

On Study of the Development of Human Resource of Southwest Countryside Based on the New Socialism Countryside Construction

【作者】 冷洪川

【导师】 叶子荣;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 党的十六届五中全会提出建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务,并以“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”二十字作为全国建设新农村的总体要求。在这二十字的总体目标中,最为关键的则是生产发展与生活宽裕,没有生产发展就谈不上农民的生活宽裕,更谈不上乡风文明、村容整洁和管理民主。生活宽裕为了“人”,而劳动力则是生产要素中最活跃、最重要的要素,所以,社会主义新农村建设的关键在人,即如何树立广大农民的主体地位,发挥其主体作用的问题。首先,根据中央对新农村建设的总体要求,结合西南地区的实际情况,设计了社会主义新农村的标准及其西南地区的评价指标体系,分析了西南地区农村人力资源开发与社会主义新农村建设的相关性。其次,在收集与整理大量数据的基础上,通过对西南地区农村劳动力与全国及西部地区的外部比较,及其西南各地农村劳动力的内部比较分析,寻找发现了西南地区及其内部的农村劳动力数量、质量与结构特征:相对数量正逐年减少,但绝对数却仍在增长,且数量较大;素质低于全国平均水平;第一产业及农、林、牧、渔业等纯粹农业从业人员占比高,实际留在西南地区农村劳动与生活的多半是妇女、老人和儿童,与按户籍统计的结果不相符;乡村人口比重仍大于城镇人口,农村富裕劳动力多,且乡村人口占比明显高于全国平均水平。其三,在此基础上,设计人力资源估算方法,分存量与增量对西南地区及其农村人力资源进行数量估算,并进行内外部比较分析,寻找西南地区人力资源存量与增量特征:西南地区乡村存量人力资源数量与乡村人口数量、乡村劳动者数量不匹配,人力资源数量占全国的比重低于人口、劳动人口比重,其中四川的乡村存量人力资源最多,其次为云南、贵州、重庆,最后是西藏自治区;西南地区人均农村从业人员存量人力资源低于西南地区人均存量人力资源,即农村从业人员的素质与全国相比差异更大。其四,通过对西南地区农村人力资源开发中的农村教育、农民培训及其农村劳动力转移进行对比统计分析与调查实证分析,发现西南地区“农村教育质量提高困难”、“农民培训质量不高”、“农村劳动力转移就业困难”三大问题,并就其成因进行了分析。并针对西南地区的人文与自然条件和农村劳动力的特征,根据社会主义新农村建设的要求和标准,有针对性地研究西南地区新农民开发中的农村教育、农民培训、农民健康和农村劳动力转移等问题,有利于因地制宜地实现西南地区社会主义新农村建设。最后,根据西南地区社会主义新农村建设特殊性的分析,借鉴国外经验,设计了西南地区社会主义新农村建设的路径,主张了“新农民新农村”路径,界定了“新农民”标准,提出了提高农村教育质量,培养增量新农民;提高农民培训质量和健康水平,培养存量新农民的西南地区新农民开发途径和政策建议。

【Abstract】 In the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee, the Party brought forward the concept of the New Socialism Countryside Construction. And the general requirement of the New Countryside Construction was included in words saying "the development of production, the well-to-do of countryside lives, the civilization of countryside culture, the neatness of countryside appearance, and the democracy of countryside management". The most pivotal ones are the development of production and the well-to-do of countryside lives. There would be no well-to-do countryside lives without the development of production, let alone the civilization of countryside culture, the neatness of countryside appearance, or the democracy of countryside management. The well-to-do of countryside lives is specifically for people, and the human labor force is the most active and important factor in production. That’s why the key to New Socialism Countryside Construction would be human. And now the problem lies on how to build up the leading status of farmers and how to put them into fullplay.First of all, according to the general requirement of the New Countryside Construction, combining the actual situation of southwestern region, the writer designs a Socialism New Countryside Construction standard and a estimation guideline system, and the writer analyzes the pertinence between the development of the southwestern countryside human resource and Socialism New Countryside Construction.Secondly, basing on the considerable data which have been collected and gathered, the writer seeks the quantity, the quality and the structure of the southwestern countryside labor and the feature of its countryside labor resource by comparing it with the nation-wide and western region externally, and to other southwestern country internally. It is found that the relative quantity of southwestern countryside labor is reducing every year while its absolute quantity is increasing and is of great amount. And its quality is lower than national average. The proportion of pure agricultural practitioner, such as primary industry and agriculture, forestry, stockbreeding and fishery, is high. The stay-in population of southwestern countryside labor force is practically women, senior citizens and children, which does not match the case of census register investigation. The feature also shows that the proportion of countryside population is still larger than urban population, and the countryside-urban ratio is obviously higher than national average. Thirdly, based on the statement above, the writer designs a method of measuring human resource, which measures the southwestern countryside human resource with stocking and increment, and runs an external comparative analysis, seeking the feature of the stocking and increment of southwestern human resource. The country stocking human resource quantity, the country population quantity and the country labor quantity don’t fit the matching. The ratio of human resource quantity is lower than national population and labor population. Sichuan Province has the greatest country stocking human resource, Yunan Province, Guizhou Province, Chongqing City follow, and the last is Tibet Municipality. The stocking average country occupation human resource of southwestern region is lower than average human resource of southwestern region, which indicates that the quality of country occupation population has greater differences than it of nationwide.Fourthly, through countryside education, farmers’training and countryside labor force transfer in the human resource development of southwestern countryside, with the comparative statistical analysis and field investigations, the writer finds three major problems, which are "hard to improve the quality of countryside education", "the low quality of training for farmers", and "the low employment ratio of transferred countryside labor". And the writer analyzes the causes of these problems. Pointing condition of human and natural and the feature of countryside labor force, basing on the requirements and standard of New Socialism Countryside Construction, this paper focuses on the countryside education, training, health and labor force transfer, takes actions that suit local circumstances to put the southwestern New Socialism Countryside Construction into better practice.Lastly, according to the feature of the New Socialism Countryside Construction of the southwestern region, and using foreign experience for reference, the writer designs the steps for the New Socialism Countryside Construction of the southwestern region. The writer puts forward the path of "New Farmers, New Countryside", and the standard of "New Farmers". The improvement of countryside education, the cultivation of increment New Farmers, the improvement of quality of training for farmers and their health level are also mentioned as pieces of political advice.


