

The Collection and Research of Warring States Script Unearthed in HeNan Province

【作者】 劉秋瑞

【导师】 黄德宽;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 自20世紀初中国开始有了以发掘为基礎的近代考古以来,特别是新中国建立以来,在考古发掘中,河南地区出土的戰国文字材料数量多、品类齊全。系统梳理這些材料,封研究河南地區的历史文化有重要的学術价值。本文盡可能全面搜集這些文字材料,並對這些材料做了綜合分析研究。論文分爲上、下雨编。上编按戰國文字分域研究的五系說進行分系封論,共六章。分别封河南地匾出土的晉系、楚系、秦系、齊系、燕系文字從銘文内容、器物形制、涉及的歷史文化信息等方面作綜合研究。緒論部分主要描述了今河南地區在戰國峙期的状熊,介绍了河南地匾戟國文字的研究现狀,闡明選题的意羲和研究價值。在晉系文字研究中,本文封河南地區出土的韓、趟、魏、中山、束西周的铜器、兵器、货幣、璽印、陶器、漆器、玉器文字选行辑錄整理的同畴,又封每件器物盡可能做了祥细的考證。其中,封八年赐城令戈的年代、商水扶蘇城出土的“夫疋=司工”陶文的國別做了明確的界定。封在河南省文物考古研究所新鄭工作站見到的一批戟國陶文新材料也做了相關考释。在楚系文字研究中,本文封河南地匾出土的楚國的铜器、兵器、石器、货幣、璽印文字做了全面研究。通過对器物的形制、铭文字體、内容各方面的研究,判定“郑(?)戈”、“子孔戈”的國別都應屬楚。另外,本文封河南地區出土的曾、吴、越、蔡、許、宋等國的銅器文字也進行了討输研究。在秦系文字研究中,重点研究了河南地區出土的秦系铜器、兵器、货幣、璽印文字的状沉。在齊系、燕系文字研究中,則分别分析了河南地匾出土的齊系、燕系的铜器、货幣、璽印文字。最後一章描述了河南行政匾劃範圍内各匾系戰國文字的分怖及呈现的狀熊,進一步探討了這種分怖與戟國時期的雁史沿革燮遷之同的關保,即河南出土的戰國文字材料的雁史文化價值;總结了河南地區出土的戰國晋系和楚系文字的特點。除了封上述河南地區出土的戟國各系文字進行分析外,在输文的附錄中,選编排了河南出上戟國有銘銅禮、兵器銘文的分國目錄,便於了解戰國時期各系文字在河南地匾的分怖。下编是河南地區出土的戰國文字的图版及器物的國别、形制、著錄、出土地等相关情况。

【Abstract】 Since the early 20th-century,the current archeology founded on excavation arose in China. Especially since the founding of PRC. There are wealth of warring-states characters materials discovered in Henan province, which have import academic value to the study of history and culture. The paper try to collect the material as well as possible in order to analyse them comprehensively.The paper consists of two parts. The first part, which consists of six sub-parts, is about the comprehensive analysis of the Jin, Chu, Qin, Qi, Yan-system wordage unearthed in Henan.In the first sub-parts, We described the situation of Henan during the warring states period, make a summary of the research on the warring-states characters materials.In the research of Jin-system wordage, we systemize the inscriptions on the bronzes, weapons, currency, seals, potteries, lacquerwork, jadeware of Han, Zhao, Wei, Zhongshan countries unearthed in Henan. And make the definition of time to banianyangchengling-weapon and the country of the fuxusigong potteries found in Shangshui. Then make some explorations about the new materials found in Xinzheng.In the research of Chu-system wordage, we make the comprehensive analysis of the warring-states characters materials. Define the country of fu(?) and zikong weapons. In addition, we make the discussion of the materials of Zeng, Wu, Yue, Cai, Xu and Song.In the research of Qin-system wordage, we make the primary study of the inscriptions on the bronzes, weapons, currency, seals.In the research of Qi and Yan-system wordage, we discuss the inscriptions on the bronzes, currency, seals in Qi and Yan-system respectively.In the last sub-part, we describe the state of the warring-states characters unearthed in Henan, make the deep discussion between this state and the historical vicissitude of the Warring States. And then summarize the characteristic of Jin and Chu-system wordage unearthed in Henan.In addition to the research showed above, we complied the catalogue of the distribution of the inscriptions on the bronzes, weapons, in order to understand the distribution of the Warring-States Characters in Henan.The second part is the picture, the state, the appearance, the record and the land of the Warring-States Characters unearthed in Henan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】H121
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】665

