

Bonded Profit Analysis of Inland Bonded Port Zones and the Construction of International Logistics Corridor

【作者】 林略

【导师】 蒲勇健;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 保税港区作为一种政策工具和经济现象,是我国改革开放之后出现的新事物。为了加快我国内陆地区的对外开发开放,国务院于2008年11月、2010年2月相继批准在中国西部城市重庆设立了国内第一个内陆保税港区及国内最大综合保税区。作为西部中心城市及唯一直辖市,重庆肩负着带动西部经济板块发展的历史使命。然而,重庆外向型产业基础薄弱、对外开放程度低,如何借助内陆保税港区的政策条件,拓展外向经济发展空间,使重庆成为内陆出口商品加工与集散基地,形成与西部其他城市共同开发开放的新格局呢?根本的出路在于,只有打通与国外市场的物流通道,与西部其他城市共谋外向经济发展,才能真正变内陆为开放前沿,撬动“西三角”经济的崛起,实现国家内陆地区开发开放的战略布局。论文就是在这样的背景下,较为系统地研究了内陆保税港区保税收益及其国际物流通道构建。首先,论文界定了内陆保税港区担负的主要保税功能与保税业务,定量分析了入区企业利用保税专属政策(如免税、减税、缓税、免配额和许可证等)能够获得的经济利益,建立模型分析了在保税条件下国际物流供应链三方的利益,并利用完全信息动态博弈模型证明了:内陆保税港区的持续发展取决于其所在地的基础环境条件而非政策优惠条件,然后利用三角白化权函数对重庆保税港区引资条件进行了灰色评估,评估显示:内陆国际保税港区条件与其他保税港区相比有强有弱,总体处于中等水平,但国际物流通道建设急需加强。在上述分析论证基础上,依据重庆国际物流节点分布情况,根据协调分析法和DEA法,提出了建设重庆Y型国际物流通道的构想:以重庆为枢纽推进东向、南向和西北向三条国际物流通道,通过Y型通道多方位缩短重庆与国际接轨的时空距离;根据引力模型,说明了Y型通道在西南地区的普遍接受性;最后,在完善内陆保税港区及其国际物流通道中,提出分层分区分时发展重庆O型物流辐射地外向经济的主张。论文注重理论联系实际、定性分析与定量说明相结合。论文通过构建四种保税进出口业务模型,证明了利用保税条件下国际物流供应链三方会达到共赢;利用博弈理论证明了保税港区的有效运行取决于国际物流通道的便捷而不在于保税优惠条件本身,并利用三角白化权函数对重庆保税港区引资条件进行了灰色评估;根据协调分析法和DEA法,构建了重庆Y型国际物流通道;为了带动西部地区外向经济的蓬勃发展,提出了分层分区发展重庆O型物流辐射地外向经济的主张。

【Abstract】 As both a new policy tool and economic phenomena bonded port zone emerged in China after the Reform and Opening up. In order to speed up the development and opening up of China’s inland area, the State Council recently approved the establishment of two bonded zones in Chongqing, Chongqing Cuntan Bonded Port - China’s first inland bonded port, granted in November 2008, and Chongqing Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Zone - China’s largest integrated Bonded area, ratified in February 2010, respectively. As the only municipality directly under the central government in western China, Chongqing is assuming the historical mission of leading the rise of the western China economy. However, compared with its eastern counterparts, Chongqing is constrained by its less opened up and weak export-oriented industries. Therefore, a significant yet challenging question to ask is that how to expand and grow export-oriented industries to build Chongqing into both the commodity processing center and foreign trade terminal for inland export-oriented industries, hence ultimately to achieve a coordinated development with other western China cities by taking advantages of the preferential policies entitled to the inland bonded zones. The fundamental solution lies in opening up logistical channels to the oversea market and seeking a coordinated export-oriented economic progress with other western China cities by following the principle of benefit sharing, therefore truly change the inland area into the frontier of the opening up and realize the fast growth of the“West Tri-angles”, fulfill the national macro economic development strategy.Under such background this dissertation studied the limitations of current transportation infrastructures, the measures to open up international passages, and the conception of a coordinated development of Chongqing international logistics corridor. First, the paper examined the restricting factors and constrains faced by the existing Chongqing Export Processing Zones; defined the main bonded functions and businesses in Chongqing bonded zones; quantitatively analyzed the economic benefits the in-house enterprises of the bonded zones may gain from the special tax incentives and policies (such as tax free, tax deduction, tax deferring, quota free and permit free); and proved that the sustainable development of bonded zones is fundamentally determined by the good basic geo-political-economic environment instead of the preferential policy using the open dynamic information gaming model. Then grey assessment of Chongqing Bonded Port’s attract investment conditions was carried out by the triangle whitening weight function, the assessment shows that Chongqing International Free Trade Zone have its strength and weakness compared with other bonded zone generally at a medium level. But the urgent thing is to strengthen its construction of international logistics channel. Based on these analyses the paper then formulated the conception of constructing Chongqing Y-shape international logistics is corridored according to the coordinate analysis and DEA analysis and distribution pattern of Chongqing international logistics nodes. The Y-shape corridor is centered in Chongqing and outflows in three directions: Eastern channel, southern passage, and northwestern pass-way. These three channels will greatly shorten the space-time distances between Chongqing and international market.Then based on the gravity model, the paper illustrates the Y channel is generally accepted in the southwest.Finally, the author articulated the idea of developing Chongqing export-oriented economy tiered by the O-shape hub-and-spoke logistics network and the differentiated consumption of the resources for imports and exports in neighboring provinces and cities to perfect inland port and international logistics channel.This thesis combines theoretical analysis with practical cases, qualitative analysis with quantitative illustration. It identified the suitable businesses of Chongqing bonded zones, including import distribution, export collection and consolidation, processing and production; using the open dynamic information gaming model, concluded that the effective operation of Chongqing bonded zones is determined by the level of the convenience of the international logistics other than the preferential bonded policy itself , and then grey assessment of Chongqing Bonded Port’s attract investment conditions was carried out by the triangle whitening weight function; then formulated the conception of constructing Chongqing Y-shape international logistics is corridored according to the coordinate analysis and DEA analysis and distribution pattern of Chongqing international logistics nodes. Finally, the author articulated the idea of developing Chongqing export-oriented economy tiered by the O-shape hub-and-spoke logistics network. It is hoped that this will lead the booming of the foreign trade economy in the western China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

