

An Empirical Investigation on Buyer-Seller Relationships

【作者】 严兴全

【导师】 周庭锐;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文是关于在B-B背景下买方-卖方关系的实证研究。基于针对工程机械行业销售服务商和客户的一项大规模配对调查所得到的数据,我们首先实证分析了买方-卖方商业关系的类型及其特征;接着,我们以商业关系的重要效标——信任和承诺为起点,实证检验了买方和卖方对商业关系的感知如何影响他们在商业互动中的行为并最终影响商业关系的绩效;最后,我们检验了卖方的服务质量和在商业互动中的机会主义行为如何通过影响顾客信任这一重要顾客关系变量最终影响买方购买份额和未来购买意愿。根据关系营销的信任-承诺理论,我们以信任和承诺作为关系质量的两个维度,分别调查了工程机械销售服务行业的1133对买方和卖方对关系质量的知觉。调查结果表明,买卖双方对关系质量的知觉仅呈现较低程度的相关,存在着很大程度的非对称,即买卖双方对关系质量的知觉经常是不一致的。基于这一非对称,我们利用聚类分析把买方-卖方关系划分为了商业友谊、买方维护的关系、卖方维护的关系和离散交易四种类型。本研究通过对工程机械销售服务业买卖双方样本抽样调查的分析进一步发现,信任和承诺会系统地影响买卖双方在商业互动中的行为从而对商业关系的绩效带来影响。就买方样本来看,买方对卖方的信任度越高,则买方在商业关系互动中会表现出越高的合作性和灵活性,也更多地使用正式控制机制来规范双方的权利和义务;买方对维持商业关系的承诺越高,将在商业互动中更具有合作性并更少表现出自利的机会主义行为,但也更少默许卖方的单方面行为。值得注意的是,买方对卖方的信任并不能显著减少买方的机会主义行为;而买方对维持商业关系的承诺也无助于提高它在商业互动中的灵活性。从买方在商业互动中的行为对买方绩效的影响方面来看,买方的合作性、灵活性和正式控制机制使用程度越高,买方绩效越高,而买方的机会主义行为以及对卖方单方面行为的默许则不利于买方绩效的提高。就卖方样本来看,卖方对买方的信任同样可以促使卖方在商业互动中更具有灵活性和合作性,但不会对卖方的正式控制机制使用产生显著影响,也不会降低卖方在商业互动中的机会主义行为。卖方对维持商业关系的承诺同样正向影响卖方在商业关系中的灵活性和合作性,也可以显著降低卖方的机会主义行为,但对默许行为不存在显著的影响。从商业互动行为对绩效的影响来看,卖方的合作性、灵活性、对买方单方面行为的默许都对卖方绩效存在正面影响。值得注意的是,正式控制机制与卖方绩效不存在显著的相关,而机会主义行为与卖方绩效存在正相关关系。本研究还进一步比较了信任和承诺在影响买方和卖方互动行为的异同。信任如我们所预测的那样,系统性地影响了交换参与者的行为,但它对买卖双方行为的影响强度是不一致的。尤其值得注意的是,信任-正式控制替代假说并没有得到证据的支持:买方对卖方的信任提高了买方正式控制机制的使用而不是相反;而就卖方来说,信任并不会影响其正式控制机制使用;无论对于买方还是卖方,信任都不具有遏制机会主义行为的功能。然而,信任可以提高买卖双方在商业互动中的合作性和灵活性,只不过从影响的强度看来,这一影响对买方更大。买卖双方对持续交换关系的承诺同样会系统性地影响双方的行为。与信任不同,承诺显示了强有力的遏制机会主义行为的作用,这一效应无论是对于买方还是卖方都成立;承诺对买方和卖方的合作性都存在正面影响,但这一影响在卖方强度更大;承诺对卖方灵活性存在强有力的影响,而对于买方灵活性的影响并不显著。综合上面证据,我们认为:(1)作为关系治理机制,信任并不能遏制机会主义行为,但承诺具有较大作用;(2)信任-正式控制之间更多的是互补而不是替代作用;(3)相比之下,信任在买方行为中扮演更重要的角色而承诺在卖方行为中扮演更重要的角色。鉴于顾客份额和未来购买意愿越来越成为卖方关注的营销变量,本研究还进一步实证检验了买方对卖方的信任、买方感知的卖方服务质量以及买方感知的卖方在商业互动中的机会主义行为如何影响顾客份额和未来意愿。本研究发现,在控制了买方规模和买方与卖方关系持续时间的情况下,信任对顾客未来购买意愿和顾客份额都存在直接的、显著的正面影响;服务质量只对顾客未来购买意愿有显著的直接影响,但对顾客的实际购买份额没有直接效应,而是完全经过信任的中介;而顾客感知服务商机会主义行为会直接影响顾客的行为,显著降低顾客的购买份额,但并不直接降低顾客的未来购买意愿,而是经过信任的完全中介。上述证据表明,服务质量对卖方具有双重利益,即服务质量—方面可以直接提高买方的未来购买意愿,另一方面通过提高顾客信任从而提高买方的购买份额;机会主义行为对卖方则意味着双重惩罚,一方面机会主义行为降低顾客信任从而间接降低买方未来购买意愿,另一方面,机会主义行为则会直接降低买方的购买份额。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is an empirical investigation on some issues related to buyer-seller relationships in B-B service market. Based on data obtained from a dyadic sample survey to both buyer firms and seller firms in construction machinery and equipment sales and service industry, first, we investigated the types and characteristics of buyer-seller relationship. Then we treated trust and commitment--the two most important relationship perception constructs--as antecedents, and explored the effects of the two constructs on buyer and sellers’ relational behavior and the performance implications. At last, we investigated the effects of service quality and opportunistic behavior on customer trust, customer share and future intention in an integrated model.Relationship quality is one of the most important construct in business marketing practice and research. The construct is bilateral in nature but researchers often measure it in a unilateral way which may lead to biased estimates. Using dyadic data from a B-B buyer-seller sample, the authors measured relationship quality perceived by the buyers and respective sellers. The results show that asymmetry of relationship quality perception exists between buyer and seller. Based in this asymmetry, buyer-seller relationship can be classified into four type:business friendship, seller-maintained relation, buyer-maintained relation and discrete transaction. The characteristics of each type of buyer-seller relationship are also discussed.The authors examined the effect of buyers’ trust and commitment to seller on buyers’relational behavior and its performance implications to the buyers. Survey results show that buyers’ trust and commitment toward seller positively influence buyers’performance through influence buyers’relational behavior. Interestingly, contrary to our hypothesis, buyers’trust has a positive impact on their use of formal control mechanism, while buyers’commitment has a negative impact on their acquiescence toward seller’s unilateral behavior. These effects have positive impact on buyers’performance.We also investigated the effect of trust and commitment on sellers’ relational behavior and its performance implications. Empirical results indicate that both trust and commitment positively influence seller cooperation and flexibility in business relationships, but the effect of commitment is larger than that of trust. The results also show that sellers’ opportunistic behavior is less when their affective commitment is high. Another important finding is that neither trust nor commitment predicts sellers’formal control mechanism usage. And last, we find sellers’cooperation and flexibility have significant positive influence on relational performance.Based on the data form buyers and sellers sample, we also compared the similarities and differences of the effects of trust and commitment on relational behavior dimensions.We then investigated the effects of service quality and opportunistic behavior on customer trust, customer share and future intention in an integrated model. Empirical results indicate that trust has significant positive impact on both customer share and future intentions. The influence of service quality on customer future intention is direct, significant and positive, but its impact on customer share is mediated by customer trust. Opportunistic behavior has a direct, significant negative effect on customer share, but its effect on customer future intention is mediated by customer trust. Our study supports the argument that trust plays an pivotal role in marketing relationships. The results of this study also suggest that firms will be doubly rewarded from service quality improvement and doubly jeopardized by opportunistic behavior.The theoritial and managerial implications are also discussed.

  • 【分类号】F274;F426.4;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】239
  • 攻读期成果

