

Study on the Adaptation Theory and Method of Urban Public Space Planning in Southwest Mountainous Cities

【作者】 王中德

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 西南山地城市的公共空间系统无论从城市规划,还是社会、文化等角度看,都表现出一种令人着迷的复杂性特征。它的形成与孕育城市的山地环境,以及在西南地域延绵了几千年的人类聚居历史有着密不可分的关系。并且这种复杂性不单是一种需要被理解的现象,它所涵盖方方面面的问题更是城市规划,无论是理论研究、工程实践还是城市建设与管理都必须要面对的现实。因此,解析这种特质对于推动山地城市公共空间发展,建设美好山地人居环境具有重要意义。然而就像任何具有生命体征的系统一样,西南山地城市公共空间这一“人工生命”系统在传统老三论的研究体系剖析下,人们可以追寻到一些空间结构、空间形态的规律性,但却无法显现出其演化过程中的生命本质。令人欣喜的是,在工具理性的余光尚未散尽,建立在复杂系统理论认知上的城市空间研究已开始展现出其稚气但极具未来的力量。因而,以复杂系统理论来解析西南山地城市公共空间的复杂性,并探寻隐藏在其背后规律的渴望构成了论文研究最初的动机。任何一个研究都必须通过某一核心问题来展开它自身,而西南山地城市公共空间的核心问题就是其复杂性以及表现出的复杂问题。论文即在紧紧把握这一核心脉络的基础上,以复杂系统理论思想展开对西南山地城市公共空间系统的剖析,并将研究内容聚焦在这样几个问题上:首先,西南山地城市公共空间有着怎样复杂多样的表现,它的系统又是怎样的一种构成?其次,系统产生这种复杂多样并有着自组织演化的内在作用机制是什么?在对上述问题展开研究的基础上,通过与复杂适应性系统特征相互耦合、相互印证,论文对西南山地城市公共空间规划的适应性理论进行了解析,搭建出以适应性为核心思想的规划体系框架,进而提出相应的规划对策以回答这样的现实问题:城市规划应如何参与到该系统演化过程中有效解决复杂问题,并促成它向着符合人类意愿的方向发展。最终,论文形成以下几点重要结论。第一,复杂性是西南山地城市公共空间系统的本质表现,而适应性则是形成复杂性并影响该系统自组织演化的根本内因。西南山地城市公共空间的演化中受到来自以特殊的自然环境、经济条件等因素为主的制约和限定,但同时也因受限而表现出适应性发展,正是这种不断的适应过程造就了丰富多样的公共空间要素以及复杂多变的公共空间结构,并与山地自然环境构成了唇齿相依,具有多样变化的公共空间格局。第二,西南山地城市公共空间是典型的复杂适应性系统。虽然人类的主动行为在其形成、演化和发展过程中起到了决定性作用,但宏观上看,该系统在长时期内表现出明显的自主性组织行为,遵循着复杂适应性系统的演化规律。因而,遵循适应性理论思想,构建具有适应性的规划体系,将城市规划纳入公共空间系统内部,给予其主体地位是解决西南山地城市公共空间复杂问题的关键。第三,加大城市规划的主动学习能力,使其具有适应性是促进西南山地城市公共空间发展的有效手段。作为山地城市公共空间复杂适应性系统主体之一的城市规划,应以适应性为核心思想,从多种情景、渐次时序上发现与公共空间系统其他参与主体相互交流、相互适应、主动学习的规则,以战略、策略及方案等多种组合来应对不同层面的复杂问题。当然,加强以公共政策为理念的城市公共空间规划组织运行体系的相关建设将是规划目标得以实施的必要保障。显然,面对西南山地城市公共空间的复杂性及复杂问题所展开的任何理论研究,其本身就是对研究对象抽象化、概念化、理论化的过程,真实信息在这过程中的损耗是必然的,因而即使已经做出了上述结论,也不能完全确定其准确性,但所有的努力是期望在理论的前瞻性和创新性上,可以为山地城市公共空间规划设计带来一些新的思考和启迪。事实上,通过研究我们更希望接近这样一个事实:城市规划遵循的原理是属于“经验世界”的,在这个世界里,比逻辑的严格性更合理的要求是布迪厄所说的“实践理性”——它满足于实践与应用,而不追求逻辑完美。这蕴含了论文研究西南山地城市公共空间规划设计的适应性理论与方法的全部意义。

【Abstract】 In views of culture, society,or urban planning, the public space system in mountainous cities in southwest China is permeated with charming and complex characteristics, of which the formation has inseparable relationship between the land where they are gestated and the history in their gestation of thousand years. What`s more, this complexity of urban public space system is much more than a phenomenon to be simply understood, as a matter of fact, the diverse aspects of the issues in it is an indisputable reality for urban planning, ranging from theoretical research, practical project, and urban management. Thus, these features are of great significance to today`s urban spatial development, as well as urban planning and construction.However, like all systems with vital signs, under the analysis of the traditional 3-thoery research system, we can find out some regularity in spatial structure and form from the Public Space in mountainous cities in southwest China, but it remains a pity that we can hardly reveal the essence of life in evolution. However, the beauty is that the urban public spaces research based on the theory of complex system starts to express its childish but potential power, even in the age of instrumental rationality. As a result, the strong longing for these charming features and the laws hidden behind have formed the initial motivations for this dissertation.All the theory systems develop themselves from their core concepts, and the core concepts of the complex adaptive system theory would be called“adaptability brings up complexity”. Based on a profound understanding of its core concepts, this dissertation analyzes the urban public space in southwest areas systematically with the CAS Theory and expands the analysis on the complex system of the public spaces in mountainous cities in southwest China and focus on several issues bellow: Firstly, what is the structure and the multiple and complex expression of the complex system of the public space in mountainous cities in southwest China? Secondly, what is it that produces a mechanism of action so complex, various and ordered?Based on the studies above, this dissertation also successfully build the framework of the CAS Theory for the public space in mountainous cities in southwest China by its coupling and corroborating with the CAS Theory, and puts forward proposals on the problems, such as what are the supposed actions of urban planning so as to solve the complex problems in the evolution of this system and promote to the system`s healthy development. Based on adequate analysis of these issues, the dissertation finally comes up with some constructive conclusions below:First of all, the complexity is the essential expression of the public space system in southwest china, and the adaptability is the internal cause affecting the developments of the public space in mountainous cities in southwest China. With the background of the special cultural and natural conditions in southwest areas, public spaces in these cities are limited in various kinds of mechanisms, and go to prosperity since then.It is just these incessant progresses that lead to the concise and effective public spatial structure and the complicated and various public space elements, bringing about an extremely close relation with the natural mountainous environments and a rich varied pattern of landscapes in urban public space.Secondly, the system of public space in mountainous cities in southwest China is a typical example of the complex adaptive systems. Although people`s initiative activities play a decisive role in the formation, evolution and development of the system, from macroscopic view, the system showed autonomous organizational behaviors in a long time, following the rules of the CAS Theory. As a result, it is the key to solve the complex spatial problems in southwest cities to construct a planning system with adaptability and bring urban planning into it with a dominant positionThirdly, increase the adaptability of urban planning is an efficient method to promote the development of the public spaces in mountainous cities in southwest China. Urban planning, as one of the subjects of the complex adaptive system for public space in mountainous cities, should take the adaptability as its core idea and find out rules to mutual exchange, mutual adaptation and initiative study with the other subjects in the public space systems in multi-levels, as well as continuous time period, and propose various combinations of strategies, policies and schemes to respond to the complicated topics in all layers, and also treat the planning and organization of the public spaces in cities, with the idea of public administration, as a necessary guarantee to reach the final goal of urban planning.Obviously, any theoretical research in public space in mountainous cities in southwest areas is an abstraction, conceptualization and theorization progress to the research target itself, in which the loss of information is still inevitable. Thus, we can hardly certify the authenticity of the proved conclusions. By comparison, we are trying to prove that the theory of urban planning belongs to the“experience world”, where the“practical rationality”, from Pierre Bourdieu, acts a role more rational than the logical stringency. The theory of“practical rationality”is suitable for practice and application,while it throws off the obsession for logical perfection which contains all significances of the author`s researching on the complicated adaptability in public space in mountainous in southwest areas and constructing the theory of complex adaptive system for public space in mountainous cities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1525
  • 攻读期成果

