

Research on Functional Knowledge Representation for Home Appliances Domain Based on Ontology

【作者】 刘勇

【导师】 徐建良;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国家电业的快速发展以及全球化市场竞争的空前加剧,提高现代制造技术与管理水平,特别是对产品全生命周期的管理已经成了刻不容缓的问题。产品生命周期管理涉及到企业的众多核心知识,除了产品的几何数据外,还包括更多的产品设计和开发过程中的知识,如需求说明、设计标准、约束条件和设计原理等等。这些知识在企业各个部门之间的有效共享决定着产品全生命周期管理的成败。但是,目前的知识共享多停留在人工建成的文档层面,许多关键的知识淹没在内容冗余、结构复杂的各种文档中。如何准确、及时、全面地从这些分散的信息中提取知识,进而以一种更为形式化和系统化的方法描述知识,是实现知识共享的关键。本体作为一种能在语义和知识层次上描述信息的概念模型,具有良好的概念层次结构和对逻辑推理的支持,基于本体的知识表达已经成为国内外学者研究的热点。基于本体的知识管理(ontology-based knowledge management)可实现语义级知识服务,提高知识利用的深度,而且支持对隐性知识进行推理,方便异构知识服务之间的互操作。本文首先研究了家电业在产品功能知识表达方面的现状以及国内外在使用本体进行功能知识表达方面的研究进展情况,对当前功能知识的表示和共享所存在的缺陷和不足进行分析,提出了广义功能本体的概念。该本体阐述了功能本体的条件以及功能本体中涉及的相关概念。在此基础上,本文研究了家电领域的功能知识,并根据其特点提出了家电领域功能知识的表示框架。该框架是对沟口等人提出的功能知识表示框架的扩展,添加了与现代家电产业密切相关的感受功能、感受功能达成方式和感觉功能达成方式等概念,系统地阐述了功能概念本体、功能达成方式、功能分解树之间的关系。论文进而以电冰箱为例建立了“感受”功能概念本体、“感受”功能达成方式和“感觉”功能达成方式,并从感受、感觉和制冷三个层面对电冰箱的功能进行分解,绘制了功能分解树。在以上工作的基础上,本文提出了一种基于广义功能本体的知识共享策略,并开发了一款功能知识共享软件平台。该共享软件平台具有以下功能:(1)设计者可以将自己的产品知识以功能分解树(包括设备功能分解树以及感受功能分解树)的形式表达出来,实现了功能知识的显性化和形式化。(2)通过两种功能知识的共享,可以提高设计者实现设备功能和感受功能的设计效率。(3)能够查询相关功能知识,并在查询中实现了推理,提高了查准率和查全率。(4)实现了设计者之间功能知识的共享,使得不同设计者对同一类产品进行设计时可以很好地理解原始的设计思想,这对产品再设计有很好的指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of home appliances and the growing global market competitions, it has been a pressing problem to improve the level of modern manufacturing technology and management. Especially, it is of great urgency to manage in product life cycle.Product life cycle management involves a lot of core knowledge of enterprise, including geometry data of products and much knowledge of product design and development. Whether the knowledge can be effectively shared in the various departments in the enterprise determines whether product lifecycle management success or not. But, at present knowledge sharing only stays at the level of document. Much Critical knowledge is lost in a variety of documents with complex structure and redundant content. How to accurately extract knowledge from the scattered information and describe the knowledge in a more formal and systematic approach is the key to achieve knowledge sharing.As a conceptual model in the semantic level of description and conceptual model, ontology has good concept hierarchy and support for logical reasoning. Ontology-based knowledge representation technology has become a hot issue that the domestic and abroad scholars study on. Ontology-based knowledge management can realized semantic level knowledge services and increase the depth of knowledge utilization. Ontology-based knowledge management can also support the reasoning of implicit knowledge and facilitating the integration of expert knowledge and experience in the field of knowledge structure and so on.It is studied in the paper the status of home appliances in product knowledge expression and the research progressing of ontology in knowledge expressing. It is discussed in the paper about knowledge representation on the current production, reuse and sharing of knowledge. And the deficiencies are also studied.Then, the related theory of ontology and the applications of ontology theory in knowledge representation product features are studied. A conception of generalized functional ontology is put forward and the function ontology condition and the concepts involved in function ontology are described.The functional knowledge in the field of home appliances has also been studied. According to its characteristics, a framework of functional knowledge in the field of home appliances is put forwards in the paper. On the basis of functional knowledge representation framework of Mizoguchi Lab at Osaka University, feeling functional concepts ontology, ways of achievement ontology of feeling functions , ways of achievement ontology of perception functions are added in our framework. And the relationship of functional concept ontology, ways of achievement and functional decomposition tree theory is systematically elaborated.The“feeling”function concept ontology, "compression" ways of achievement,“feeling”function ways of achievement,“perception”function ways of achievement, "cooling" function ways of achievement and functional decomposition tree of refrigerators are established. And the function of refrigerator is decomposed from three levels of“feeling”,“perception”and“cooling”. Functional decomposition trees of refrigerator are drawn.A functional model of home appliances is presents in the paper. And on the basic of this, a Knowledge-sharing strategy based on function ontology is put forward. A software platform for functions knowledge sharing has been developed. The software platform has the following feature:(1) By sharing software platform, designers can express their product knowledge in the form of functional decomposition tree (including feeling functional decomposition tree and device functional decomposition tree).(2) It makes the functional knowledge explicit and formal.(3) Designers can inquire the related function knowledge in the sharing software platform.(4) By sharing other designer’s product functional knowledge, the designers can get good understanding of the original design principle.


