

An Empirical Research on Platform E-Satisfaction

【作者】 李海英

【导师】 贾志永;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 平台式网购以第三方电子商务平台为核心,拥有庞大的买家和卖家资源,促进了网商群体的产生,吸引了大量的合作机构,如银行、物流、保险、IT企业的参与。第三方网购企业、合作机构和网商群体构成了完整的开放生态系统。平台式网购已经成为带动金融信贷、IT、物流等行业新增发展机会的重要引擎,产生了巨大的经济效益和社会价值。借助电子化的信息传播渠道,平台式网购突破了传统商业活动的时空局限,极大的降低了交易成本,简化了交易流程,提高了交易效率,增加了交易机会,使购物和消费方式发生了巨大的变化,带动了经济的变革,对传统商业产生了巨大的冲击。这一新型的购物方式逐渐为广大消费者接受和使用,是目前中国电子商务的主流模式。顾客满意度和忠诚度是电子商务客户关系管理的核心内容。在平台式网购环境下,更低的进入成本和客户转换成本促使网购企业投入更多的资源来获取和挽留用户。用户是网购企业赖以生存的资源,忠诚用户更是企业的宝贵财富,而只有满意的用户才有可能成为忠实用户。因此,有必要构建理论模型来系统的解释平台式网购环境中顾客满意度的形成过程,为企业合理分配资源和集中优势力量改善客户关系和提升用户忠诚度提供指导。在平台式网购环境下,消费者既是商品和服务的购买者又是电子商务平台的使用者。论文立足于网购用户的双重身份,从多学科的视角,系统整合市场营销和信息系统的满意度研究成果,在质量-价值-满意度模型和技术接受模型的基础上构建了平台式网购顾客满意度理论模型。模型对传统服务质量和顾客价值的内容和维度进行了拓展和延伸,结合平台式网购特点,通过对现有研究成果的比较分析,将网络零售质量和购物价值确定为平台式网购消费者的服务质量和价值感知。平台式网购顾客满意度模型完整的展示了网络零售质量的各个维度、网站易用性、功能价值、享乐价值、满意度和忠诚度之间的相互关系以及交易经验的调节作用。论文采用抽样调查的研究设计,通过网络问卷调查方式面向全国的平台式网购用户收集数据,采用探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析、结构方程分析法和多组分析等多种统计分析工具对平台式网购顾客满意度理论模型的变量以及变量间的因果关系进行检验。模型检验结果印证了平台式网购环境下,顾客满意度对忠诚度显著的直接影响作用,而网站设计、履行性/安全性、客户服务、网站易用性、功能价值、享乐价值等网站属性特征和顾客感知价值是满意度的关键影响因素。交易经验对网站设计、履行性/安全性、易用性、功能价值与满意度关系,享乐价值与忠诚度关系的调节作用也得到支持。这些发现为网购企业制定客户关系改善计划和客户挽留营销策略提供了参考。实证结果支持功能价值和享乐价值对忠诚度的正向影响,网站设计、客户服务和网站易用性是网购用户的功能价值和享乐价值感知的影响因素,履行性/安全性只影响功能价值。这一发现拓展和丰富了购物价值的前因研究,为网购企业的价值定位提供了参考。论文构建并验证了平台式网购顾客满意度模型,所得结论对于网购消费者行为研究和营销实践具有参考价值和借鉴意义。但正如任何科学研究一样,受制于人力和时间因素,论文还存在局限,建议后续研究对这一课题进一步加以改进和完善。

【Abstract】 Platform online shopping is based on a third-party e-commerce platform. It owns a huge resource of buyers and sellers, promoting the generation of network groups and attracting a lot of cooperative institutions, such as banks, logistics, insurance, and IT enterprises. Third-party online retailers, cooperative organizations and network groups construct a completely open ecological system. Platform online shopping has become an important engine, which brings new opportunities of development for financial credit industry, IT services, logistics, and developing new industries, producing great economic benefits and social value. With the help of electronic information dissemination channels, platform online shopping breaks through the restrictions of space and time of traditional commercial activities, greatly reduces transaction cost, simplifies transaction processes, improves transaction efficiency, and increases trading opportunities. Great changes have taken place in shopping and consumption patterns since the introduction of platform online shopping. It drives the economic transformation and has brought great challenges to traditional commerce. This new shopping type has been accepted and used by consumers, and it is the main mode of electronic commerce in China.Customer satisfaction and loyalty is the core of electronic customer relationship management. Under the platform online shopping environment, lower entering and switching cost impel e-commerce enterprises to input more resources to obtain and keep users. Users are resources that e-commerce enterprises depend on for survival and loyal users is the precious wealth for all enterprises, but only satisfied users will be more likely to become loyal subscribers. Although platform online shopping develops fast, research on customer satisfaction in this field is rare. Therefore, it is necessary to construct theoretical model to systematically explain the development process of customer satisfaction in the environment of platform online shopping, so as to provide guidelines for enterprises to reasonably allocate resources and centralize superior strength to improve customers’ relationship and increase users’loyalty.Under the environment of online shopping, consumers are not only buyers of goods and services, but they are also users of e-commerce platform. This paper is based on the dual identities of network users. From a multidisciplinary perspective, it systematically integrates research results of marketing and information system and develops a theoretical model of customer satisfaction in platform online shopping, which is based on the quality-value-satisfaction model and the technology acceptance model. This model extends the contents of traditional service quality and customer value. Based on characteristics of platform online shopping and analysis of the results of present research, it determines eTailQ and shopping value as service quality and perceived value of platform online shopping. Customer satisfaction model of platform online shopping completely specifies the relationships among different dimensions of eTailQ, ease of use, utilitarian value, hedonic value, satisfaction and loyalty and the moderate effects of transactional experience. This paper employed of sample survey as research design and the data was collected by a nationwide web-based survey. By using various statistical analysis tools, such as exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation analysis and multigrain analysis, it tests the constructs of the theoretical model and the causal relationships among them. Empirical findings support the direct impact of customer satisfaction on loyalty in platform online shopping, while website attributes, such as website design, fulfillment/security, customer service, ease of use, utilitarian value, and hedonic value, are key factors that influence satisfaction. Moderating effects of transitional experience on the impact of website design, fulfillment/security, ease of use, and utilitarian value on satisfaction and that of hedonic value on loyalty are also supported. These findings provide guidelines for e-commerce enterprises to generate strategies of improving customer relationships and retaining. The empirical results support positive influence of utilitarian value and hedonic value on loyalty. Website design, customer service and ease of use are factors influencing utilitarian value and hedonic value; however, fulfillment/security only affects utilitarian value. These results broaden and enrich the antecedent’s research of shopping value, providing reference of value orientation for electronic commerce enterprises.This paper developed and tested the model of customer satisfaction of platform online shopping. Its findings are of reference value and significant meanings for online consumer behavioral research and marketing practice. Just like any scientific study, there exists limitation in this paper because of manpower shortage and time restriction. It is suggested that follow-up studies further improve and perfect this subject.

  • 【分类号】F274;F724.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】4348
  • 攻读期成果

