

An Comprehensive Study on Tautology in Modern Chinese

【作者】 曾海清

【导师】 曹德和;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文立足汉语语言事实,运用结构主义语言学理论、三个平面语法理论、认知语法理论,结合修辞学、逻辑学理论等,对现代汉语同语式进行了多视角、全方位的考察和分析,对现代汉语同语式的句法、语义和语用功能作了较详尽的论述,还拿现代汉语同语式与反复辞格、复叠辞格作了比较。本文力求做到“三个充分”——观察充分、描写充分、解释充分。第一章绪论,着重介绍同语式的定义、构成和分类情况,综述现代汉语同语式的研究概况,指出本文的语料来源、研究方法和写作结构安排,明确本文所涉及的一些概念或符号所表示的意义。第二章在总结分析前人对现代汉语同语式所下定义的基础上,给出了自己的定义。将现代汉语同语式分为典型的同语式(主宾同词的同语式)、扩展的同语式(主宾中心语相同但带有定语的同语式)和其他同语式三类。典型的同语式包括“是”字同语式,准系词“像、成、为、做”等的同语式,“归”字同语式。扩展的同语式可以分为:(1)“X是AX”格式;(2)“AX是x”格式;(3)“AX是BX”格式;(4)“AX是AX”格式。其他同语式种类繁多,重点分析了3种特殊的同语式:①“不是N的N”;②没(有)N的N;③“A得不能再A”。第三章着重分析“是”字同语式的语义、句法和语用功能。先将“是”字同语式分为单项、双项、多项同语式。接着分别分析了名词性、动词性、形容词性单项同语式“X是X”所表达的意义,单项“是”字同语式的句法和语用功能。双项同语式“X是X,Y是Y”语义类型:①区别型,②列举型,分析了双项同语式的句法和语用功能、篇章语法功能。多项“是”字同语式一般只有三项式和四项式,其语义类型分为列举型和区别型。能够进入“Xadv是X”中的副词可以是否定副词“不”、肯定副词、范围副词、时间副词、频率副词、语气副词、程度副词、关联副词。“是”字前副词的连用分为同类连用和异类连用两种,同类连用的以评注性副词和范围副词居多。第四章着重分析“归”字同语式的语义、句法和语用功能。“归”字同语式可分为单项式、双项式、多项式。能够进入“归”字同语式的体词性成分是受限制的,即都必须具有一定的主观性意义。单项同语式“X归X”中的X多由谓词性词语及短语充当,而X为动词和动词性短语的例子占绝对优势,形容词中只有典型的性质形容词才能进入。接着分析了体词性单项同语式“X归X”和“X是X”能否替换的条件,谓词性单项同语式“X归X”充当句子成分的情况,动词性和形容词性单项同语式的语用意义。单项同语式“X归X”在句子中都是表示未知信息,具有高信息量。单项同语式往往通过词汇(重复、同义)手段、语义手段与上文衔接。还分析了单项同语式“X归X”的篇章语法功能。能够进入双项式“X归X,Y归Y”的词都是实词。进入双项同语式的体词性成分是受限制的,体词性双项同语式只表示一种意义关系——区别关系。分析了体词性双项同语式“X归X,Y归Y”与“X是X,Y是Y”能否替换的条件。动词性双项同语式“X归X,Y归Y”可以表示两种意义关系:并立关系和区别关系。形容词性双项同语式“X归X,Y归Y”只表示一种意义关系:并立关系。还分析了双项同语式的句法功能以及先行句S1、双项同语式“X归X,Y归Y”、后续句S:三者之间存在的几种意义关系类型。“是”字同语式和“归”字同语式的语用意义都可以依据上下文语境和言外语境按照一定的步骤进行推导。第五章着重考察了4种扩展的“是”字同语式:①“X是AX”,②“AX是X”,③“AX是AX”,④“AX是BX”。分别讨论了4种形式的意义和修辞效果。第六章着重讨论分析了3种特殊的同语式。一是分析了同语式“不是N的N”的逻辑关系,修辞效果,语义、句法和语用功能。二是分析了同语式“没有N的N”的语义、句法和语用功能。三是分析了同语式同语式“A得不能再A”的语义、句法和语用功能。第七章为结语部分。总结了本文的内容,指出了存在的不足之处。本文在前人时贤研究的基础上,对现代汉语同语式进行了全方位考察研究,试图对现代汉语同语式的语义、句法、语用功能等有个概括有力的解释说明。

【Abstract】 Based on the fact of the Chinese language, through using the structuralism linguistics theory, the three-dimensional grammar theory, the cognitive grammar theory, and combining with the theory of rhetoric and logic, the paper comprehensively studies modern Chinese tautology from many perspectives. It discusses the semantics, syntax, pragmatic functions of tautology in modern Chinese also. It studies on tautology in modern Chinese and makes comparison with repetition and duplicated words in modern Chinese. The paper is intended to make every effort to observe adequately, describe adequately and explain adequately.Chapter one mainly introduces the definition, forming and classification. It reviewes the research survey, data sources, the research methods and the writing structure. It defines their meanings of some concepts and symbols.Chapter two gives its own definition on basis of the analysis and summary of the previous definition of tautology in modern Chinese. Tautology in modern Chinese can be divided into typical tautology (which subject and object with the same words), extended tautology (which with the head of subject and object in the same words, and, with the different attribute), and other tautology. Typical tautology includes word "shi "tautology, word "gui"tautology and quasi-copula tautology of word "xiang, cheng, wei, zuo", etc. Extended tautology can be divided into "X shi AX", "AX shi X", "AX shi BX", and "AX shi AX". Other tautologies have various types. The chapter mainly analyzes three special tautologies "bushi N de N’, "mei(you) N de N", "A debunengzai A".Chapter three mainly analysis the semantics, syntax and pragmatic functions of the word "shi"tautology. Firstly, this chapter divided word "shi"tautology into single tautology, two-term tautology and many items tautology. Secondly, it analysises the semantic of single tautology "X shi X" of nominal, and the verbal’s and the adjectival’s. And this chapter analysises single word "shi"tautology’s syntax and pragmatic functions.Two-term tautology "X shi X, Y shi Y" has two semantic types, the distinctive type and the enumerative type. This chapter analysises the two-term tautology "X shi X, Y shi Y"’s syntax, pragmatic functions and the text grammatical functions.Many items word "shi"tautology only have trinomial and quadrinomial. It has two semantic types, the distinctive type and the enumerative type. Negative adverb "bu", positive adverb, scope adverb, time adverb, frequency adverb, modal adverb, degree adverb, correlative adverb can enter tautology "X adv shi X". The successive application adverb before word "shi" have similar’s and dissimilar’s. The similar’s successive application adverb main is commentary adverb and scope adverb.Chapter four mainly analysises the semantics, syntax and pragmatic functions of word "gui" tautology. Firstly, this chapter divided word "gui" tautology into single tautology, two-term tautology and many items tautology. The substantive which can enter word "gui" tautology is restricted, in other words, the substantive should have certain subjectivity meanings. The X of single tautology "X gui X" main is predicative words and predicative phrase, and the X main is verb and verbal phrase. But only typical attributive adjectives can enter the single tautology "X gui X". Then it analyzed the condition of whether can replacement of the substantive single tautology "X gui X" with the substantive single tautology "X shi X". And analyzes the conditions acts as sentence elements of predicative single tautology "X gui X", the pragmatic sense of verbal single tautology "X gui X" and adjectival single tautology "X gui X". Every single tautology "X gui X" expressed unknown information in the sentence, and it has large information volume. It is usually cohesion context through words (duplicate, synonym) means and semantic means. It also analyzes the single tautology "X gui X’"s textual grammar functions.The words which can enter two-term tautology "X gui X, Y gui Y" all is full, the substantive which can enter it is restricted. The substantive two-term tautology "X gui X, Y gui Y" only can indicate one semantic type, the distinctive type. Then this chapter analysises the condition of whether can replacement of the substantive two-term tautology "X gui X, Y gui Y" with the substantive two-term tautology "X shi X, Y shi Y". The verbal two-term tautology "X gui X, Y gui Y" can indicate two-semantic types, the distinctive type and the enumerative type. The adjectival two-term tautology "X gui X, Y gui Y" only can indicates one semantic types, the enumerative type. This chapter not only analysises the grammar functions of the two-term tautology "X gui X, Y gui Y", but also analysises the sense types among S,, the two-term tautology "X gui X, Y gui Y", and S2. Chapter five mainly studies four extended tautology,"X shi AX", "AX shi X", "AX shi BX", and "AX shi AX". It discussed the sense effects and the rhetoric effects of four types, too.Chapter six mainly discusses three special tautologies. First, it analysises tautology "bushi N de N"’s logic relations, rhetoric effects, semantics, syntax and pragmatic function. Second, it analysises tautology "mei(you) N de N"s semantics, syntax and pragmatic function. Finally, it analysises tautology "A debunengzai A"’s semantics, syntax and pragmatic function.Chapter seven is epilogue. It sums up the main contents, and point out the insufficient place of this dissertation.Based on the previous and tokikata researches, this paper comprehensively studied modern Chinese tautology. This paper tries explanatory and summary the semantics, syntax, pragmatic functions of tautology in modern Chinese powerfully.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

