

Policy Research on Agricultural Insurance in China’s Coastal Areas

【作者】 王丞

【导师】 王淼;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 世界范围内,农业是一个特殊的“弱质”产业,对自然条件有着很强的依赖性,抵抗风险能力差。作为分散农业生产风险、弥补经济损失的一种机制,特别是作为对农业进行适度保护的国际惯例,农业保险及补贴不仅是农业保障体系中的一个重要组成部分,而且已成为国际上最重要的非价格农业保护工具之一。中国沿海地区因其特殊的地理位置和气象特点,干旱、雨涝、雷电、霜冻、冰雹、台风等灾害性天气常给工农业生产带来不利的影响,农业、农村经济每年因灾造成直接经济损失高达几百亿到上千亿元,在客观上对于农业保险有着极为迫切的需求。近年来,中国沿海地区经济发展较为迅速,整体上已经具备工业反哺农业的条件和时机,农业保险业发展的主要指标均居于全国前列,客观上为农业保险进一步发挥经济补偿功能创造了有利条件。相对于沿海经济总体发展和保险业在全国的发展状况而言,沿海农业保险发展规模仍较小,保险业务的覆盖面还不够宽,虽然探索多种形式的农业保险模式,但大多处于是初级阶段,保险功能和作用还有待进一步发挥。农业保险作为一种准公共产品,带有明显的社会效益,但在市场经济条件下普遍存在农业保险赔付率高的问题,一般的商业保险公司不愿意涉足农业保险,此时政府政策的积极支持将成为农业保险有效发展的关键。基于此,加强对中国沿海地区农业保险政策的专题研究,探索符合沿海地区农业发展特色和市场经济发展规律的农业保险政策体系,在全国率先完善农业保险政策体系并在条件和时机成熟时向其他区域进行推广和普及,无论是理论上还是实践中,均具有重要的价值和意义。本文严格遵循现代经济学研究范式,坚持历史与逻辑相统一、规范与实证相结合、定性与定量相匹配的基本模式,综合运用新古典经济学、区域经济学、发展经济学、农业经济学、农业政策学、农村金融学和计量经济学等分析工具,从系统阐述保险理论和解析农业保险政策入手,在阐述沿海地区的划分范围和界定本文研究范围的基础上,提出了沿海地区农业保险的基本框架,重点对沿海地区农业保险政策(包括沿海主要农作物和重点养殖业)进行了实证分析,论述了沿海地区农业保险政策的经济效应及其尚存的缺陷,充分借鉴国外典型国家农业保险政策的有益经验与启示,本文给出了改进与完善沿海地区农业保险政策的方案与策略,提出了沿海地区农业保险政策有效实施的五大保障,即法律、体制、组织、资金和风险保障。论文最后以山东省为例,对沿海地区农业保险政策进行了经济学视角的实证分析,提出了本文研究的重要结论和未来研究展望。本论文研究的主要创新之处体现在以下几点:第一,系统全面地对中国沿海地区农业保险政策进行了专题研究。国内外对农业保险的研究成果十分丰富,许多研究结论被决策部门采纳并产生了较好的经济与社会效益,为农业保险事业的健康发展作出了巨大的努力。文献分析的结果表明,当前专门就中国沿海地区农业保险发展的研究成果不多,研究的层次和深度需要加强。尤其是运用规范的经济学研究方法,针对中国沿海区域特色的农业保险政策的专题研究更是少见,本文试图对此作一尝试性探索。第二,运用计量模型对沿海地区农业保险政策的经济效应进行了实证分析。在影响因素的选择上,特别考虑了政策因素对于沿海地区农业产值和农民收入的影响效应。计量结果显示,农业保险投入及其政策支持对沿海农业发展具有明显的正效应。进一步地,论文结合实际案例,对沿海地区农业保险政策的经济效应进行了实践验证。第三,全面解析了沿海地区主要农作物和重点养殖业的保险政策及其运行特征,尤其是对具有沿海区域鲜明特色的渔业渔船渔工保险和水产养殖保险给予了重点讨论。东部沿海地区由于特殊地理位置和气候环境,农作物生产和畜禽、水产类养殖呈现出与其他区域不同的特点,相应的农业保险政策也具有自身的鲜明特色。本文通过系统梳理和阐述这些特征与规律,以期为制定符合沿海农业发展特点的保险政策提供良好的决策依据。第四,提出了中国沿海地区农业保险的基本框架,明确了沿海地区农业保险政策实施的保障体系。有了农业保险发展的分析框架和保障体系,并不能确保各项农业保险政策的有效衔接与贯彻实施,本文通过构建风险分担机制、市场运营机制、利益共享机制和相互关联机制,来进一步整合和优化沿海地区农业保险政策,最终达到农业保险真正为农村发展与农民致富保驾护航的目的。

【Abstract】 Around the world, known as a“fragile”industry, agriculture greatly depends on natural conditions and has a poor ability of coping with problems. As a system that transfer risk、disperse loss and especially as an international practice that provide appropriate protection to agriculture , agricultural insurance and subsidies are not only an important part of agricultural protection system,but also one of the important parts of international non-price agricultural protection tools.Due to the special location and weather features in coastal areas of China, Drought, water logging, lightning, frost, hail, typhoon and other disastrous weather have brought adverse influence on industrial and agricultural production. The direct economic losses every year in agriculture and rural economy caused by disasters cost up to several hundreds to thousands billions money, this situation actually makes agricultural insurance in pressing needs. In recently years, the economic development is quite rapid in coastal areas of China which provides the conditions and timing that industry nurturing agriculture and agricultural insurance key indicators place in the front rank of our country, all of these objectively provide favorable conditions to the further development of agricultural insurance.Compared to the development of the total economic development in coastal areas and the development of insurance in China, the scale of the development of agricultural insurance in coastal areas is petty and the coverage of insurance is not wide enough. In spite of there are various patterns of agricultural insurance have been explored, most of them are in primary stage, the insurance function and role need to be improved. As Quasi-public goods, agricultural insurance have obvious social benefits, but general commercial insurance companies would not run agricultural insurance because of the high claim ratio in agricultural insurance under conditions of market economy. Then the favorable support of government policy becomes the key of the effectively development of agricultural insurance.On this basis, there are important values and meanings whether theoretical or in practice o strengthen the topics on agricultural insurance policy of coastal areas of China, explore agricultural insurance policy system which in accordance with agriculture of coastal areas and laws of market economy, lead the perfect of agricultural insurance policy system and give promotion and popularization to other areas when conditions and time are ripe.This thesis strictly follows the paradigm of modern economics research, using the method of uniting history and logic, the combination of normative and positive, the basic pattern of integrating qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, the comprehensive use of New Classical economics, Regional Economics, Development Economics, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Policy, Rural Finance, Econometrics and other analysis tools, begins with a system elaboration of insurance theory and analysis of agricultural insurance policy which basing on the explanation of the range divide of coastal areas and the range definition of this thesis. Then it brings the basic framework of agricultural insurance policy of coastal areas, emphasizing on giving an empirical analysis on agricultural insurance policy (including the main crops and important aquaculture) of coastal areas, discussing the economics effects and remaining defects, abundantly mirroring beneficial experience and revelation of typical foreign countries’agricultural insurance policies. Above all, this thesis gives the improving and perfecting plan and strategy to agricultural insurance policies of coastal areas and brings the five safeguards to the effectively implementation of agricultural insurance policies of coastal areas which includes: laws, system, organization, funds and risks. Finally, taking Shandong Province as a typical example, this thesis gives an empirical and economics analysis on agricultural insurance policies of coastal areas and brings out the crucial conclusion and future research forecast in this thesis.Firstly, this thesis carries out a very thorough monographic study on agricultural insurance policy of coastal areas of China. Great research results of agricultural insurance have been gained at home and abroad, which adopted by policymakers have produced relatively good economic and social effect, making significant contributions to the healthy development of agricultural insurance. According to the documentary analysis, there are not enough researches aiming at agricultural insurance policy of coastal areas of China, lacking in depth and level, especially in the area with economics research methodology, which this paper is going to tentatively explore.Secondly, it carries out an empirical analysis on the economic effects of agricultural insurance policies of coastal areas by using econometric model. About the choices of effecting factors, the thesis especially pay more attention to the policy factors that affect agricultural product and incomes of farmers. Measuring results show that the investment on agricultural insurance and policy support has clear positive effects on the development of coastal areas’agriculture. Further, together with actual case, there is test and verification on the economic effects of agricultural insurance policies of coastal areas.Thirdly, there is a total analysis on the insurance policies of the main crops and important aquaculture and its operating characteristics, especially gives a focus on insurance of fishery, fishing vessel, fisherman and aquaculture which carry distinctive coastal features. Due to the special geographical location and climate, crop production, livestock, fisheries aquaculture of coastal areas show distinctive features to other areas, the relatively agricultural insurance policy also has distinctive features. This thesis systematically sorts out and elaborates these characteristics and rules to provide proper decision-making basis to formulate insurance policies which according with the features of coastal areas.Fourthly, this thesis brings out the basic frame of agricultural insurance of coastal areas of China and clears the protection system of the practice of agricultural insurance policy of coastal areas of China. The analysis frame and protection system of agricultural insurance doesn’t make sure the efficient connection and implementation of agricultural insurance policy’s all items. This thesis takes the construction of risk-sharing mechanisms, market operation mechanism, benefit-sharing mechanisms and Interrelated mechanisms to further integrate and optimize agricultural insurance policy of coastal areas, and eventually reach the goal of agricultural insurance truly escorting the development of rural areas t and the prosperity of farmers.


