

Customer’s Satisfaction Theoretic and Experimental Research of Theme Park

【作者】 张晓振

【导师】 武振业;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 主题乐园作为一种新兴的旅游业态,有效突破了以资源为导向的传统旅游开发模式,在旅游产业链中扮演着越来越重要的角色。但大规模的主题乐园投资浪潮给人们更多的教训是:许多主题乐园并没有带来预期的经济效益,长期处于亏损状态。造成这一局面的重要原因是目前我国主题乐园多是静态景观造成的,游客进行的是走马观花的纯观光性活动,参与性娱乐项目比较少,容易感到乏味。这种直观性强的静态景观,缺乏重复消费的动力,从而导致游客的重游率很低。主题乐园要想持续并良好的运作离不开稳定的游客流,而吸引游客最根本的动力就是游客的满意度。只有通过找出影响主题乐园游客满意度的主要因素,有针对性的不断改进创新,提升主题乐园的游乐质量和竞争力,提高游客的游乐满意度,进而提升游客的忠诚度,促使游客愿意来园重游,才是主题乐园业者赖以生存之道。目前,国内关于主题乐园游乐满意度方面的研究还很少,因此,有必要在这方面做一些尝试性的工作。首先,对国内外关于主题乐园、游乐质量、顾客满意度、顾客参与、感知控制、情绪相关理论的综述,以及游客满意度和顾客参与影响因素的提取。在文献综述的基础上,归纳出主题乐园产品的构成要素为(1)主题意象、(2)游乐设备、(3)接口设备、(4)操作、维护与安全等四个要素。并借用这四个要素作为评价主题乐园游乐质量的指标。建立了包括假说:游客对主题乐园期望游乐质量的高低对认知绩效与期望质量不一致的影响;游客对主题乐园认知游乐质量的高低对认知绩效与期望质量不一致的影响;认知绩效与期望质量不一致对游乐满意度的影响;游客对主题乐园期望的游乐质量对游乐满意度评级的影响;游客对主题乐园认知的游乐质量绩效对游乐满意度评价的影响,经过问卷调查得出了一些结论,以直接绩效评价模式建立的游乐满意度评价模式,其整体拟和度优于以绩效与期望差距模式建立的游乐满意度评价模式,且可以更有效地评价主题乐园的游乐满意度。同时论文采用的四个游乐质量评价指标也可以有效的预测主题乐园的服务质量。考虑到众多服务业中顾客参与非常重要,尤其是对主题乐园更是如此,服务业者通过训练顾客来增加服务的生产力和竞争力。顾客较有兴趣的部分可能是最后的产出,但是在服务的传递过程中,与服务人员的互动方式,也会影响到顾客的满意度。故需探讨顾客参与、情绪和顾客满意度间的关系,研究结论表明:内控、涉入水平、顾客社会化、组织支持与顾客参与呈现正向关系,外控、产品知识与顾客参与呈现负向关系;组织支持、产品知识对于感知控制呈现正相关;组织支持对情绪呈现正相关,顾客社会化与情绪不相关;顾客参与行为不仅是一种决策控制而且是一种认知控制,顾客参与是比感知可选择性更强的刺激因素,顾客参与会导致顾客控制感的增加。而顾客参与和情绪的关系,在这里并不十分显著;当顾客情绪越是正面时,其顾客满意度就会越高。考虑到理论与实践的差距,在最后将前面所得到的理论应用到国色天乡主题乐园改善顾客满意度的日常实践中。针对第三章的理论,在探讨提高游乐质量从而提高游客满意度方面,通过从文化氛围多角度多方面提升主题意象;全方位、多层次的游乐休闲设备选择、为顾客提供极其便利的基础设施、完善和可靠的游乐设备的操作和安全规范来达到。针对第四章的理论,从增加互动式服务流程,改善游客体验、提升游客情绪,增强控制力、注重细节服务,创新服务来直接性的影响顾客满意度的正向因素,从而达到好的效果。实践证明,提高顾客满意度在主题乐园中是有理可循的,从某种程度也支持了前面的理论成果,最后对论文进行了总结并指出了研究中的不足和后续研究建议,希望本研究能够为将来该领域相关研究的不断深化提供有益的帮助。

【Abstract】 Theme parks as an emerging tourist industry and effective breakthroughs in resource oriented tourism development mode in traditional tourist industry, playing an increasingly important role. But large theme park investment wave give people more lessons:many theme park have not bring the expected economic benefits, but long-term losing money. One of the important reasons for the current situation in China is the theme park, visitors are static landscape is typically pure sightseeing sexual activity, participatory entertainment project is less,and people easy to be boring. Because of the repeat static landscape, resulting in the power consumption of the visitors and revisit rate is very low.Tourists are the lifeblood of theme park, visitors satisfaction is the fundamental power flow of tourists. Only find the influence of the main theme park tourist satisfaction, improving innovation constantly, and improve quality and competitive amusement rides satisfaction, and the visitors’loyalty and improve tourist visitors want to come to visit, this is the theme park operator survival. At present, the domestic theme park rides on the quality indexes of the research in and emotional factors and customers to customer satisfaction for the influence of the framework, theme park operator identify and improve customer service improvements, willingness to participate, and promote the customers’satisfaction and quality of service provides an important basis.First, find out the theme park, amusement quality, customer satisfaction, customer participation, perception control theory, and the review of customer satisfaction and tourists in the influencing factors. On the basis of literature review, summarized the elements of product of the theme park:(1) image themes, (2) the amusement equipment, (3) interface device, (4) equipment operation, maintenance and security four elements.Take these four elements as evaluation index of amusement quality theme park. Including the hypothesis:visitors expected amusement quality expectations of cognitive performance and inconsistent quality on the theme park, the quality of the theme park, cognitive amusement of cognitive performance and inconsistent quality expectations, Cognitive performance and inconsistent quality expectations of amusement satisfaction, Visitors to the theme park for recreation amusement quality expectations, satisfaction ratings. Visitors to the quality of the theme park of cognitive performance amusement rides, the influence of satisfaction appraisal is obtained through the questionnaire survey to some conclusions, performance evaluation model is direct evaluation model, the amusement satisfaction and overall performance and expect to superior degree of satisfaction model between pleasure and evaluation mode can be more effective evaluation of the theme park rides satisfaction. And by using four amusements quality evaluation indexes can effectively predict theme park of service quality.Considering the multitudinous customer participation in service is very important, especially for theme park, service providers increase customer service by training and competition ability of production. Customer’s interesting part may be the final output, but in the process of service, and interactive with the service personnel, also can affect the satisfaction of customers. It should explore the relation between customer participation, emotional and customer satisfaction. Research conclusion shows that: the internal control, involved level, customer socialization and organization support and product knowledge and customers to participate in a negative relationship, organization support product knowledge to perceive control, Organization of emotional support positively related with mood swings, customer socialization, Customer participation behavior is not only a kind of decision control and also is a cognitive control, customer participation is stronger factor than the perception of optional stimulus, customers can lead to customers in control. And the relationship between customer and emotion, here is very significant; When customers more positive emotions, the customer satisfaction will be higher.Considering the gap between theory and practice,at the end of thesis author applied the previous gotten theory into guosetianxiang’s theme park daily operation to improve customer satisfaction. According to the theory discussed in chapter 3,customers’satsifation could be enhance by improving theme imagery through culture atmosphere;multi-level choosing leisure equitment; providing very convenient infrastructure. Perfect and reliable amusement equitment operation and safety specification.According to the theory discussed in chapter 4,we can affect positive customers satisfaction factor by increasing interactive service process,improving tourists’experience;advancing tourists’emotion,enhancing control strength, pay more attention to detail service, innovating new service.Success shows that appropriate theory could be found and adopted in the theme park and also support previous academic conclusion. In the end, the author pointed out shortage and suggested future direction.and the author wished the thesis would help and deepen correlation research.

  • 【分类号】F274;F719.5;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1593
  • 攻读期成果

