

Self-Driving Tourist Traffic Behavior Analysis

【作者】 张学梅

【导师】 彭其渊;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 系统工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “自驾车旅游”最早出现于上个世纪的美国,由于其自由和个性化的特点,深受人们的喜爱,从周末开车出游"Sunday drive"发展到"drive travel",成为一种全球风靡的时尚。自驾车旅游是现代旅游业进一步发展的产物,是现代旅游业从大众旅游向定制化旅游发展的产物。随着旅游市场需求逐步呈现出差异化、复杂化和个性多样化的特征,使得近几年蓬勃兴起的特种旅游(包括自驾车旅游)方兴未艾,呈快速发展之势,逐渐成为当代旅游业发展的新动力。中国的自驾车旅游的发展尚处于起步阶段,随着汽车越来越多地进入普通家庭、汽车租赁业的发展、人们的消费观念、休闲观念日趋理性和成熟,自驾车旅游规模不断扩大并成为旅游的一种时尚。自驾车旅游对经济、交通产生了重要的影响,因此,对自驾车旅游交通行为进行探讨和研究显得十分必要和迫切。论文的研究意义在于:一是运用系统科学理论和可持续发展理论从区域经济增长的内在规律出发,分析自驾车旅游交通行为、探讨自驾车旅游对旅游交通需求和服务的要求、研究自驾车旅游对区域经济的影响、确立政府对自驾车旅游交通管理的政策和措施,是我国旅游经济研究领域的一个前沿性的课题。二是自驾车旅游交通行为分析是我国交通行为分析的一个薄弱环节。三是探讨自驾车旅游对交通供求和服务的要求、确立政府对自驾车旅游交通管理的政策和措施,对促进区域经济的发展具有极其重要的现实意义和长远意义。论文从区域经济增长的内在规律出发,运用系统科学理论和可持续发展理论,研究自驾车旅游交通行为的特征;分析自驾车旅游对区域经济发展的影响;探讨自驾车旅游对旅游交通的供求和服务的要求;并对四川自驾车旅游进行分析,确立政府对自驾车旅游交通管理的政策和措施,指导四川自驾车旅游的发展。1.根据大量相关文献,对旅游交通和自驾车旅游的国内外研究现状进行了详尽的分析和阐述,在总结分析国内外旅游交通和自驾车旅游研究成果的基础上,指出自驾车旅游研究中存在的主要问题和研究的空白。2.分析了我国经济、公路交通、旅游发展的现状,归纳、总结了四川的主要旅游资源和成都的主要旅游资源及成都市的主要节事活动,丰富的旅游资源对四川发展自驾车旅游提供了前提条件。3.自驾车旅游及自驾车旅游交通行为特征研究。对自驾车旅游定义、特点、分类和组织形式进行了界定。在分析旅游交通体系和自驾车旅游交通体系的基础上,对自驾车旅游交通的出行目的及强度、出行的距离、时间消耗和时空分布、出行的方式等行为特征、自驾车旅游者的特征进行了分析,探讨了自驾车旅游交通行为的影响因素,运用自驾车旅游交通行为的Logit预测模型,对成都市自驾车旅游交通行为进行了分析。4.自驾车旅游与区域经济发展关系研究。探讨了区域经济基本理论和系统的理论,从系统的角度分析旅游系统和区域经济系统;并从可持续发展的角度出发,对区域旅游可持续发展进行了探讨,对自驾车旅游对区域经济的影响进行了分析。得出结论:由于旅游乘数效应,使得旅游收入在旅游目的地经济中流动扩散,引起旅游地经济的成倍增长,起到了扩散的效用。自驾车旅游推动产业联动发展,促进产业结构优化;自驾车旅游有利于优化旅游投资结构,引导旅游投资。虽然,自驾车旅游会带来负外部性,但是,只要克服之,就会为旅游目的地带来丰厚的经济效益。5.四川省自驾车旅游交通发展对策研究。在分析四川旅游交通现状的基础上,分析了自驾车旅游对交通供求的影响、对交通线路规划、设施布局的影响和对旅游交通管理的影响;探讨了旅游发展的新形势,即:交通发展的同城效应、低碳经济与低碳旅游、自驾车旅游交通的新发展;指出了四川自驾车旅游交通存在的问题;探讨了四川省自驾车旅游交通发展的对策。

【Abstract】 The earliest "Self-driving tour" appeared in United State last century. People liked it very much because of its freedom and personality. It became a global fashion with the development of "Sunday drive" on weekend to’drive travel". Self-driving tour is a product of the further development of modern tourism, and also a product of the development of customized tourism to mass tourism. As the appearance of travel alienation, complexity and diversity of the characteristics of personality, making special tourism booming in recent years, tourism (including self-drive tour) in the ascendant, was the rapid development momentum, becoming contemporary tourism development new impetus.China’s self-driving tour is still in the initial stage. As more and more cars get into ordinary families, the development of car rental industry, and people’s concept of consumption and leisure became more mature, self-driving tour expand its place.Self-driving tour has a great impact to economy and transportation. In this case, it is necessary and urgent to explore and study the traffic behavior.Significance of the research paper:first, using system theory and the theory of sustainable development, from internal laws of regional economic growth, we analysis the Driving behavior of self-driving tour of the tourist traffic demand and service requirements of self-driving tour impacting on the regional economy to establish the government of the self-drive tourism traffic management policies and measures, and Chinese tourism economy of a cutting-edge research topics. Second, the behavior of the Driving Behavior Analysis for China traffic is a weak link. Third, self-driving tour of the transport supply and demand of service requirements, and the establishment of the Government of the self-driving tour of traffic management policies and measures to promote regional economic development have extremely important practical significance and long-term significance. By using system theory and the theory of sustainable development, The article analysis the Driving Behavior characteristics of self-driving tour from the regional economic growth in the internal laws. It discussed self-driving tour’s impact to regional development, and also did some research to Sichuan self-driving tour to establish the government policies and traffic management measures to guide our self-drive tourism.1. According to a lot of literature on tourist traffic and self-drive tourism research status for a detailed analysis and elaboration, at the conclusion of domestic and foreign tourist traffic and the self-driving tour based on the research, pointed out that self-driving tour of existing key issues and research gaps.2. Analysis of the Chinese economy, road transport, tourism development situation, draw conclusions, summarizes the main tourist resources in Sichuan and Chengdu, Chengdu, a major tourist resources and the main festival events, rich tourism resources of the province’s development provides a prerequisite for self-driving tour condition.3. Self-driving and self-drive tourism traffic behavior characteristics Self-driving tour of the definition, characteristics, classification and organization were defined. In the analysis of tourist traffic system and traffic system, the article discussed trip purpose and strength, trip distance, time consuming and space-time distribution. The mode of travel behavior characteristics and self-drive tourists were also analyzed discussed, then it established the Driving Behavior Logit prediction model. The use of a self-driving tour of the Logit prediction model of traffic behavior, We analyzed the self-driving tour traffic behavior of Chengdu.4. The relationship of self-driving tour and regional Economic Development. According to the basic theory of regional economic and system theory, the article defined the scope of the self-driving tour from a system point of view of tourism system and regional economic systems. From the perspective of sustainable development, sustainable development of regional tourism was discussed on the self-driving tour of the regional economy. Concluded:As the tourism multiplier effect, making the tourism revenue in the tourism destination in the current spread of economic causing exponential growth in tourism to the economy played a diffusion effect. Self-driving tour to promote industrial joint development of industrial structure; self-driving tour is conducive to optimizing the investment structure tourism guide tourism investment. While self-driving tour will bring negative externalities, but as long to overcome the will as a tourist destination has brought huge economic benefits.5. The self-driving traffic countermeasures of Sichuan province. Sichuan tourist traffic situation in the analysis, based on analysis of the self-driving tour of the transport supply and demand impact on the transport route planning, facility layout of the impact and the impact on the tourism traffic management; of the tourism development of the new situation, namely: transport development The city effect, low-carbon economy and low carbon travel, the Driving new development; that the Driving Sichuan problems; self-driving tour of Sichuan Province, the transport policy.

  • 【分类号】F592;F542
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2528
  • 攻读期成果

