

Research on Lu You’s Essays

【作者】 赵永平

【导师】 王德明;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 对陆游散文的研究,是中国古代文学研究中相对比较薄弱的环节。本人将在继承前人研究成果的基础上,主要运用文本研究方法并适当借鉴诸如政治学、人格学以及心理学等一些新的学科理论方法,对陆游散文中的序文、题跋文、记体文、公牍文、碑志文、笔记文、历史散文、启文、赋体文、铭文、赞文、青词等多种文体进行全面疏理,试图在对有关文体基本把握的基础上,力所能及地探析陆游在散文中表现的思想倾向、精神状态(或创作心理),并且努力揭示其审美层面的创造和价值。陆游散文从思想上说,爱国忧民是其主色调。为恢复中原而呐喊,为统一祖国而呼号,激发人们的斗志,讴歌抗战的将士,痛斥投敌卖国的奸臣等内容更是遍布各类文体。当然,他的散文还有对祖国山水的热情赞美,对诗、词、书、画的精彩评说,对世事人情的强烈感慨,甚至还有对旧日恋情的美好追忆,……这些迥异于爱国忧民的内容从另一个侧面向读者呈示了陆游作为一个文人、一个长期接受中国传统文化熏陶的封建文人细腻、丰富的内心世界和真挚、炽烈的情感,闪耀着人性美的光辉。陆游散文在艺术方面也有着自己的特色。首先是抒写真实性情。陆游散文大都有具体的写作对象,有实实在在的内容,很少是悬空设想、随意出之。他把时代形象和时代感觉都写出来了,尤其是他的几乎无处不在的爱国主义,那是多么地感天动地。陆游在散文中把自己的感情真实地表达出来了,他总是如实地写出自己当时的处境、思想、心情以及与外界事物的关系。这是很不容易的。其次是文体特色。中国古代散文的特点如果可以概括为组织严密、形体短小那么我们不妨说陆游的散文创作就整体而言是有这种特点的。陆游的散文,大多是从平易近人处出发,从入情入理的具体事物出发,从某些道理出发。何况,陆游又是认真观察,反复思考,融合于心,然后下笔。他还不厌其烦地推敲修改。因而这些由心底流出的文字往往非常简短却意味深长。进一步看,陆游自己编定《渭南文集》,其文体意识是非常强烈的。当然,像公牍文等文体由于受到官方文体的束缚,显得有些死板,但陆游能够始终以积极的态度和自己的创作实践推动文体突破束缚,虽然没有韩、柳、欧、苏等人的魄力,但也显示出一定的文体创新能力。再次,陆游较擅长记叙与描写,尤其擅长刻画各种类型人物。最具有代表性的作品就是《老学庵笔记》,陆游塑造了诸如仁人志士、忠臣良将、奸党佞臣、达官贵人、商贩走卒等一系列人物形象,其神态、动作、言语等跃然纸上,又各具特色。总起来看,陆游的散文质胜于文,有真情,有真相,文字自然简洁。

【Abstract】 The research on Lu You’s essays is relatively weak link in Chinese ancient literature. On the basis of the predecessors’research, I will make a comprehensive discussion on the various styles of Lu You’s essays, such as prefaces, postscripts, narratives, documents, inscriptions, notes, history prose letters, and so on. On the basis of this, I will take a thorough inquiry into the thought tendency, mental state, or writing psychology of the Lu You’s essays and try my best to reveal its aesthetic creation and value by applying text research methods and some new theory as well as politics, personology and psychology, etc.LuYou was patriotic and sorrowed people, and so this was the most obvious characteristics of his essays. Crying out for restoring Zhongyuan and unifying the motherland, inspiring the morale of the people, eulogizing soldiers, denunciating the treacherous traitorous, all these contents proliferated various style of LuYou’s essays. Of course, except that, there was a wealth of information in the essays, such as warm praise for country landscape, wonderful sentiments on poem, ci, calligraphy, painting, the strong feeling on the world, even good recall of his old romances, etc. These contents was different from those of his loving motherland and sorrowing people, and so this revealed that as a literati, for a long time by China’s feudal traditional culture, Lu You’s exquisite and rich inner world, and sincere, warm feelings, shining brilliance of humanity.LuYou’s essays had its own characteristics in the arts.First of all, Lu You’s essays mostly had specific writing objects and demonstrated the true contents, and rarely had impending ideas, literally wrote out. He wrote Times and Times image, especially his almost the ubiquity of patriotism, that’s such a touching feeling! Lu You expressed feelings truly in his essays, he always faithfully wrote about his own circumstances, thoughts, mood and the relationship with things outside. It is very hard to do so.Secondly, Lu You’s essays had distinctive style feature.If the characteristics of ancient Chinese essays can be summarized as sophisticated organization and short form, we can as well say Lu You’s essays, on the whole, had these features. Lu You’s essays mostly started with approachable place, sensible specific things and some sense. Moreover, carefully observing, repeatedly thinking, LuYou made these materials fused in his heart and penned. He also took the trouble to modify. So these words out from the bottom of his heart were very brief but meaning. Furthermore, Lu You once districted"weinan in collection", this made clear that his stylistic consciousness was very strong. Of course, his documents appeared some formalist due to the official stylistic bondage. But LuYou could always take an active attitude, and with his own creation practice to promote stylistic breakthrough bondage. So, although LuYou had no Han, Liu, Ou, Su’s assertiveness, it also indicated that he had certain stylistic innovation ability.In the last place, LuYou was good at narration and description, particularly, good at delineating all kinds of characters. The most representative works was "lao xue an notes". LuYou shaped figures such as people with the lofty ideals, loyal ministers, good generals, treacherous court official, traitors, dignitaries, peddlers and menial servants, and so on. And that those characters’expression, actions and words stood vividly revealed on the paper, what is more, they were distinctive.Total up, LuYou’s essays had genuine feelings, the truth, and remained more natural and concise.


