

The Deep Research on the Ways and Paths of the Red Resources Converting into the Teaching Education Resources

【作者】 朱小理

【导师】 胡松;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近10年来,学术界关于中国共产党成立以来革命精神与革命文化的研究,逐渐汇聚为以“红色资源”为核心的研究。对“红色资源”的研究是近10年来学界兴起的新课题。但是,对于如何将我党的革命精神和革命遗存转化为教育教学资源的研究,却是近几年才开始的。在今天我们面临新的历史条件下,如何科学合理地开发和利用红色资源,是我国社会发展中的一个重大课题。深入研究这个重大课题对于社会的进步、经济的发展、国民素质的提高等方面都具有极其重要的意义。本文主要是研究如何把红色资源中的精神特质加以发掘、凝练,并科学地融入到教育教学工作中去,探索在新的历史条件下,对广大群众尤其是青少年进行理想信念、革命传统和爱国主义教育的方式和路径。概念是逻辑思考的起点。近10年来,学术界就什么是“红色资源”?对“红色资源”的定位与科学内涵进行了卓有成效的研究。但对“红色资源”的定位与科学内涵并没有形成统一的认识。本文从“红色资源”概念的界定入手,在对已有研究成果分析的基础上,提出对“红色资源”的再认识。认为“红色资源”的概念应界定为:红色资源是指中国共产党领导我国人民在新民主主义革命到社会主义建设时期创造的,并可以为我们今天所开发利用,且必须经过转化才能够彰显出其当代价值的革命精神及其载体的总和。这个概念明确了以下几点:一是从“红色资源”的创造主体来说,它肯定了“红色资源”是由“中国人民”(在中国共产党的领导下)创造的。二是从“红色资源”的内涵主体来说,它指出了“红色资源”是中国人民在中国共产党领导下,所形成的伟大精神及其物质载体。其中中国共产党的领导是前提、是保证。三是从“红色资源”的核心词来说,它强调了“资源”的这一核心词的地位。四是从“转化”在红色资源中的核心作用来说,它突出了“红色资源”要得到良好的利用,取得良好的效果,就必须通过一定方式方法加以转化。究竟什么是教育教学资源?教育教学资源的含义及其现状如何?这是我们研究红色资源转化为教育教学资源方式与路径首先要解决的基础性问题。对什么是教育教学资源?学术界目前还有着很多的争议,但是,当前我国教育教学资源领域依然存在着一些问题。一是地区开发配置不均;二是源头有效供给不足;三是质量水平参差不齐;四是浪费现象较为严重。多数学者认为:红色资源是优质的教育教学资源。红色资源为什么必须要转化?红色资源为什么只有经过转化后才能成为优质的教育教学资源?究其原因,一方面源于红色资源自身的特点,另一方面在于其面对的广大受众与社会环境发生了变化。红色资源转化为教育教学资源的方式,总的来说,不外乎直接转化和间接转化两种,它们都有着各自的利弊,在现实操作中,要有所取舍,要根据实际情况扬长避短。红色资源转化为教育教学资源是一项创新性工作,在转化中要始终坚持党的领导,保证转化的正确方向;要树立科学的资源观,增强转化的思想认识;要加强体制机制建设,推动转化工作常态化;要落实“以人为本”,维护广大群众的利益。在当今新的历史条件下,必须要在加强党的领导保证红色资源转化沿着正确的方向发展的前提下,要从制度上、方式上、方法上等方面来探讨红色资源转化为教育教学资源的路径。本文具体提出了六条红色资源转化为教育资源的路径:一是建立公祭制度、二是实行群体感化、三是开发红色网络、四是发展红色旅游、五是举办红歌会、六是改编“红色经典”。提出了四条红色资源转化为教学资源的路径,一是营造红色教学环境、二是建设红色教学基地、三是编纂红色教材、四是开发红色课件。由于红色资源在中国社会的特殊性,虽然到目前为止它还是一门新兴的社会科学学科,理论发展仍处于起步阶段,但是我坚信:随着社会的不断发展,中国共产党执政地位的不断巩固,红色资源的研究必然会拥有更广阔的空间,而立志于此项研究的学者们,必然大有作为。

【Abstract】 The past 10 years has witnessed in the academic circles researches gradually focused on "Red Resource" concerning revolutionary spirits and revolutionary culture ever since the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Researches are even more recent on how to transform revolutionary spirits and revolutionary heritages of our Party into educational and teaching resource. In the new historical situations, how to scientifically and reasonably develop and utilize "Red Resource" becomes a major subject for the social development. In-depth study of this subject is of great significance to social progress, economic development, and citizenship improvement.This dissertation mainly studies ways to discover, condense and integrate specialty of the spirits of the "Red resource" into education and teaching, and on such basis, explores ways under the new historical conditions to educate the mass population, the youth in particular, with ambitions and beliefs, revolutionary tradition, and patriotism.What on earth is the educational and teaching resource? What is its significance and what is its present situation like? These fundamental problems need to be solved in studying the transformation of "Red Resource" into educational resource. There has been heated debate in the academic circles on what educational resource is. At the moment in educational resource are presented such shortages as imbalance in regional development and distribution, lack of effective supply, uneven level of quality, and big waste. The majority of educators believe that the "Red Resource" is quality resource for education.Why does the "Red Resource" need to be changed? Why only through transformation will it become the quality teaching resource? The reasons lie in the features of the "red resource" itself and the great changes having taken place in the mass audience it serves and the social setting it exists in.Generally the two ways of transforming "Red Resource" into educational resource are direct and indirect. Either of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is essential to exploit the favorable conditions and avoid those unfavorable in specific work situationsConceptualization is the starting point for logic thinking. The past decade has seen effective researches conducted on what "Red Resource" is and what the scientific connotation of "Red Resource" is in the academic circles. Pitifully no consensus has been reached.This dissertation begins with defining "Red Resource", proceeds to re-understand "Red Resource" on the basis of previous studies, and proposes "Red Resource" be defined as:the collective sum of the revolutionary spirits and their carriers, which were created by the Chinese people starting from New Democratic Revolution till Socialist Construction under the leadership of the CPC, and which still can be developed and utilized today and through transformation can demonstrate the contemporary values. This definition clarifies the following points:Firstly, from the perspective of creators for "Red Resource", it affirms that it is the Chinese people (under the leader of the CPC) who have created the "Red Resource";Secondly, from the perspective of the connotation of "Red Resource", it points out that "Red Resource" is the great spiritual and material carriers created by Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC, among which CPC makes the premise and the guarantee;Thirdly, from the perspective of the key word "Red Resource", it reiterates the status of the word "Resource"And fourthly, from the perspective of the central role played by "transformation" in "Red Resource", it highlights that "Red Resource" has to be transformed in some way if it is fully utilized thus to produce good effects. As to ways to transform "Red Resource" into educational and teaching resource, they are supposed to be explored in terms of systems, modes and methods under the new historical situation, with strengthening the leadership of the Party being the premise, thus to guarantee that "Red Resource" will develop in the correct orientation. For such consideration, this dissertation proposes six ways:First, to establish the system for public memorial; second, to carry out education and reformation for the collective; third, to develop a "red" network; fourth, to develop "red" tourism; fifth, to perform "Red-Song" Concerts; sixth, to edit the "Red Classics".and four paths of teaching resources, First,create the red teaching environment;second,create the Red teaching base, third, compiling the Red teaching materials, fourth,development of red coursewares. It is creative work transforming "Red Resource" into teaching resource, in which the leadership of the CPC must be upheld to ensure the correct direction of transformation; scientific concept of resource must be set up to enhance understanding of transformation; construction of system and mechanism must be reinforced to promote the normalization of transformation; and "people-oriented" principles must be implemented to protect the interests for the people.Considering the "Red Resource" is China-particular, it is still a new social science discipline with its theory still at the starting stage. Nevertheless, I strongly believe:with the continuous development of society and the increasing consolidation of the ruling party status of the CPC, study of "Red Resource" will surely present a vast world and a promising future for those committed researchers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

