

Study on History of Cities in Southwest China

【作者】 李旭

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在当今经济、文化全球化的大背景下,我国城市正以前所未有的速度发展,但冷静地观看我们的城市,不难发现“自大与自卑”的现象从理论到实践都不鲜见,说明我们的城市建设尚缺乏自信,内在活力仍显不足,而要找到自信,拥有活力,就必须对本民族的过去有深刻了解,如此方能站在比较客观的立场上,实现真正的民族自尊和自强,因而地域城市建设历史研究具有重要的学术和实用意义。同时西南地区地域广阔,城市丰富多样,演进过程复杂而曲折,若面面俱到,难免“歧路亡羊”,因此必须抓住主要问题,把握重点,方能以点带面获得对西南地区城市历史发展的整体认识。论文以“西南”为研究域,“名城”为研究点,由城市形态切入,以“序列+结构”的方式,通过对城市形态起源、演变、特点、成因的分析,解析其发展演变规律,探讨对当代城市建设的影响与启示,力图为当代西南地区城市人居环境建设提供客观的依据与借鉴。历史本体部分,考虑到西南地区城市形态演进过程曲折、复杂,各阶段城市形态各具特点,影响因素各不相同,故按形态特征的差异将其分为:原生聚居文明格局及演进、传统形态形成与演进、近现代转型期三大阶段,将社会历史、城市形态演变及对成因的分析紧密结合进行论述。先秦时期是西南地区聚居、城市起源的重要阶段,文章在大量文献资料的基础上整理出远古历史地理环境、社会历史、经济与文化结构、族属及迁徙、交通路线等,还原当时城市发展的历史背景。并循着远古文明、“巢居、穴居”、聚落、城市的发展顺序,复原当时的聚居文明格局,分析早期城市的形态特征,力图阐明在先秦时期逾百万年的远古历史中,西南地区生活着什么样的部族,他们在怎样的条件下,出于什么目的创造了什么样的聚居环境,这些聚居环境的形态有何特征,为何形成这样的特征。秦汉至明清是西南地区传统城市形态逐渐成熟的重要阶段,由于该时期有关城市形态演进的资料较原生聚居文明时期丰富许多,使得研究有可能深入到城市发展的过程,城市形态的内部结构及构成要素的分析。论文纵向上以各阶段社会背景、城镇发展为基础,以典型城市形态的演进轨迹为线索,找出城市发展及形态演进的特点及成因;横向上深入探讨传统城市形态构成要素(山水格局、轮廓、核、轴、架、群)的类型、特点;在此基础上总结古代城市的营建模式、城市发展与形态的特点及影响因素。西南地区近现代城市形态经历了剧变转型,文章在分阶段论述历史背景、城市发展特点、典型城市形态演变的基础上,抓住近现代城市发展轨迹极其相似这一特点,从整体上论述近现代城市的剧变转型过程:正是不同于传统城市的新型城市形态要素的出现,城市内部空间结构的重构,城市扩展的速度与模式的变化导致了城市形态的剧变转型;其本质原因是经济基础和政治制度的改变以及科学技术带来的巨大变革。在历史过程及特点已然清晰的基础上,论文总结城市形态演变的影响因素;得出城市形态与环境、与功能相适应,并且自身具有延续继承性的一般规律;从组织机制的角度回答了城市是怎样去适应环境与功能,城市复杂多样而有序的城市结构是怎样形成的问题;然后总结了影响因素、组织机制、规律对城市形态演变的综合作用。最后尝试将城市形态特色衰微现象置于历史过程中,从演进规律与组织机制的角度分析衰微的本质原因,从宏观、中观层面探讨历史形态本身以及历史规律及经验对构建当代特色城市的价值与启示。

【Abstract】 Under globalization and modernization, our cities are expanding at top speed. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to find the phenomenon of“arrogance and self-contempt”which reflects the lack of self-confidence and inner vibrancy. To attain self-confidence and self-reliance we should have a good grip of our history firstly. So the research on history of our cities is very important.While the broad zone, the various form and complex evolution brings difficulties to the research. If we pay attention to everything in it, we’ll get nothing. Only by grasping the main problems, can the research get a whole understanding of the history of cities in Southwest China.This paper takes“southwest”as the geographical scope,“historic and cultural city”as the focal point,and urban morphology as the research object, unfolding the history of cities by chronological sequence and structure,analyzing the origin and evolution, characteristics and causes of urban morphology, then finding the evolution law of urban morphology which offering reference to city construction nowadays.The evolution of unban morphology is complicated, and in different phases there are different characteristics and influencing factors. So the paper divides it into 3 parts: the period of primary human settlements, the period of traditional urban morphology and the period of modern urban morphology, discussing the social history, evolution of urban morphology and the causes in each part comprehensively.The Pre-Qin Period is the original phase in the whole evolution. Basing on enormous documents, the paper represents the ancient background including the geographical environments, the social history, the structure of economy and culture, the nation and its migration, the route and so on; then, analyzes the evolution of primary human settlements from the ancient civilization, the habitation (caves and nests), the villages and the cities. The most important issue in this part is that in ancient times who lived in the cities of southwest china; why they built their cities in such manner; what characteristics and causes their settlements had.From Qin to Qing Dynasty, the traditional urban morphology had taken shape gradually. Because there are more documents than the previous period, the thesis could make a thorough investigation on the evolution, the structure and elements of traditional urban morphology. Firstly, it takes typical cities as central clue to reveal the evolution of traditional cities; then, analyzes the types and characteristics of the urban morphology elements such as shanshui pattern, outline, center, axis, framework and cluster; explores the pattern in which people built their cities; concludes the characteristics and factors influencing the cities in this period.In modern times, urban morphology is going through sharp transformation. After elaborating social history, morphology evolution of typical cities, the thesis finds the similarity in most modern cities in southwest china, so it concentrates on how and why the morphology transformation happened as a whole. It is the appearance of some new elements different from the previous phases, the reconstruction of urban space, the way and speed urban space expanding that brought about the transformation. The essential of the transformation is the change of economy and social structure, the rapid improvement of science and technology.Basing on the evolution of cities in southwest China, this paper sums up the influencing factors; gets the regulation that urban morphology is inheritable, and always fits the function, adapts the environment. Furthermore, it finds the mechanism explaining how all this happened; concludes the combined action of the influencing factors, mechanism and regulation.Finally, aiming at the phenomenon of feature decline in our cities, this paper analyses the reasons from a diachronic perspective, then, discusses the influence and value to which the historical urban morphology and experience will bring.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

