relevant main documents.This aimed to show the basic framework and analysis path about the spatial economics and to describe the advantage of spatial economics.Meanwhile,this paper pointed out the emergency and necessity of putting spatial concept into the technological innovation activities,after that,it cleared that how the spatial econometrics adds spatial features to the specific analysis model.Secondly,because of the historical and geographical conditions,there exists obviously regional unbalance in our country’s technological innovation ability.This is not good to development of our country’s economy.The poorer regions catch up the better regions is neseccary.So this thesis concerned about the specific process that poorer ones to catch up the better ones and our analysis began from the convergence research in past 10 years.After that,based on the nichetargeting regions separation, it made speed and features of convergence clearly.Because there always exists related influence in one region’s convergence process,the advanced ones possibly lead some negative influence to the disadvanced ones because of the better infrastructure and early-development advantage.But on the other hand,the advanced ones also can lead some positive influence to the disadvanced ones because of the resource sharing and interaction.So this thesis used spatial econometrics to do some analysis about the regional technological innovation ability convergence,wanted to find out the specific situations and trends about process that disadvanced regions catch up the advanced regions in the past 10 years and what leaded to them.The extent and speed of convergence are just the description of phenomenon,the inner element that cause the convergence is still the regional technological innovation raise ,approach of comparative technological innovation ability raise speed is beneficial to the convergence.Thus,basing on the analysis of the convergence,this thesis did further analysis to the regional technological innovation raise.In the analysis process,the knowledge spillover is inevitable.The technological innovation raise situation of one region always influenced other regions and the specific effect maybe positive or negative,maybe visible or invisible.Therefore,basing on the regional empirical data,this thesis used spatial panel analysis tool to put possible influences into the regression analysis process,judging the spatial influence form and extent and making specific influential elements clear under regional spatial relation.The technological innovation convergence and raise analysis mainly faced the past empirical data,this is the analysis based on the interaction of amount.thus,we couldn’t know whether the resource consumption is reasonable and whether existed resource overuse and waste only depend on two method above.this thesis introduce efficiency analysis.Through quality analysis,we could use resources as fully as we can and supply some useful references to the direction and extent of the resources arrangement.After completing the Macro-aspect analysis,this thesis took new analysis about regional technological innovation from Medium industrial view.The specific industries not only got direct profit from technological innovation,but also is the main carriers of the technological innovation ability raise.Thus, this thesis sieve specific industries out and considered the industrial proximity and innovation as the main objects.After that, it used spatial economics theory to analyse the reasons,features and sustainable extent of proximity.We wanted to dig possible correlations out between industrial proximity and regional technological innovation divergence.The relevant conlusions are worthful to our country’s industial adjustment and regional technological innovation raise.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】F224;F124.3
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1031
  • 攻读期成果

