

Research on Pulsed Laser Induced Single Event Effects

【作者】 马英起

【导师】 韩建伟; 黄建国;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(空间科学与应用研究中心) , 空间物理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 脉冲激光被证实能够有效地获得测试器件及电路内部单粒子效应的空间和时间信息,是器件和电路系统抗单粒子效应加固设计及验证的重要手段,系统开展其试验研究对单粒子效应研究及航天工程的发展具有深远意义。对单粒子效应研究背景及脉冲激光试验研究概况进行了分析,利用国内首台自主研制的脉冲激光装置开展了系列试验研究。对现有脉冲激光模拟单粒子效应机理进行了完善,分析了影响脉冲激光试验定量表述的各个影响因素,与重离子模拟单粒子效应对比,建立了更普适的定量评价方法。基于系列试验和测试设备的研发,进行了单粒子效应器件预处理、阈值测定及敏感区域定位、截面测试等脉冲激光试验方法的研究。以单粒子瞬态脉冲(SET)试验测试为例,总结形成了基本的脉冲激光单粒子效应试验流程。试验分析了不同结构功能的典型器件与电路单粒子效应的主要特点,验证了脉冲激光试验方法的覆盖性及统一性,重点试验研究了光电器件、模拟电路及电源模块的SET效应。针对模拟电路的SET效应进行了晶体管级电路仿真,并建立了基础的器件仿真基础及验证方法。设计了瞬态脉冲加固电路并通过故障注入进行了验证。同时归纳了脉冲激光试验结果中的瞬态脉冲特征规律,据此设计了新型的单粒子效应探测技术。最后总结全文,展望了未来TPA试验方法及数字器件SET效应等方面的试验和研究。本论文工作的主要创新点如下:首次提出了体积能量传输(VET)的概念,对定量表征单粒子效应更具普适性和准确性;在国际上首次利用脉冲激光研究了光电器件的单粒子瞬态效应(SET)及其电路防护原理、取得了与重离子实验等效的结果;在国内率先研究了模拟电路的SET效应灵敏区三维扫描和敏感度定量测试方法与技术,获得了基本的SET特征并设计了电路系统级减缓方法;利用脉冲激光的定位优势,揭示了电源模块内部不同的敏感器件的单粒子效应及对电源输出影响的特点;在国际上首次开展了基于光耦器件SET效应的单粒子效应探测新方法研究,设计了一种能够测量一定LET值动态范围、电路实现简单、易于微小型化的探测仪。

【Abstract】 Pulsed laser Technique has been proved as an effective tool to provide both spatial and temporal information of single event effects (SEEs) in the internal device and circuit. It is essential to evaluate and mitigate the SEEs in microelectronic circuitry for space science and engineering.In this thesis, the experimental research on SEEs is performed on the Chinese first pulsed laser SEE experimental device based on independent technology. An overview of SEE research and the pulse laser simulation background are provided. The present mechanism is developed by adding comprehensive correction coefficients in the calculation of equivalent LET which affect the effective quantitative expression. And a novel universal quantitative evaluation method is proposed in terms of Volume Energy Transfer (VET). Based on the series of test device evolution, the experimental method including devices preproccess, threshold measurement,sensitive regional orientation and cross section test are completed. The basic pulse laser SEE test process is summarized on the study the single event transient (SET) test. Experiment with different structure or function analysis of typical devices and circuits are investigated, especially, for photoelectric devices, analog circuits and power supply sub-systems. The circuit simulations in the thesis focus on the analog circuit SET effects, and the preliminary device simulation verified framework and methods are performed. The designed circuit mitigation method is verified by fault injection with pulsed laser. In accordance with the pulse laser test results of the transient pulses, a novel technique for exploing the SEEs on board is proposed. Finally, we give the full summary and the related experimental research prospect.The specific innovation points as follows:During the research of pulsed laser quantitative expression process, the correction coefficients of equivalent LET were well designed by the consideration of both subject devices and pulsed laser. And the novel VET expression could make a more accurate quantitative evaluation on SEEs. We launched the first international pulse laser SEEs test of photoelectric devices and the radiation circuit hardening, and the results were similar with the heavy ions data. The regional three-dimensional localization method and the test tenique of both LET threshold and cross section were firstly established, which made an effective realization of the quantitative estimation sensitive volume. The international pulse laser SEEs test of anolog circuits and the relevant units of power supply sub-systems were tested, and the devices and circuits output raw test data showed the characteristics of the inter different sensitive devices. A novel detector based on the optocoupler for exploing the SEEs on board was proposed with active monitoring space flight testing, the circuit was much more casual and smaller which can detect certain dynamic single event effects scope.


