

Research on the Service Quality Evaluation and the Integrated Development of Domestic Travel Agency

【作者】 许丽君

【导师】 江可申;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在现代旅游业中,旅行社与旅游饭店、旅游交通部门一起构成了旅游接待的三大支柱产业。旅行社作为为旅游者的旅行活动提供吃、住、行、游、购、娱等服务的企业,发挥了承上启下的联结作用。它通过自身的经营活动,将旅游产业链条的各个部分有机地结合起来,因此处于旅游产业的核心地位。随着旅游行业对外开放进程的发展,美国运通等国际知名旅游集团进驻中国,分切国内旅游市场。它们信息灵敏、反应迅速、管理有方、经济实力强大。因此,为国内旅行社业在发展中出现的服务质量问题提供理论指导、为提升国内旅行社业的服务质量提供理论依据,以增强国内旅行社业的国际竞争力的研究任务已非常迫切。但是,由于国外旅行社业的分工体系和运作模式与国内旅行社存在很大差异,因此,国外的理论研究不能直接对国内旅行社业的发展起到指导和借鉴作用,而目前国内针对旅行社服务质量尚未形成系统研究。在此背景之下,本文拟对国内旅行社的服务质量进行系统评价,并提出旅行社集成化发展思路。主要研究内容如下:首先阐述了国内外相关领域的研究现状和论文研究的理论基础、界定了研究对象的概念、分析了旅行社经营活动的特征。接着在分析旅行社服务质量现状基础之上,对国内旅行社产品质量及导游服务质量进行模糊综合评价。基于旅行社服务的无形性、抽象性和边缘模糊性特征,本文将旅行社服务质量的评价划分为两个具体的部分,一是从功能质量和技术质量二维角度对旅行社产品质量进行模糊综合评价,二是从合同服务质量和感知服务质量二维角度对导游服务质量进行模糊综合评价。然后系统分析了影响旅行社服务质量的因素,即可控因素、半可控因素和不可控因素。可控与半可控因素是本文研究的出发点,而与旅行社服务质量弱关联的不可控因素被基本忽略。最后,论证了旅行社服务质量提升的根本在于其集成化能力的高低,其服务质量管理的核心在于旅行社的集成化发展能力。从导游服务质量管理、导游违规行为的激励机制、旅行社供应商、旅行社线路产品的开发和旅行社集成化发展模式等方面出发,研究国内旅行社服务质量与集成化发展问题。本文的创新点主要包括以下几个方面:(1)从供应链管理的角度研究旅行社服务质量问题。通过分析旅行社经营活动中存在的旅游供应链,指出旅行社本身并不占有资源,只是通过把各种资源加以配置而形成旅行社的组合产品,达到满足旅游消费者目的。旅行社服务质量管理的核心在于对这条供应链的管理能力,即旅行社的集成化发展能力。(2)在旅游学科中应用供应链理论、分享理论、委托-代理理论。在旅游管理学科研究中引入供应链理论、分享理论和委托-代理理论。利用收益分享理论研究导游激励机制的设计问题,有效解决了导游的违规行为;利用委托-代理理论对旅行社业集成化发展模式进行研究,构建了基于委托-代理关系的旅行社集成化发展模式,以解决旅游业发展中的瓶颈问题。(3)对当前旅游学科的应用研究进行了补充与创新。对于服务质量的评价,目前的评价方法大多是以感知指标为基础进行评价的。但是导游服务工作又属于商业行为的范畴,按照科技部的评价指导思想,商业项目主要按照合同评价,以合同的履约率作为评价核心。因此,本文在对导游服务质量进行评价时,构建了基于合同服务质量和感知服务质量的双层模糊综合评价模型。这种评价方法可以对合同服务质量和感知服务质量分别独立评价,也可以进行综合评价,是一种模块式的集成评价方法,而这恰好是目前导游服务质量评价中所没有的。对于导游违规问题的研究,国内大部分学者更加关注对违规现象的概括和对违规行为的制约。本文系统分析了旅行社服务质量的影响因素,从诱因与结果存在不同强度的关联性出发,指出了旅游系统的内部特征、导游的监管体系以及信息不对称带来的机会主义行为是造成导游发生违规行为的主要原因,提出了解决违规问题的激励机制设计问题,建立了问题的线性规划模型,最后给出了最优激励机制。对旅游产业“公对公“模式进行探索,研究了这种模式的可实施机制与激励机制,可以为政府提供规制和管理旅行社业发展的策略与思路。(4)提出和重新界定了旅行社产品,系统性因素,信息性因素,管理性因素、导游情绪曲线、收益分享和服务质量集成化发展等概念,丰富了旅游学科的概念体系。

【Abstract】 Travel agency, together with tourist hotel and transportation, are the three important branches in the modern sense of the tourism industry. As a service enterprise which provides tourists with food and beverage, accommodation, journey, travel, purchasing and entertainment, the travel agency connects all parts of the tourism chain by its running activities. It plays a very important role in connecting link between the preceding and the following.With the development of the tourism, lots of international enterprises , such as American Express, spread their business in China. All of them are sensitive to information, rapid response, good at management and with economic strength. Thus, it becomes an urgency that providing a theoretical guidance and boosting up the service quality of the domestic travel agencies.There are great differences between Chinese travel agencies and international ones in division system and operating pattern, however, so the overseas theories can not be used in domestic travel agencies’running activities directly. And the domestic study on service quality and the integrated development of travel agencies is not systematic enough at present. Under such background, the dissertation tries to evaluate the service quality and advance the integrated development of the domestic travel agencies. The main content is as follow:First, it introduces the international and domestic research achievements in the related field and the theoretical foundation of the dissertation, redefines some concepts in tourism industry and analyses the running characteristics of the travel agency.Then, based on the study of service quality of travel agency,the dissertation evaluates the tangible products of the domastic travel agency and service quality of the tour guide by using fuzzy synthetic evaluating mode.Next, it analyses systematically all the factors which can influence the service quality. And the factors are devided into three aspects:controllable, half-controllable and uncontrollable factors.In the end, the dissertation points out that the service quality of the travel agencies just lies on its integrated ability. It studys the service quality and the integrated development of the travel agency on four points: the selecting of the tourist suppliers, the management to the tour-guides and the incentice mechanism of their misconducts, the exploitation to the tangible route products, the integrated development mode of the travel agency.The innovations of the dissertation is as follow: First, it studies on the service quality of travel agency from the view of the supply chain management.Second, application of the supply chain theory, revenue sharing theory and the principal-agent theory in the tourism discipline.Third, innovation has been added to the applied research of the current tourism discipline. Finally, redifined some important concepts in tourism discipline, such as the tangible products of the travel agency, systemic factor, management factor, the emotional curve of the tour guide, revenue sharing and the integrated service quality. It greatly enriched the conceptual system of the tourism discipline.


