

Analysis and Insrationo fo Mode about Integrative Development of urban and Rual in Shanong Peninal

【作者】 江敦涛

【导师】 权锡鉴;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30多年来,我国经济社会发展取得了巨大进步,在消除城乡差别方面取得了显著成效,但城乡二元体制仍未从根本上发生改变,二元结构成为解决“三农”问题的制度瓶颈。破解这一难题的关键就是要加快实施城乡一体化发展战略,统筹城乡经济社会发展,不断缩小城乡差距和工农差距,实现城乡共同发展、进步与繁荣。在这一历史背景下,加强对城乡一体化发展模式的研究显得十分必要。本文以归纳法、实证分析法等方法,从研究城乡一体化的内涵及山东半岛城乡一体化发展的现状入手,对山东半岛城乡一体化发展的主导模式进行了分析与研究,在此基础上探讨了山东半岛城乡一体化发展的路径。该研究对于山东半岛乃至全国的城乡一体化发展具有重要的实践价值。在综述相关学者对城乡一体化发展研究不同观点的基础上,提出了城乡一体化的复合概念。所谓城乡一体化,是指在特定区域内,分别发挥城乡各自的优势和作用,使城乡的自然资源及生产要素能够快捷流动、合理配置,各次产业联动发展,形成城市和乡村在各个层面的建设统一体,实现在经济发展水平、社会生活方式、自然生态环境、文化思想意识等方面广泛融合。本文从要素流动对城乡一体化的推动作用,以及城乡一体化与农村城镇化、农村工业化的关系,城乡一体化与区域经济协调发展、社会事业发展的关系等角度,对山东半岛城乡一体化发展模式进行了深入的分析探讨。本文梳理了国外城乡一体化发展的模式,以及可供借鉴的经验。通过对调查数据的分析整理,构建了山东半岛城乡一体化发展的评价指标体系。利用层次分析法和群组决策特征根法确定指标权重,进而采用综合评价法得到山东半岛城乡一体化发展水平的指数,并对其结果进行了定性分析。由此得出如下结论:青岛是山东半岛城乡一体化发展程度最高的,其次是威海,可以把青岛和威海看成是第一层次;烟台和东营为第二层次;潍坊和日照是发展略差的第三层次。城乡一体化发展程度最高的青岛和威海,呈现出共同的发展规律,即生态环境一体化发展水平最高,其他依次为空间一体化、经济一体化和社会一体化。城乡一体化发展的第二个层次烟台市和东营市,其发展规律表现为空间一体化、经济一体化和社会一体化发展较为均衡,而生态环境一体化水平较低。城乡一体化发展的第三个层次潍坊市和日照市,呈现出的共同发展规律是,其空间一体化、经济一体化、社会一体化和生态环境一体化发展均相对较为滞后。通过实地调查,归纳整理出目前山东半岛在城乡一体化发展实践中的五种模式,分别是:以工业化为主导的城乡一体化发展模式;以城镇化为主导的城乡一体化发展模式;以现代服务业为主导的城乡一体化发展模式;以现代农业为主导的城乡一体化发展模式;以高新技术开发区为主导的城乡一体化发展模式。同时对各种模式进行了案例分析,并对存在问题与解决对策分别进行了深入的探讨。最后,提出了城乡一体化应遵循的经济地理、因地制宜和各具特色的原则,探讨了山东半岛城乡一体化发展的具体路径,即用组团式城市群统领山东半岛城乡一体化发展;从城乡和谐出发,加快新农村建设的步伐;积极发展产业集群,打造强有力的产业基础。

【Abstract】 Since our country reform and opening up 30 years, Chinese economic and social development has made great progress, eliminating differences between urban and rural areas has also achieved some success, but urban-rural dual structure has not fundamentally changed, a dual structure is the system bottlenecks to solve the‘three rural’issue. The key to solve this problem is to accelerate the implementation of urban and rural development strategy, co-ordination urban-rural economic and social development, continued to narrow the urban-rural gap and the gap between workers and peasants, to achieve the rural-urban co-development, progress and prosperity. In such a historical context, to strengthen the research of urban-rural integrated development model is necessary, with significant theoretical and practical significance.In this paper, we have used inductive method, empirical analysis and other methods, research is beginning with the content of urban-rural integration, and the present situation of urban-rural integrated development in Shandong Peninsula, summarizing, analyzing and comparing the dominant mode of urban-rural integrated development in Shandong Peninsula, and on the basis, trying to summarize and construct the path of urban-rural integrated development in Shandong Peninsula. Such research on the Shandong Peninsula and the country’s urban-rural integrated development is a practical application value.It put forward that urban-rural integration is a complex concept on the basis of combing different views of scholars from different disciplines on urban and rural integration. It is mean that play full advantages and functions of urban and rural areas in a certain region. Make a reasonable flow and allocation of urban and rural labor, technology, financial resources and all elements of production in a certain range. The first, the second and the third industry develop together. Make extensive integration of urban and rural socio-economic, lifestyle, ideology, living standards and ecological environment. Form the relationship between urban and rural areas that "relying on each other, complementary advantages, cities supporting rural, rural promoting cities, develop together". Build the urban and rural into an interdependent and mutually reinforcing unity. Eventually achieve the full integration and coordinated development of urban and rural. In order to further analyze the connotation of urban-rural integration, it also carried out depth analysis and discussion from the elements flow’s promote effect on urban-rural integration; the relationship of urban-rural integration, rural urbanization and rural industrialization; the relationship of urban-rural integration, regional economic development and social development.On this basis, this paper reviews the pattern of urban and rural development of foreign and the experience we can learn from. Through analysis of survey data, we have established evaluation index system of urban and rural integration of Shandong Peninsula, and use the method of AHP and Eigen value to determine the weight, and then we can get the index of urban-rural integration of the Shandong Peninsula of 2009 by comprehensive evaluation, analyzing the result qualitatively. It concluded that Qingdao is the highest level in the development of Urban-rural integration of Shandong Peninsula, followed by Weihai, so Qingdao and Weihai can be seen as the first echelon, Yantai and Dongying is the second echelon; Weifang and Rizhao is slightly worse in the third tier development. The highest level of urban-rural integration, Qingdao and Weihai show a common law, that the development of Integration of the ecological environment is the best; others are spatial integration and social integration. The second level of the development of Urban-rural integration is Yantai and Dongying, it shows that the development of spatial integration, economic integration and social integration is more balanced, but the level of environmental integration is lower. The third level of urban and rural develops, that is, Weifang and Rizhao, showing the common law is that the development of economic integration is relatively lagging.Through field interview survey, sum up and analyze the existed five models of the current practice of integrated development of urban and rural areas of Shandong Peninsula, they are: the urban-rural integration of industrialization-led development model; the urban-rural integration of urbanization-led development model; the modern service-oriented model of urban and rural integration; modern agriculture-led development model of urban and rural integration; the High Technology Zone-led Development urban and rural development.Then analyzing the cases of various models and elaborating the existence of problems and solutions in-depth .Finally, urban-rural integration is proposed to be followed by economic geography, the principle of local conditions and unique. Discussing the specific way of the integration of urban and rural areas of Shandong Peninsula, that is,leading urban- rural integration by organizational urban agglomeration of the Shandong Peninsula GROUP ; starting from the rural and urban harmony to accelerate the pace of building new countryside; positive development of industrial clusters to create a strong industrial base.


