

Studies on the Ecology of Massicus Raddei (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and Its Biological Control

【作者】 唐艳龙

【导师】 杨忠岐;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林保护学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 栗山天牛(Massicus raddei (Blessig))是近年来在我国东北林区爆发成灾的重大蛀干害虫。为了探索无公害技术防治栗山天牛,本研究从环境保护和生物多样性保护的理念出发,在研究清楚了栗山天牛生物学、生态学特性的基础上,着重研究了利用天敌昆虫开展生物防治技术。通过人工释放白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂(Sclerodermus pupariae Yang et Yao)防治栗山天牛幼龄幼虫,释放花绒寄甲(Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire))防治栗山天牛中老龄幼虫和蛹,为生产防治提供了一套以生物防治为主的综合治理栗山天牛新技术,达到了在不污染环境的前提下,实现有效控制栗山天牛这种重大林木害虫的防治效果。主要研究结果如下:1.栗山天牛寄主树木上的分布危害规律研究受害后表现为全部枯梢症状的植株上,栗山天牛幼虫主要分布在4m以下,蛹主要分布在1-4m;部分出现枯梢症状的植株上,栗山天牛幼虫主要分布在树干6m以下,蛹主要分布在3-6m。栗山天牛数量与树皮厚度和树干直径均呈正相关关系。产卵当年和次年6月前栗山天牛幼虫主要分布在韧皮部,6月开始有天牛蛀入木质部,7-8月为蛀入木质部的高峰期,9月绝大多数蛀入木质部。影响栗山天牛发生的3个关键环境因子是林地坡位、栎树胸径和主林层郁闭度。2.栗山天牛成虫的行为学研究栗山天牛成虫吸食从栎树树皮受伤处溢出的汁液补充营养。成虫完成一次完整的交配通常需经过4个阶段,即:寻找、识别、追逐——攀附、抚慰、试探性插入——交尾——交尾结束、离开。雌虫产卵于寄主树皮裂缝中。栗山天牛成虫取食的高峰期在晚上18:00至20:00,交配高峰期为17:00至22:00,产卵和爬行的高峰期均为19:00至22:00,飞翔的高峰期为19:00至21:00。3.利用白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂防治栗山天牛幼龄幼虫研究室内白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂对栗山天牛幼龄幼虫的寄生率随着放蜂数量的增加而增加,寄生率最高能达到60%。产卵当年和次年的6-7月为白蜡肿腿蜂防治栗山天牛的最佳时期。白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂野外种群的过冷却点平均为-26.2℃,绝大多数年份能安全越冬。研究还发现白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂有较强的学习能力。4.利用花绒寄甲防治栗山天牛中老龄幼虫和蛹室内花绒寄甲对栗山天牛老龄幼虫的寄生率最高接近80%,野外可达到30%。成虫羽化前一年的下半年和当年的上半年是应用花绒寄甲防治栗山天牛的最佳时期。花绒寄甲成虫与栗山天牛幼虫均呈聚集性分布,而且分布规律比较相似,有较强的寄主跟随现象。5.系统调查了栗山天牛的天敌昆虫经调查发现栗山天牛幼虫期有栗山天牛跳小蜂(Zaommoencyrtus raddeii Yang)(膜翅目:跳小蜂科)寄生;发现2种茧蜂(Doryctes raddeii Yang sp.nov.)和(Iphiaulax massicusi Yang sp.nov.)寄生幼龄幼虫,1种寄生四点象天牛幼虫的茧蜂(Rhoptrocentrus quercusi Yang sp.nov.),均为新种;还发现3种捕食性天敌昆虫,初步鉴定为2种郭公虫和1种叩甲。6.研究了白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂和花绒寄甲在林间的过渡寄主受栗山天牛危害的栎树林间存在有数量较多的双簇天牛和四点象天牛幼虫,而且世代发育不整齐,在东北每年的5-9月都有大量处于各个时期的天牛幼虫存在。白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂能够攻击并寄生这2种天牛幼虫,产生的后代个体较大,寿命较长。花绒寄甲对四点象天牛幼虫和蛹的寄生率分别为26.67%和43.33%,对双簇天牛幼虫和蛹的寄生率分别为20%和6.67%。表明四点象天牛和双簇天牛是这2种天敌的过渡寄主。

【Abstract】 The oak longhorn beetle, Massicus raddei (Blessig) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is an important insect pest outbreak recently in the northeast of China. To explore the non-pubic hazard way to control this pest, we studied the integrated management techniques of M. raddei mainly by biological control. The distribution pattern of M. raddei, the behaviors and the activity rhythm of adults were studied by observation in the field and tested in lab. And studies also were conducted by using a new parasitoid Sclerodermus pupariae Yang et Yao to control the young larvae of the pest, and using another parasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire) to control the old larvae and pupa. In addition, other parasitoids of the longhorn beetle larvae were investigated in field at its difference stages. Finally, a systematic strategy for controlling the M. raddei which mainly depending on biocontrol was constructed.1. The distribution pattern of M. raddei was studied. The larvae mainly lived in oak trunk below 4m and the pupae were 1-4m whose trunk was dried partly, while the larvae mainly distributed below 6m and the pupae were on the 3-7m trunk whose crowns dried. The relationship between the number of larvae and thickness of bark was positive correlation, also between the amount of longhorn beetles and trunk diameter. In the year after the eggs hatched and before June of next year, the larvae located in phloem, and larvae begun to bore in xylem in June, the peak periods of larvae bored to xylem were July and August, most of them entered into xylem in September. The key description factors were slope position, DBH and crown density which affected the infestation degree of M. raddei.2. The behavior and the activity rhythm of adults were studied. The M. raddei adult feed with juice excreted from the oak bark wound. A whole mating behavior of adult included six stages, including finding, recognizing and chasing-climbing, consoling and tentative inserting-inserting and insemination-inserting and protecting after insemination-inserting intermission-protecting after mating and leaving. The M. raddei female laid eggs in the bark crack. The peak period of feeding, mating, ovipositing, creeping and flying behaviors of M. raddei adult were 18:00-20:00, 17:00-22:00, 19:00-22:00, 19:00-22:00 and 19:00- 21:00 respectively.3. Using a parasitoid Sclerodermus pupariae Yang et Yao to control the young larvae of the pest was studied. Parasitism rates of S. pupariae to M. raddei young larvae increased with the increase of parasitoid density, and the maximum could be up to 60% in the lab. And the periods to control M. raddei larvae using S. pupariae were in the year after the eggs hatched and before August of next year. The super-cooling point of the field parasitoid was -26.2℃, so it could be over-wintered in most years in the northeast of China. In addition, the female wasps have excellent learning ability.4. Using another parasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire) to control the old larvae and pupa was studied. Parasitism rates of D. helophoroides to M. raddei old larvae could reach 80% in lab and 30% in the field. And the best time to control M. raddei larvae using D. helophoroides was form the past second half year and the first half year of the adult. The distribution pattern of M. raddei larvae and D. helophoroides adults were aggregation, and the parasitoid followed the host obviously.5. Other parasitoids of the longhorn beetle were investigated. Zaommoencyrtus myopsi Yang was a new species described which parasitized M. raddei larvae. Two new species of braconid Doryctes raddeii Yang sp.nov. and Iphiaulax massicusi Yang sp.nov were also found to attack the longhorn beetle larvae. In addition, three predatory enemies were found in field, one was click beetle, other two were checked beetles.6. Alternate hosts of S. pupariae and D. helophoroides in oaks forest were studied. The results showed that there were many other longhorn beetles in oaks forest, such as Moechotypa diphysis, Mesosa myops, etc. And the life histories of these longhorn beetles were not tidiness. So there were many larvae in May to September. After that, both of two parasitoids could parasitize this longhorn beetle larvae. M. diphysis or M. myops would be the excellent alternate hosts of these two parasitoids in oak forest.


