

Study of Analysis and Control for Complex Behaviours in Power Electronic Circuits

【作者】 江伟

【导师】 陈军宁; 周宇飞;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 电路与系统, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 自然界中一切实际存在的系统都是非线性系统,线性化处理只是为了分析方便而进行近似的结果。非线性科学是一门综合性学科,非线性科学理论可以对各具体学科的非线性研究提供指导作用。同时,各学科领域非线性问题的研究成果又将丰富非线性科学的内容。在非线性系统中,混沌现象是一种普遍存在的现象,混沌理论作为非线性科学的重要成就,在自然科学和社会科学的各个领域,都得到广泛的应用。因此,研究非线性动力学系统的混沌现象具有十分重要的理论意义和实际的应用价值。电力电子电路属于强的非线性电路与系统范畴,它是非线性科学研究的一个典型方向,具有十分复杂的动力学特性,其中涉及非常丰富的非线性现象,如分叉、混沌、间歇等,这使得电力电子电路的工作稳定性受到了巨大的挑战。通过对电力电子电路中的复杂行为进行研究,可以揭示该电路的非线性本质,提高该电路的稳定性能,提供这一类电路可靠性设计的理论保障,为电力电子电路制造企业提供电路设计指导,满足国民经济各领域对高稳定性能电力电子电路的需求。同时,电力电子电路中的复杂行为研究成果将为其它类型的复杂系统建模、分析、混沌控制与应用等研究提供范例和借鉴。该研究可以完善电力电子学的理论,促进电力电子学科的发展。本文对电力电子电路中的复杂行为及其控制进行研究,具体工作内容包括:(1)论述了本课题研究的目的和意义,综述了国内外对电力电子电路中复杂行为的研究成果,对本文的结构进行了安排;(2)分析了一般的混沌动力学系统,从混沌的发展史,混沌的特征,通向混沌的道路等方面阐述了非线性系统中相关的混沌理论。研究了典型的连续动力学混沌系统和典型的离散动力学混沌系统,并进行具体分析,为电力电子电路中的复杂行为研究提供理论基础;(3)研究了开关功率变换器复杂行为的分析方法,其中包括数值仿真研究方法、理论分析研究方法、电路实验研究方法。以电压控制模式的Buck变换器为例,证明这三种方法对研究开关功率变换器复杂行为的可行性和准确性;(4)提出了开关功率变换器中基于逻辑变量化简的建模方法,运用该建模方法对工作在CCM和DCM状态下的电流模式控制的Boost变换器进行建模,对该模型进行数值仿真,发现其存在的复杂动力学行为,并对该行为进行理论分析,得到与数值仿真相一致的理论分析结果;(5)对H桥拓扑结构逆变器中的复杂行为进行研究,当该电路分别工作在DC/DC直流斩波或DC/AC逆变状态下,发现其中存在丰富的复杂动力学行为,提出参数共振微扰和TDFC的混沌控制方法,抑制复杂行为的产生,提高H桥拓扑结构逆变器的工作稳定性,为该电路的设计提供理论指导;(6)首次发现当外界噪声干扰达到一定强度,电流模式控制的Boost变换器工作在混沌带中的周期窗口时,系统会发生阵发混沌的物理现象。从数值仿真的角度分析了噪声强度与诱导阵发混沌的关系,以及产生阵发混沌噪声强度阈值与各电路参数的关系,并从理论上多角度对该物理现象的工作机理进行了解释和论证。最后,通过数值仿真和理论分析的一致性表明该研究方法的正确性。

【Abstract】 All system is nonlinear system in nature and linearization is only an approximation in order to facilitate analysis. Nonlinear science is a comprehensive discipline and it can guide the nonlinear research of specific discipline. Meanwhile, the nonlinear research in all fields will enrich the content of nonlinear science theory. In nonlinear systems, chaos is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Chaos theory is the important result in nonlinear science. It has been widely used in various fields of natural sciences and social sciences. Therefore, the study of chaos in nonlinear dynamical system has great theoretical and practical value.Power electronic circuits are strong nonlinear circuit and system. It is a typical research direction of nonlinear science with very complicated dynamical features, which involves very rich nonlinear phenomena such as bifurcation, chaos, intermittent and so on. Therefore, the working stability of power electronic circuits get a great challenge.The research of complex behaviour can reveal the nature and improve the performance of power electronic circuits.It can provide the design guidance of circuit for the manufacturers in power electronic circuits. It can satisfy the demand for power electronic circuits with high stability performance in all areas of national economy. Meanwhile, the research result of complex in power electronic circuits can provide examples and references for others type nonlinear system in the aspect of modeling, analysis, and chaos control and application. The study can improve the theory of power electronics and promote the development of power electronics. In this paper, the analysis and control for complex behaviour in power electronic circuits are studied. The concrete work is as follows:(1) It elaborates the purpose and significance of the study, reviews the result of complex behavior for power electronic circuits in domestic and international and arranges the structure of this paper.(2) It analyzes the general chaotic dynamic system and introduces nonlinear system associated with chaos theory from many aspects such as the history of chaos, chaos characteristics and route to chaos. It also lists the typical continuous dynamics chaotic system and discontinuous dynamics chaotic system and analysis the system specifically in order to provide a theoretical basis for the research of complex behaviours in power electronic circuits. (3) It studies the analysis method of complex beharvious in switching power converters, including numerical simulation method, theoretical analysis method, circuit experimental method. It can prove that three research methods of complex beharvious in switching power converter are feasibility and accuracy when voltage mode controlled Buck converter as an example.(4) It proposes a modeling and analysis method based on logical variable simplification in switching power converters. It can apply the method to build modeling when Boost converter work in CCM and DCM mode. It can find that there exists complex dynamics beharvious after numerical simulation the model.The result of numerical simulation is consistency with theoretical analyzing.(5) The complex behaviors for the topology of H bridge inverter is studied when it works in DC/DC state or DC/AC state. It can find that the inverter has ambulance complex behaviours. It also proposes methods of resonant parametric perturbation and TDFC to control complex behaviours. The study can provide theoretical guidance for the stability design of H bridge inverter.(6) Boost converter controlled by current mode can produce the physical phenomenon of intermittency chaos when the converter works in the period windows of chaos zone and external noise reaches certain intensity in the first time. It can observe the phenomenon of noise-induced intermittent chaos and it also analyzes the relationship between noise intensity and induced intermittent chaos, the relationship between the noise intensity threshold and circuit parameters in resulting intermittent chaos from the perspective of numerical simulation. The operation mechanism of the physical phenomenon has been explained and demonstrated from many aspects in theory. Finally, the consistency of numerical simulation and theoretical analysis shows that the research method is correct.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

