

The Studies of Ecology Civilization

【作者】 张首先

【导师】 苏志宏;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 “生态文明”作为中国现代化发展过程中形成的文明理念,是马克思恩格斯生态文明思想中国化的理论表达,是中国共产党执政理念现代化的逻辑必然。马克思恩格斯的生态文明思想是在唯物史观的理论视域中完成的,马克思恩格斯的唯物史观是在人类与自然、人类与自身的双重生成的辩证运动中建构起来的,即始终围绕着生产力与生产关系的两个核心概念而全面展开。生产力(人与自然的关系)和生产关系(人与人的关系)之间的“决定性”和“反作用”的矛盾运动,为人与自然和人类自身的双重“和解”开辟了道路。马克思恩格斯的生态文明思想深刻揭示了资本主义生产关系的性质,表明了在资本主义制度下寻求生态危机的彻底解决是不可能的,进而确立了生态文明是共产主义社会的内在要求之一,同样,社会主义社会——作为共产主义社会的第一阶段,生态文明也是题中之义。但是,马克思恩格斯并没有对在社会主义初级阶段如何进行生态文明建设提供现成答案,在社会主义初级阶段进行生态文明建设,必须考虑当代中国政治、经济、文化的发展状况。实质上,我国的社会主义现在还处于“不发达”“不成熟”的初级阶段,以公有制为主体的多种所有制形式并存的局面还有相当长的时间,私有制在一定程度上还不能完全消灭,人与自然之间的矛盾还不能完全解决,但是公有制的主体地位在很大程度上抑制了私有制对人与人、人与自然关系的异化,因而,中国的生态文明建设必然具有当代“中国特色”的崭新形态。随着生产力的高度发展,社会主义社会自身的前进方向和发展力量,必将使人与人、人与社会、人与自身、人与自然的和谐达到高度统一。本文绪论部分,简要介绍了选题的研究意义、国内外研究现状及其评价、研究方法、研究内容,并提出了三个主要创新点:第一,马克思恩格斯的生态文明思想为社会主义制度下解决生态危机提供了科学的理论论证;第二,马克思恩格斯生态文明思想的“中国化”和“化中国”的历史必然性;第三,中国的社会主义生态文明建设必将对人类社会的可持续发展和人类文明的发展产生重要的影响。第二章主要通过对马克思恩格斯生态文明思想的“遮蔽”一“呼唤”一“出场”的背景分析,显示了马克思恩格斯生态文明思想真正的价值所在。马克思恩格斯在批判、继承达尔文、李比希、摩尔根、马尔萨斯、黑格尔、费尔巴哈等18世纪、19世纪自然科学和哲学社会科学成果的基础上,通过一系列的哲学批判、社会批判、制度批判完成了自身理论体系的完整建构,揭示了资本主义生产关系对人与自然关系的强制和破坏,表明了生态文明在资本主义制度下不可能彻底实现,明确了生态文明建设是社会主义制度的题中之义。第三章主要通过对马克思恩格斯生态文明思想中国化的文化根基、关键主体以及毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛等中国共产党人的生态文明思想的发展脉络的分析,阐明了马克思恩格斯生态文明思想“中国化”的必然性,表明了生态文明建设是中国共产党孜孜以求的价值目标。第四、五章主要结合当代中国的具体实际,提出了马克思恩格斯生态文明思想中国化过程中所面临的急需解决的两个问题:主体生态责任缺失和制度创新问题。中国生态文明建设主体的生态责任主要是通过政府、企业、环保NGO、公民个体等多元主体的观念、行动的“生态化”过程来体现的;制度创新对生态文明建设来说至关重要,中国生态文明建设的制度创新是通过中国经济、政治、文化体制的综合变革、创新来完成的。本文强调了深入落实科学发展观对解决这两个问题的重要性,只有深入落实科学发展观,坚持以人为本,才能真正回答马克思恩格斯的生态文明思想怎样“化中国”的问题。最后一章主要通过对全球化、世界历史、文明和合的全面考察,阐明了全球化进程中客观存在的矛盾与冲突、尤其在资本主义主导的经济全球化背景下生态文明建设还面临着一定的困境。如果说资本主义开启了世界历史之门,但资产阶级决不可能成为世界历史的主体;如果说全球化为世界历史勾画出了初步轮廓,但全球化中的资本主义生产方式决不可能成为世界历史的主要内容。通过对马克思的世界历史理论的梳理,阐明了文明和合的历史必然性。通过对文明和合进程中生态文明建设的价值指向及运行机制的分析,阐明了中国的生态文明建设在资本主义所主导的经济全球化背景下,虽然还面临着更加复杂的挑战,但是,它必将在解决全球生态危机的背景下获得普遍的信任和真正的话语权,必将在人类社会的可持续发展中发挥重要的作用。

【Abstract】 "The ecological civilization", as a civilization concept formed during the developing process of modernization in China, is the Chinized theoretical expression of Marx-Engels’ thought on ecological civilization, and also the logical necessity of the modernization of administrative concept of Communist Party of China.Marx-Engels’thought on ecological civilization is proposed on the basis of historical materialism, which is constructed during the dialectical movement caused dually by human and nature & human and its own, namely is comprehensively carried out by focusing on two core concepts of productive forces and productive relations. The contradictory "decisive" while "reactive" movement between productive forces (human-nature relations) and productive relations (relations among human themselves) has paved the way for dual "reconciliation" between human and nature as well as between human and human.Marx-Engels’thought on ecological civilization has profoundly revealed the nature of capitalist productive relations, indicating that there is no possibility to achieve any thorough resolution of ecological crisis under capitalist system, and thus establishing that ecological civilization is one of communist society’s intrinsic requests; while the socialist society, as the first stage of the communist society, takes ecological civilization into its consideration.However, Marx and Engels haven’t provided any ready answer to how to complete the construction of ecological civilization at preliminary socialist stage, which should take the development of politics, economy and culture in China into consideration. However, China’s socialism is still at the preliminary stage of "being undeveloped" and " immature" at present. The condition of "public ownership is dominant and different economic sectors develop side by side" will last a long time, which suggests that private ownership has not been eliminated completely to a certain extend. The conflicts between human and nature can not be solved completely, but the subjective position of public ownership has in a larger degree suppressed the disassimilation of relations between human to human, and of relations between human and nature. As a result, the construction of China’s ecological civilization has a brand-new feature of "Chinese characteristic". Along with the high development of productive forces, the direction and developing force of socialist society itself, will help to achieve a top unity of harmony existed in relations like human to human, human and society, human and its own, and human and nature. The introduction of the thesis, briefly introduces the research value of the topic, present situation and comments of relevant research domestic or abroad, the research method and the research content, and proposes following three main innovative opinions:first, Marx-Engels’ thought on ecological civilization has provided a scientific and theoretical evidence for solution of ecological crisis under the socialist system; second, there is a historical inevitability of "Chinization" of Marx-Engels’thought on ecological civilization; third, China’s socialist ecological civilization construction is certain to make significant impact on sustainable development of human society and development of human civilizationThe second chapter, through background analysis of "camouflaging"-"summoning"-"appearing on the stage" of Marx-Engels’thought on ecological civilization, has revealed true value of Marx-Engels’ thought on ecological civilization. On the basis of criticizing and inheriting achievement of natural science and achievement in philosophy and social science by great minds in 18th and 19th century such as Darwin, Libysshe, Morgan, Malthus, Hegel, Feuerbach and so on, through philosophical, social and systematic criticism to complete comprehensive construction of theoretical system of its own, Marx and Engels had disclosed that the capitalist productive relations led to compulsion and deconstruction on relations between human and nature, showing that ecological civilization could never be achieved under capitalist system, clarifying that ecological civilization construction should be taken into consideration of socialist system.The third chapter, through analysis of cultural foundation, essential main body of Marx-Engels’thought on ecological civilization and the historical development of thought on ecological civilization of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, has expounds the inevitability of Chinization of Marx-Engels’ thought on ecological civilization, suggesting that the ecological civilization construction is the significant goal Communist Party of China are striving for.The fourth and fifth chapter, combining the real practice of present situation in China, proposes two questions urgent to be solved during the process of Chinization of Marx-Engels’ thought on ecological civilization:the lack of main body’s ecological responsibility and innovation of systems. The ecological responsibility of main body of ecological civilization construction in China is manifested mainly through the concept of multi-body like government, enterprises, environment protection NGO, the individuality of civilians and so on, and the process of operation’s "becoming ecological". The institutional innovation is of utmost importance for ecological civilization construction, and ecological civilization construction in China is completed through comprehensive reform or revolution of its economy, politics and cultural systems. The thesis emphasizes the importance of thoroughly putting scientific development concept into practice to solve the above two problems. Only by carrying out scientific development concept thoroughly, adhering to human-centeredness, could the question of how Marx-Engels’thought on ecological civilization change China be seriously answered.Through comprehensive exploration of globalization, world history, and civilization integration, the last chapter discloses the contradiction and conflicts objectively existed in the process of globalization, especially the difficult situation of ecological civilization construction under the background of economical globalization mainly dominated by capitalism. Even capitalism has opened the gate of the world history, the bourgeoisie will never become the dominant body of the world history; even globalization has roughly shaped the outline of the world history, capitalist productive way in the process of globalization will never become the main content of the world history either. Through the analysis of Marx’ theory on world history, the thesis clarifies the historical inevitability of civilization integration. Through analysis of value orientation and operation mechanism of ecological civilization construction during civilization integration, the paper last elaborates that though facing more complicated challenges, the ecological civilization in China, under the background of economical globalization dominated by capitalism, is certain to win popular trust and real final say in solving global economical crisis, and also certain to play an important role in sustainable development of human society.


