

Study on Institutional Innovation of Farmer Specialized Cooperative Organizations

【作者】 宋扬

【导师】 权锡鉴;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农民专业合作经济组织是我国农业产业化和市场化的重要组织载体,也是解决我国三农问题的关键点之一。农民专业合作经济组织制度是决定其组织性质和发展方式的基础性因素。一般来说,经济组织的组织制度主要包括其产权制度安排、体制形式和治理机制等问题。我们对农民专业合作经济组织的历史沿革、发展路径和经营模式等问题,进行深入的探索和研究,广泛吸取国外类似组织的理论研究和实践经验,结合我国特殊的社会环境、经济环境和制度环境等条件因素,总结得出对具有中国特色的农民专业合作经济组织发展的历史与现在、优势与缺陷、特征与特性等命题的结论,并由此进行大胆的假想,提出具有创新性的、更符合我国实际的制度安排体系。我国的农业经营组织经由农业合作化运动和人民公社时期的曲折道路,在农村经济体制改革之后进入了以家庭联产承包责任制为基础的农业生产时期。但我们注意到,家庭联产承包责任制与农业规模经营之间、农业分散经营与农产品市场化之间、土地经营权的产权安排与农业产业化之间、农户经济与农村公共产品供给之间,以及家庭个体经营与农村社会结构和文化传统之间,都存在着一些体制性的和历史遗留矛盾或问题亟待解决。这些矛盾和问题的存在,激发了广大农民制度改革和制度创新的动力和积极性。而正是理论与实践的综合作用,才最终导致了农民专业合作经济组织应运而生。通过对国内外农业合作经济组织发展历程与现状的观察与比较,我们发现,世界范围内的农业合作经济组织发展主要呈现出从纵向一体化到范围更广的横向联合,从劳动联合到劳动与资本共同联合,从经典合作社逐渐偏向到IOF的发展态势;而我国的农业合作经济组织发展则是经历了从无序到有序,先纵向联合再横向联合等特征,而在这条发展道路上,我国的农业合作经济组织曾经并仍将经历复杂的困难和障碍,如农业生产自身条件、农业市场化与组织化,以及政府工作方面的阻力。也正是这些问题和障碍的出现,迫使我们必须改进农民专业合作经济组织的现有制度,分别在产权制度、体制形式和治理机制方面有所创新。经典合作社产权制度,随着时间的推移和市场环境的变化,产生了一些调整和改进。其中最主要的变化,是在资本回报有限的前提下给予资本投资者以更合理的权利和收益方式,并通过将合作组织成员交易额与投资额相对应的方式,来避免资本权利的过分强化。在我国,这一趋势也有所反映,且主要是以股份合作制的形式表现出来。基于我国实际情况,农民专业合作经济组织不应单纯以追求公平或效率作为组织目标,而应重新审视和分配劳动与资本在合作组织中的关系和定位。以劳动合作为基础的法人联合产权制度,是符合我国实际的、可以充分赋予劳动者和资本投资激励作用的新型产权制度。农民专业合作经济组织的体制问题,涉及到整体的组织管理思想、组织结构以及管理规范和业务流程等内容。在这一命题中,合作组织中关于资本特别是外部资本的应用问题是一个关键性问题。构建农业专业化合作公司,可以将外部资本通过一种紧密联结的方式与农民合作联合体相结合。这种混合所有制的体制形式可以通过将农民联合体内置于合作公司的形式,在功能上延续农民专业合作经济组织的作用,而在体制上却通过合作公司来屏蔽合作经济组织的制度弱点,寻求公平与效率的平衡点。农民专业合作经济组织的治理机制是其产权制度的具体表现。因此,与以劳动合作为基础的法人产权联合制度相对应,一种新型的法人治理与农民合作自治相结合的治理机制,在非正式制度作用强大的农民专业合作经济组织中有很强的适应性。它是通过在规范的合作组织治理结构中加入农民成员治理小组,作为基层的监督和管理机构,以人际关系和信任为作用机制,实现合作组织中农民作为劳动成员的自我管理。

【Abstract】 Farmer specialized cooperative organization (FSCO) is the main organic carrier of agricultural industrialization and mercerization, and also the key point to solve the "agriculture, rural areas, and peasants" problem. The institution system of FSCO is the basic factor which determines its organic nature and developing mode. Generally speaking, the organic institution of an economic organization includes property rights institution, organizational system, and governance mechanism. Based on the research on the course of change and development, and operating modes, combining with special social environment, economic and institutional conditions, an innovational system for FSCO can be established.After a hard journey of agricultural cooperative movement and people’s commune movement, the rural economic institutional reform rose and developed. The household contract responsibility system became the foundational methods of production. But lots of problems exist in the system, such as the problem of scale management in agriculture, the land management rights, the rural public products and social structure and cultural traditions. As a result, an institutional innovation has to be imperative under the circumstances.Compared the history and present situation of FSCO at both home and abroad, it’s been found that FSCO’s development trend is transforming from vertical integration to horizontal combination in larger scope, from labor combination to both labor and capital combination, from classic cooperatives to IOF. The same road in China showed some differences, and faced lots of obstacles, such as the productional condition, agricultural regimented, and supports from government, which show pressure to innovate and reform. The property right system of classic cooperatives is improving when the market environment is changing. And one of the most important variations is offer more reasonable rights and ways to earn profits to capital investors. At the same time, by making the investment amounts corresponding with transaction amount, an excessive strengthening of capital rights can be avoided. This trend also appears in China, which is manifested by the joint stock cooperative system. Based on the fact of FSCO’s performance in China at nowadays, neither justice nor efficiency is the organizational objective alone. The relationship between labor and capital should be a new review. The joint legal entity property rights system based on the cooperation of labor should be adopted in FSCOs in China, which will encourage both laborers and investors.Establishing a new type of organization, which is agricultural specialized cooperative company, can be a fine solution to the problem of the application of external capital for FSCO. This organizational frame with mixed ownership is able to arrange the farmers’union in, by which the function of FSCO still takes effect, yet the inferiority can be screened.The governance structure embodies the property rights system. So, corresponding with the joint legal entity property right system based on labor cooperation, the legal entity governance mixed with farmer cooperative self-governance system can be very suitable. This system added farmer governance groups in the original governance structure, which are the primary organ for supervision and management by using interpersonal relationship and trust as functional mode.


