

Study on the Evaluation System of Negative Effects on Groundwater Environment Resulted by Tunnel Construction in Karst Area

【作者】 刘建

【导师】 刘丹;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工程环境控制, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国交通事业的迅猛发展和科学技术的日益进步,在岩溶地区修建的隧道工程将越来越多。然而,在提高线路等级、改善当地交通环境的同时,因隧道工程建设而引发的地下水环境负效应亦屡见不鲜,不仅危及隧道施工安全、影响施工进度,而且极大地恶化当地生态环境,甚至引发一些因水源问题而导致的民事纠纷。有鉴于此,有必要构建一套岩溶隧道地下水环境负效应评价体系,以期客观反映和科学评价岩溶隧道建设引起的主要环境水文地质问题,为优化隧道工程选址、确保隧道施工和运营安全以及保护隧址区生态环境提供科学依据。地下水环境负效应产生的根源在于有水大量进入隧道。基于此,在归纳总结影响隧道涌水有关因素的基础上,建立了由自然地理、地质-水文地质和隧道工程三大子系统以及19项具体指标构成的岩溶隧道地下水环境负效应评价指标体系,该指标体系适用于对岩溶地区已建、在建和拟建隧道工程产生的地下水环境负效应进行评价。该项研究成果已被列入即将出版的铁路工程水文地质勘察规范附录中。为使评价结果符合客观实际,还构建了与岩溶隧道地下水环境负效应评价指标体系相配套的方法体系,包括利用G1法确定指标权重,采用模糊数学方法进行综合评价,综合使用现场调查、长观点流量观测、涌突水来源识别、隧道涌水量预测和研究隧道涌水对降雨响应等多种方法和模型对评价结果进行系统分析论证。其中隧道涌突水来源识别的加权灰色关联分析模型和隧道涌水对降雨响应的定量研究模型未见相关文献报道,前者可为合理圈定隧道影响范围和解决因隧道施工而产生的水源纠纷提供依据,后者可定量说明隧道涌水与降雨之间的响应关系,为隧道防排水管理提供科学参考。鉴于岩溶隧道地下水环境负效应的评价过程涉及多个数学模型,为方便实际操作,基于Visual Basic程序语言开发了岩溶隧道地下水环境负效应评价系统。利用该系统,可完成指标体系建立、指标权重确定、工程地下水环境负效应综合评价、隧道涌突水来源识别和隧道涌水对降雨的响应研究等工作,为相关研究人员提供了良好的操作平台。将构建的岩溶隧道地下水环境负效应评价体系应用于垫邻高速铜锣山隧道和纳黔高速叙岭关隧道的实例研究,结果表明:铜锣山隧道建成后产生的地下水环境负效应为中等偏弱,叙岭关隧道产生的地下水环境负效应为较弱,上述评价结果与实际情况相符。该研究可为岩溶地区隧道工程的地下水环境影响识别和评价提供实用参考。

【Abstract】 More and more tunnels will be constructed in karst area to raise road grade and improve the regional traffic environment, along with the rapid development of transportion and technology. However, negative effects on groundwater environment resulted by tunnel construction is not uncommon, and it not only jeopardizes the safety while tunnel constructing, but also puts the schedule off. even resulting in civil litigation because of water resource. In view of this, an evaluation system is built to assess the negative effects on groundwater environment resulted by tunnel construction in karst area, aiming at objectively demonstrate and scientificly evaluate the major environmental hydrogeological problem caused by tunnel construction before offering scientific basis for choosing a tunnel’s location and ensuring safety from tunnel construction to operation.The root of negative effects on groundwater environment resulted by tunnel construction is water inrushing. On the basis of summarizing the factors which influence tunnel inflow, an indices system, composed of physical geography, geology and hydrogeology, also with tunnel engineers, is proposed to evaluate groundwater negative effects resulted by tunnel engineering in karst areas. This achievement has been appended on the Code for Hydrogeological Investigation of Railway Engneering which will be published at soon.A methods collection is built, concluding using G1 method to calculate the indice weight, adopting fuzzy mathematics to comprehensive assessment and using onscene investigation, flow monitoring, water source identification, inflow predication and precipitation responsing model to prove the conclusion after the assessment being made. Of all the models applicated in this research, weighted gray relation analysis model for tunnel inrush source identification and the response model of tunnel inflow to precipitation are new,the former one can help determine the impacted area of tunnel construction and offer basis for solution of water resource dispute, when the latter one is able to quantitatively indicate the response of recipitation and water inflow, offering scientific reference on the management of tunnel waterproof and drainage.Visual Basic language is used to develope a program for assessment of negative effects on groundwater environment resulted by tunnel construction in karst area, because of so many complex mathematic calculation when evaluating. This program can build indices system, calculate indice weight, assess the result,and comprehensively prove the result. It supplies the rearchers with a flexiable platform.The evaluation system is used to evaluate the negative effects on groundwater environment resulted by the Tongluoshan tunnel of Dianjiang-Linshui expressway and Xulingguan tunnel of Naxi-Guizhou expressway. It indicates that Tongluoshan tunnel gets a weakerⅢlevel, and Xulingguan tunnel get aⅡlevel. These results accord with the fact. This research can be used to identify and evaluate the impact on groundwater environment of tunnel engineering in karst area.


