

Study on Design Theory of Mining Technology System and It’s Application Based on Surface Miner

【作者】 郝文玉

【导师】 才庆祥;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文综合运用露天采矿学原理、可靠性理论和多目标决策等方法,通过调查研究、理论分析和现场工程实践,围绕露天采矿机工艺体系设计理论及其应用进行深入研究:(1)全面分析了露天采矿机工艺的特点,从资源赋存条件、经济、环境、管理等多方面归纳论述了该工艺在我国应用的影响因素:资源赋存条件和工艺系统的可靠性是影响露天采矿机应用的决定性因素;煤层产状、煤层数及煤层间距、夹矸层厚度及物理力学性质是影响露天采矿机应用的重要因素。(2)论文系统地研究了露天采矿机工艺的开采方式与作业参数,分析了不同开采方式的适用条件,通过分析工作线长度与露天采矿机有效工作时间的关系,研究了露天采矿机工艺的合理工作线长度的取值范围。(3)基于多目标决策和模糊数学的基本原理,建立了露天采矿机优选模型。定义了跟随时间的基本概念,并以此作为露天采矿机和卡车类型合理匹配的关键参数。运用系统效率综合优化方法,给出了直接装载卡车的露天采矿机工艺车机匹配的计算方法。前装机的实际生产能力与露天采矿机的开采分层厚度成线性关系,因此在前装机的选型时,要综合考虑前装机的线性尺寸与露天采矿机的开采分层厚度。(4)基于露天采矿机切削滚筒的实际轨迹,建立了煤炭损失与矸石混入计算模型,固定型号的露天采矿机开采时,顶底板矸石的混入量是定值。给出了选采效果关键评价指标——含矸率和毛煤热值的计算公式。结果表明:选采效果与大夹矸层数、小夹矸层数及厚度负相关。通过对选采厚度的影响因素分析,确立了选采厚度的确定原则。(5)以露天采矿机工艺特点和设备自身特点为基础,分析了露天采矿机的主要失效模式,基于可修串联系统模型,研究了露天采矿机自身和工艺系统的可靠性。结合露天采矿机的特点,分析了该工艺在煤及夹矸层数多、物料硬度大和严寒地区的适应性,认为露天采矿机工艺在我国拥有较为广阔的应用前景,将在未来一段时期内形成一个快速的发展期。该论文有图59幅,表17个,参考文献130篇。

【Abstract】 In light of the principle of surface mining, theory of reliability and method of multi-objective decision, this dissertation reports an intensive research into the system of surface miner in terms of investigation, theoretical analysis and engineering practice. The findings of this research work are as follows:(1)The dissertation made a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of surface miner system, based on an overview of the application factors in China from various aspects, such as resources, economy, environment, management and other aspects. Taking into account the geological conditions of the open pits in our country, we find the occurrence of resources and reliability of technology system as decisive factors.(2)The dissertation gives a systematic analysis of mining methods and operating parameters of process, offering a qualitative evaluation of the applicable conditions in different mining methods, and reasonable value range of work lines for surface miner- truck mining technology.(3)The dissertation set up an optimization model of surface miner selection based on multi-objective decision and fuzzy mathematics. It defined the basic concept of following time, a key parameter for truck to surface miner matching. The calculation method of match type of the technology with trucks is given by application of system efficiency. The actual capacity of front loader has a linear relationship with the layer’s thickness mined by surface miner.(4)The dissertation established the calculation model of coal loss and gangue entraining, on condition that the fixed type of surface miner is working. It gave a formula of refuse rate and the calorific value of gross coal. The formula showed that there was a negative correlation between the effect of mining and the rock parting’s layer number and thickness. A principle to determine the thickness of mining and dressing is set up based on the analysis of the influencing factors of mining thickness.(5)The dissertation analyzed the surface mine’s failure mode based on its own features, studied the reliability of surface miner and it’s process based on repairable series system model. It analyzed the multi-layer, hardness and in cold regions’adaptable with coal and parting.


