

Research on Analysis and Optimization for Transmission Power and Efficiency of Inductively Coupled Power Transfer System

【作者】 夏晨阳

【导师】 孙跃;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 感应耦合电能传输(Inductively Coupled Power Transfer,以下简称ICPT)技术是一种基于法拉第电磁感应原理,解决向移动设备实现无线和灵活供电问题的新型电能传输技术,相比于传统的电能传输技术,该技术更加安全、可靠、灵活,具有广阔的应用前景。由于目前ICPT技术研究与应用开发尚不全面和不够深入,相关理论和实验研究还比较欠缺,尤其在如何提高系统的传输功率和效率特性(以下简称能效特性)方面还不够系统、全面,系统的能效品质还停留在一个比较低的水平上。虽然有相关文献对ICPT系统的传输功率和效率进行过一定的分析,但大多文献要么是基于功率传输特性对系统进行分析,要么是基于效率特性对系统进行分析,都没有将传输功率特性和效率特性联系起来,然后基于能效综合特性进行分析,从而使得在某些ICPT的设计过程中,虽然通过优化使得ICPT系统实现了功率最优化设计,但系统的效率偏低;或者虽然有些系统实现了效率最优设计,但系统没有工作在功率最优状态下,因此严重影响了系统的功率传输能力。因此这些优化设计都不够完整。由于没有从ICPT系统能效综合特性最优的角度进行有效的分析,使得目前ICPT系统能效特性还比较低、成本较高、产业化进程缓慢。因此,对ICPT系统能效综合特性的分析与优化研究尤为迫切。由于制约系统能效特性的参数众多,各个参数之间的选取存在强力粘连性,有的甚至相互矛盾,为系统能效特性的优化带来了很大的困难。因此,为了保证系统的最优化能效特性,需要综合考虑各个参数的选取对系统能效的影响,从而实现系统高功率、高效率的能量输出。论文以国家自然科学基金项目“高效多自由度非接触电能传输系统关键技术研究”(基金号:50777071)以及重庆市科技攻关项目“城市电气化交通新型供电模式研究与开发”(项目编号:CSTC2008AC3089)为依托,旨在针对ICPT系统的能效特性优化问题,从系统的等效耦合模型出发,对各种工作模式和拓扑结构下ICPT系统的能效特性进行全面和系统的分析,同时根据理论分析结果提出相应的能效优化方法,并将该方法应用到实际ICPT系统的分析与研究中。在研究过程中,作者主要作了以下工作:1.分析了国内外在ICPT系统能效特性方面的研究现状,针对目前对ICPT系统能效特性方面研究的缺陷和不足,阐明了本文的研究目的、内容和意义。2.从系统能效特性综合行为出发,对影响系统能效特性的各项因素进行综合分析,并基于能效特性给出了ICPT系统设计的一般性指导措施。3.从ICPT系统能效特性出发,针对ICPT系统四种基本谐振拓扑结构,分析了互感耦合参数对能效特性的影响,并优化互感以提高系统的功率传输能力。在此基础上,根据电压型ICPT系统最大传输功率和最大效率存在条件不能同时满足,其最大功率传输的存在条件是以大幅牺牲系统效率为代价这一矛盾,提出一种新的系统综合评价指标。通过在该指标下对系统的互感耦合参数进行优化,实现了ICPT系统能效综合特性的最优设计。最后,通过实验研究,证明了理论分析的正确性。4.从系统效率特性出发,针对ICPT系统各型谐振耦合拓扑结构效率计算方法不统一,通过对四种典型谐振耦合拓扑结构的ICPT系统进行分析,给出了适用于ICPT系统谐振耦合机构效率计算的一般性计算方法。在此基础上,以减少损耗为目标,通过对一种电流型ICPT系统进行数学建模,在不同设计要求下,对系统参数进行了优化设计。最后,通过实验研究,证明了理论分析的正确性。5.由于导轨式ICPT系统是一个分布式系统,原边导轨线圈只有一部分参与了磁路耦合,因此互感耦合值难以确定,从而造成能效特性优化困难。针对这种特定磁路机构的ICPT系统的能效优化问题,提出了一种计算导轨式ICPT系统传输功率和效率的新方法。同时根据实际系统的功率传输要求,给出了导轨式ICPT系统的一种优化设计方法,该方法通过优化系统原副边线圈匝数等参数,实现功率传输的优化控制,并最大限度的提高了系统的效率。最后,通过实验验证了理论分析的正确性。6. ICPT系统在多负载条件下,当负载切换时容易造成系统失谐以及系统功率和效率最优平衡点被破坏。针对这种特定工作模式的ICPT的能效优化问题,分析了在负载变化时,ICPT系统能够始终保持工作在最大功率或者最高效率下的条件;同时根据实际系统的功率传输和效率要求,提出了一种系统参数优化设计方法。该方法通过实时优化系统输入电压和互感耦合值,实现功率传输能力与效率的优化控制。最后,通过实验验证了理论分析的正确性。本文的创新性贡献在于:1.提出了具有一般性的ICPT系统的能效特性优化方法,并创新性地提出了一个新的适用于ICPT系统综合评价指标。通过在该指标下对系统参数进行优化,实现了ICPT系统能效特性的总体最优设计。2.针对ICPT系统各型谐振耦合拓扑结构效率计算方法不统一,通过分析给出了适用于ICPT系统谐振耦合机构效率计算的一般性公式,简化了ICPT系统在效率求解过程的复杂性。3.针对导轨式ICPT系统磁路耦合机构的分布性,互感耦合值难以计算,从而使得系统能效特性分析困难,给出一个适合导轨式ICPT系统能效特性分析的新方法。4.针对ICPT系统在多负载条件下由于负载切换,容易造成系统失谐以及系统功率和效率最优平衡点被破坏等问题,提出了一种系统参数优化设计和控制方法。实现了系统在负载切换过程中始终保持功率传输能力或者效率的实时最优。

【Abstract】 Inductively coupled power transfer (ICPT) technology is a new power transmission technology based on Faraday’s electromagnetic induction law, it has solved the problem on how to supply power to mobile devices wirelessly and flexibly. Compared with the traditional power transmission mode, it is more secure, reliable and flexible. In a word, it has an expansive application prospect.Due to the development of current research and application for ICPT technology is not comprehensive and not deep enough, the relevant theory and experimental research is still relatively lacking, especially on the aspect of how to improve the energy-efficiency(transmission power and efficiency) is still imperfect, the energy-efficiency still remains at a relatively low level. Although some literature have carried some analysis on the transmission power and efficiency of ICPT system, most of them are either based on power transmission characteristic of the system, or based on the efficiency characteristic of the system, while no literature has put the transmission power character and efficiency character together, and based on its energy-efficiency character to analyse. Although some design has achieved the power transmission optimmum in some ICPT system, the efficiency of the system is too low; or some system although has achieved the efficiency optimum design, but it does not work in the optimal power state, which seriously affects its power transmission capacity. Therefore, these optimal designs are not complete enough. In the absence of analysing the energy-efficiency character of ICPT system, which made the transmission power and efficiency of the current ICPT system are relatively low, high cost, slow process of industrialization. So, the analysis and optimization for energy-efficiency character of ICPT system is particularly urgent.Because there are too many parameters which can affect the energy-efficiency of ICPT system, and there are strong adhesions existing among these parameters, some selections of parameters are even contradictory, all of these have brought great difficulties to optimize the energy-efficiency character of ICPT system. So, the influence of the selection of the parameters to the energy-efficiency character must be considered, and the parameters must be optimized to achieve high power, high efficiency of energy output for ICPT system.The paper research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of the "Efficient and more freedom contactless power transfer system key technologies" (Fund No.: 50777071) and Chongqing Science and Technology research project "Urban rlectric transportation research and development of a new power mode" (Item No: CSTC2008AC3089 ). In order to optimize the energy-efficiency character of ICPT system, using the equivalent coupling model, this project has analysied the energy-effciency character of ICPT system with various work modes and topologies comprehensively and systematically. According to the analysis results, the corresponding energy-efficiency optimization methods were proposed.The main works of the paper include:1. Firstly, the paper has analysed the research status for energy-efficiency character of ICPT system. According to the defects and deficiencies of the current research, the purpose, content and meaning of this paper were proposed.2. Secondly, the various factors which can effect the energy-efficiency chatacter of ICPT system were analysed. And some general guidance methods for the ICPT system design on account of the energy-efficiency character were given.3. Thirdly, the relationship between the mutual inductance and energy-efficiency character of ICPT system with four typical topologies were analyzed, and the mutual inductance was optimized for achieving maximum power transfer for ICPT system. Furthermore, according to the contradiction that the maximum transmission power existence condition of voltage-fed ICPT is substantially at the cost of its efficiency, a novel evaluation index was presented. With this index, the mutual inductance was optimized, and a global optimization design for the energy-efficiency character of ICPT system was realized. Finally, simulation and experiment results verified the analysis and the optimization design method.4. Fourthly, due to the efficiency computing method for ICPT system with different resonant coupling topological structure is skimble-scamble, a general computing method for the efficiency of the ICPT system with different resonant coupling topologies was given through analyzing the ICPT system with four typical resonant coupling topologies. Then, in order to reduce the power loss, the parameters of a current source ICPT system with different design requriments were optimized through mathematical modeling. Finally, experiment result verified the analysis and the optimization design method.5. Then, due to the ICPT system in rail is a distributed system, only part of the primary rail involved in the magnetic coupling, the coupling factor is difficult to calculate, which made the optimization for its energy-efficiency character is difficult. For the ICPT system with this particular magnetic structure, a new method for calculating its energy-efficiency was proposed. In addition, a procedure of optimized design was given according to the need of the power requirement factually. This method has achieved the optimized control for transmission power by optimizing the numbers of the primary and the secondary coils, and increased the efficiency as much as possible at the same time. Finally, this theory was justified via an experiment.6. Finally, For the ICPT system with multi-load, the system can easily detuned and the optimal balance of transmission power and efficiency can easily be destroyed by load switching. For the energy-efficiency optimization of ICPT system with this particular mode, the condition for the ICPT system can always keep working at maximum power or maximum efficiency mode was analyzed when the load changes. In addition, a procedure of optimized design was given according to the need of the power and efficiency requirement factually. This method has achieved the optimized control of transmission power and efficiency by optimizing the input voltage and mutual inductance. Finally, this criterion was justified via an experiment.The innovative contributions of this paper are:1. A general power transmission optimization method for ICPT system was given, and a new comprehensive evaluation index which is applicable to ICPT system was proposed innovatively. With this index, the parameters were optimized, and a global optimization design for the energy-efficiency character of ICPT system was realized.2. Due to the efficiency computing method for ICPT system with different resonant coupling topological structure is skimble-scamble, a general efficiency computing method for the resonant coupling topologies of ICPT system was given, which has simplified the efficiency solution process of ICPT system.3. Due to the ICPT system in rail is a distributed system, the coupling factor is difficult to calculate, which made the optimization for its energy-efficiency is difficult, a new method for calculating the transmission power and efficiency of the ICPT system in rail was proposed.4. For the ICPT system with multi-load, the system can easily detuned and the optimal balance of power or efficiency can easily be destroyed by load switching, an optimized design and control method was proposed, which can keep the system always working at the maximum power or maximum efficiency mode.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

