
降低中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)配合饲料中鱼粉水平的研究

Study on the Decrease of Fish Meal Level in Formulated Diets of Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle (Pelodiscus Sinensis)

【作者】 邹玉蓉

【导师】 麦康森;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 水产养殖, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文选择我国重要的特色水产养殖种类——中华鳖为研究对象,在温室内淡水集约化养殖系统中进行生长实验。探讨降低中华鳖人工配合饲料中鱼粉含量(特别是白鱼粉含量)的方法,比较研究发酵豆粕、晶体赖氨酸、不同品质鱼粉、饲料加工工艺和酵母培养物对中华鳖生长、健康和品质的影响,提高动植物蛋白源的利用效率,实现降低配合饲料成本的目的。研究内容包括:(1)发酵豆粕替代部分红鱼粉对中华鳖生长和生理生化指标的影响;(2)肉骨粉替代部分红鱼粉并添加晶体赖氨酸对中华鳖生长和生理生化指标的影响;(3)不同品质鱼粉对中华鳖生长和生理生化指标的影响;(4)粉状配合饲料与膨化配合饲料对中华鳖成鳖生长和体组成的比较研究;(5)酵母培养物DVAQUA对中华鳖生长和免疫力的影响。主要研究结果和结论如下:1.以发酵豆粕分别替代0%(对照组)、6.38%和12.77%红鱼粉(分别添加3%和6%的发酵豆粕),配制成3种等氮等能的实验饲料,饲喂中华鳖(初始平均体重115.52±1.05g) 120 d,研究发酵豆粕替代红鱼粉水平对中华鳖生长性能、饲料效率、体组成、体形态和免疫力的影响。结果显示,与对照组相比,以发酵豆粕替代6.38%红鱼粉时,提高了中华鳖特定生长率(SGR)和饲料效率(FER),但差异不显著(P>0.05);而蛋白质效率(PER)却得到显著提高(P<0.05)。当以发酵豆粕替代12.77%红鱼粉时,其摄食率(FI)、特定生长率(SGR)和饲料效率(FER)显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。发酵豆粕替代部分红鱼粉对中华鳖体组成和体形态无显著影响(P>0.05)。发酵豆粕替代部分红鱼粉没有显著影响中华鳖胃蛋白酶、胰脏胰蛋白酶、胰脏淀粉酶、肠胰蛋白酶和肠淀粉酶的活性(P>0.05),也没有显著影响肝脏和血清中谷草转氨酶(GOT)和谷丙转氨酶(GPT)活性(P>0.05)。但是,与对照组相比,以发酵豆粕替代6.38%和12.77%红鱼粉均显著降低了血清尿酸(UA)含量(P<0.05)。各处理组之间血清溶菌酶(LSZ)、总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)酶活性和补体C4含量均无显著性差异(P>0.05),但发酵豆粕替代红鱼粉显著提高了血清补体C3含量(P<0.05)。综上所述,以发酵豆粕替代6.38%红鱼粉能提高中华鳖生长性能,对饲料效率及非特异性免疫力无不良影响。在本实验配方基础上,发酵豆粕替代红鱼粉的适宜水平为6.38%左右,但不宜超过12.77%。2.实验设计了4种饲料:饲料1为高鱼粉(鱼粉含量61%,蛋白含量50%)对照组;饲料2为低鱼粉(鱼粉含量为56%,蛋白含量49%)对照组,以肉骨粉替代20%红鱼粉,且不添加晶体赖氨酸;饲料3和4为实验组(蛋白含量49%),以肉骨粉替代20%红鱼粉,分别添加0.1%和0.2%晶体赖氨酸。饲料1~4的赖氨酸含量为3.59%、3.50%、3.60%和3.71%,饲喂中华鳖(初始平均体重112.56±2.13g) 136 d,研究添加晶体赖氨酸对中华鳖生长性能、饲料效率、消化酶活性、转氨酶活性和常规体组成的影响。结果显示,各处理组中华鳖成活率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。在生长实验的第136 d,与低鱼粉对照组相比,添加0.1%晶体赖氨酸显著提高了中华鳖SGR(P<0.05),但没有显著提高FER、PER和蛋白质沉积率(PPV)(P>0.05);而添加0.2%晶体赖氨酸显著提高了SGR、FER、PER和PPV(P<0.05)。在生长实验第68 d时,与高鱼粉对照组相比,在肉骨粉替代鱼粉后,添加0.2%晶体赖氨酸显著提高了SGR、FER、PER和PPV(P<0.05)。不同处理组之间鳖体的水分、蛋白质、粗灰分和中华鳖胃蛋白酶、胰脏胰蛋白酶、胰脏淀粉酶、肠胰蛋白酶和肠淀粉酶活性均无显著性差异(P>0.05);对血清和肝脏中GOT和GPT活性也无显著影响(P>0.05)。第68 d时,与低鱼粉对照组相比,添加0.2%晶体赖氨酸显著降低了血清UA含量(P<0.05)。综上所述,当肉骨粉替代部分鱼粉时,添加0.2%晶体赖氨酸能显著促进中华鳖生长性能和提高蛋白质效率,起到节约鱼粉的作用。3.实验设计了4种等能等氮的实验饲料:饲料1白鱼粉的含量为52%(对照组);饲料2以优质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉;饲料3以低质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉;饲料4以低质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉并添加300mg/kg VE,饲喂中华鳖(初始平均体重为65.66±1.63g)160d,研究不同品质鱼粉及添加VE对中华鳖生长性能、饲料利用率、常规体组成、体形态和免疫力的影响。结果显示,在生长实验第160 d时,与对照组相比,以优质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉没有显著降低中华鳖成活率(P>0.05);但以低质红鱼粉替代时显著降低了成活率(P<0.05);以低质红鱼粉替代并添加VE则没有显著降低成活率(P>0.05)。与对照组相比,以优质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉显著降低了FI (P<0.05),没有显著影响FER和PER(P>0.05),在生长实验第80 d时,SGR没有显著降低(P>0.05);但第160d时却显著降低(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,以低质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉添加VE与否均显著降低了中华鳖FI、FER和PER和SGR (P<0.05)。与对照组相比,以优质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉对中华鳖肝体指数(HSI)、脏体指数(VSI)、脂体指数(IPI)和体比系数(BC)均无显著影响(P>0.05);但是,以低质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉未添加VE显著提高了VSI和HSI (P<0.05)。与低质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉未添加VE组相比,添加VE显著降低了VSI (P<0.05)。不同品质鱼粉没有显著影响胃蛋白酶、胰脏胰蛋白酶、胰脏淀粉酶和肠淀粉酶活性(P>0.05)。与对照组相比,以优质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉没有显著影响血清GPT、T-SOD、GSH-Px和AKP活性及UA含量(P>0.05),但在生长实验第160 d时,显著提高了血清GOT和γ-谷氨酰转肽酶(γ-GT)活性并降低了LSZ活性(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,在生长实验第160 d,以低质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉显著提高了血清GOT、γ-GT、T-SOD、GSH-Px活性和血清尿酸含量并降低了LSZ和AKP活性(P<0.05)。在生长实验的第80 d,与低质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉未添加VE组相比,添加VE显著降低血清γ-GT活性(P<0.05)。综上所述,不同品质鱼粉影响中华鳖的生长和免疫力,在80 d以内,可选用优质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉,降低饲料成本;与低质红鱼粉替代38%白鱼粉不添加VE相比,添加300mg/kg VE可以改善生长性能和提高免疫力。4.选用进口白鱼粉和国产红鱼粉,配制3种等氮等能饲料(鱼粉含量为66%):含56%白鱼粉+10%红鱼粉的粉状饲料、56%白鱼粉+10%红鱼粉的膨化饲料以及含16%白鱼粉+50%红鱼粉的膨化饲料,饲喂中华鳖成鳖(初始平均体重381.46±10.30g) 76 d,研究饲料加工工艺及不同品质鱼粉对中华鳖生长和常规体组成的影响。结果显示,各处理组的FI无显著差异(P>0.05)。含56%白鱼粉膨化饲料组的FER和PER显著高于其他两组(P<0.05),SGR高于其他两组,但无显著性差异(P>0.05)。含16%白鱼粉的膨化饲料组与含56%白鱼粉的粉料组中华鳖SGR和FER无显著性差异(P>0.05);但前者的PER显著低于后者(P<0.05)。3种配合饲料没有显著影响中华鳖的成活率、鳖体水分、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、粗灰分含量、BC和HIS (P>0.05)。因此,生产实践中可以通过膨化工艺来降低中华鳖饲料中白鱼粉用量,在鱼粉用量为66%的配合饲料中,可以用优质红鱼粉替代71%白鱼粉。5.设定基础饲料为对照组,分别添加0.075%和0.15%的酵母培养物(YC,DVAQUA),配制出3种等氮等能饲料,饲喂中华鳖(121.07±3.07g)100 d,随后再进行30d应激试验,研究酵母培养物对中华鳖生长性能和免疫力的影响。结果显示,在配合饲料中添加酵母培养物没有显著提高中华鳖FI和SGR(P>0.05)。但是,与对照组相比,饲料中添加0.15%酵母培养物显著提高了成活率(P<0.05),显著提高了血清LSZ、肝脏酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活性和补体C3含量(P<0.05)。此外,随着添加酵母培养物水平的提高,显著提高了人工应激条件下的中华鳖成活率(P<0.05)。因此,在饲料中添加酵母培养物不会影响中华鳖的生长性能,添加0.15%酵母培养物可以提高中华鳖的免疫力和成活率。

【Abstract】 Feeding trials were conducted to explore the technology pathway on the decrease of fish meal levels in diets of Chinese soft-shelled turtle. The main studies included: (1) Effects of fermented soybean meal partly replacement for red fish meal on growth performance, physiological and biochemical indexes of Chinese soft-shelled turtle. (2) Effects of crystal lysine supplementation level in meat and bone meal based diet on growth performance, physiological and biochemical indexes of Chinese soft-shelled turtle. (3) Effects of different quality fish meals on growth performance, physiological and biochemical indexes of Chinese soft-shelled turtle. (4) Effects of the powder diet and extruded diet on growth performance, physiological and biochemical indexes of Chinese soft-shelled turtle. (5) Effects of yeast culture (DVAQUA) on growth performance and immunity of Chinese soft-shelled turtle. The results are briefly summarized as follows:1. A 120-day feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of graded levels (0%, 3%, and 6%, replacing 0%, 6.38% and 12.77% red fish meal (RFM), refered to (Diet 1, Diet 2 and Diet3) of fermented soybean meal (FSM) on the growth performance, feed efficiency ratio, and immunity of soft-shelled turtle (initial mean body weight: 115.52±1.05g). The results showed that specific growth rate (SGR) and feed efficiency ratio (FER) of turtle fed Diet 2 was higher than that of turtle fed Diet 1, but there were no significant differences between the two groups (P>0.05). Nevertheless, feeding intake (FI), SGR and FER of turtle fed Diet 3 was significantly lower than that of fed Diet 1 and Diet 2 (P<0.05). Whole body of moisture, crude protein, crude lipid, and ash contents were not significantly affected by dietary treatments (P>0.05). There were no significant differences in hepatosomatic index (HSI), intraperitoneal index (IPI), viscerosomatic index (VSI), and body coefficent (BC). And no significant differences were observed in activities of pepsin, trypsin and amylase in pancreas, and amylase in intestine, the activities of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) in serum and liver among 3 groups (P>0.05). Nevertheless, the uric acid (UA) in serum of soft-shelled turtle fed Diet 2 and Diet 3 were significantly lower than that of turtle fed Diet 1 (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the activities of lysozyme (LSZ), total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD), alkaline phosphatase (AKP), and the content of complement C4 in serum of the turtles among 3 groups (P>0.05). It is concluded that FSM replaced 6.38% RFM could improve the growth performance, without inhibiting physiological and biochemical indexes, and non-specific immunity of turtle. Under the experimental conditions, the appropriate replacing level of FSM in diet containing 47% RFM was about 6.38%, and less than 12.77%.2. A 136-day feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of replacing RFM with meat and bone meal (MBM) in the diet of soft-shelled turtle (initial mean body weight: 112.56±2.13g) with supplementation of crystal lysine on growth performance, feed utilization and digestive enzyme activities. Diet 1 was served as control without supplementation of crystal lysine, which of dietary fish meal content were 61%; Diet 2 was served as another control without supplementation of crystal lysine, which formulated with meat and bone meal to replaced 20% RFM; Diet 2 and Diet 3 were formulated with meat and bone meal to replaced 20% RFM, and the graged levels of crystal lysine were 0.1% and 0.2%, respectively. The total lysine contents in Diet 1 to Diet 4 were 3.59%, 3.50%, 3.60% and 3.71%, respectively. The results showed that survival rate (SR) of turtles was not significantly affected by addition of lysine (P>0.05). SGR, FER, and protein efficiency ratio (PER) of turtle increased with the increasing of crystal lysine supplementation. The best performance in SGR, FER, PER and productive protein value (PPV) were found in turtle fed Diet 4 with 0.2% lysine supplementation (P<0.05); the worst values were found in turtle fed Diet 2 without lysine supplementation (P<0.05). SGR, FER, and PPV of turtle fed Diet 4 with 0.2% lysine supplementation significantly higher than that of turtle fed Diet 4 on day 68 (P<0.05), but not significantly affected by the two treatments on day 136 (P>0.05). There were no significant differences in the whole-body content of moisture, crude protein and ash, HSI, and BC among 4 groups (P>0.05). And no significant differences were observed in activities of GOT and GPT in serum and liver among 4 groups (P>0.05). Nevertheless, the content of UA in serum of turtle fed Diet 4 supplemented with 0.2% crystal lysine were significantly lower than that of other 3 groups on day 68 (P<0.05). The results show that supplementation of crystal lysine could improve growth performance, and feed utilization in soft-shelled turtle fed MBM and fish meal based diets.3. A 160-day experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different quality of red fish meal (RFM) and with or without supplementation of 300mg/kg vitamin E (VE) on the growth performance, physiological and biochemical indexes of soft-shelled turtle (initial mean body weight: 65.66±1.63g). Four experimental diets including: Diet 1 (white fish meal WFM, control), Diet 2 (high quality RFM replacing 38% WFM), Diet 3 (poor quality RFM replacing 38% WFM), Diet 4 (poor quality RFM replacing 38% WFM and supplemented with 300 mg/kg VE). The results showed that the highest survival rate (SR) was observed in turtle fed Diet 1 and Diet 2, while the lowest was found in turtle fed Diet 3 (P<0.05). The best performance in the FI and SGR was found in turtle fed Diet 1, significantly higher than the other treatments on day 160 (P<0.05), but SGR, FER, PER of turtle fed Diet 1 not significantly higher than that of fed Diet 2 on day 80 (P>0.05). The worst performance in the FI, SGR, FER, PER was found in turtle fed Diet 3, which was significantly lower than that of fed Diet 1 and Diet 2 (P<0.05). SGR, FER, PER of turtle fed Diet 4 with VE supplementation were significant higher than that of fed Diet 3 without VE supplementation (P>0.05). There were no significant differences in HSI, IPI, VSI, and BC in turtle fed Diet 1 and 2 (P>0.05), however, HSI and VSI in turtle fed Diet 3 were significant higher than that of turtle fed Diet 1 on day 160 (P<0.05). Nevertheless, the VSI in turtle fed Diet 4 with VE supplementation was significantly lower than that of turtle fed Diet 3 without VE supplementation on day 160 (P<0.05). The different quality of RFM did not significantly affect the activities of pepsin, trypsin and amylase in pancreas, and amylase in intestine of turtle among 4 groups (P>0.05). The activities of GOT,γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GT) in turtle fed Diet 2 were significantly higher than that of fed Diet 1 on day 80 (P<0.05), but significantly lower than that of turtle fed Diet 3 and Diet 4 (P<0.05). The activities of GOT, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), T-SOD, and the content of UA in serum of turtle fed Diet 3 were significantly higer than that of turtle fed Diet 1, and the activities of LSZ and AKP in turtle fed Diet 3 were significantly lower that of turtle fed Diet 1 and Diet 2 on day 160 (P<0.05). Nevertheless, the activities of AKP in turtle fed Diet 4 with VE supplementation was significantly lower than that of turtle fed Diet 3 without VE supplementation on day 160 (P<0.05). It is concluded that different quality of RFM replacing WFM affected the growth performance and immunity in soft-shelled turtle on day 160, the high quality RFM could replace 38% WFM within 80 days; the poor quality RFM 38% replacing WFM supplemented with 300 mg/kg VE fed Chinese soft-shelled turtle have higher growth performance and survival rate than that of fed without VE supplementation.4. A 76-day feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different fish meal and production process on the growth performance, feed conversion ratio and whole-body composition of soft-shelled turtle (initial mean body weight: 381.46±10.30g). Three isonitrogenous and isoenergetic experimental diets were formulated to contain. Diet 1 (powder diet, 56% WFM + 10%RFM), Diet 2 (extruded diet, 56%WFM + 10%RFM), Diet 3 (extruded diet, 16%WFM + 50%RFM). The results showed that there was no significant difference in FI among 3 groups (P>0.05). FER and PER in turtle fed Diet 2 was significantly higher than that of turtle fed Diet 1 and Diet 3 (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in SGR and FER between Diet 3 and Diet 1, but the PER of turtle fed Diet 1 was significantly higher than that of fed Diet 3 (P<0.05). Nevertheless, the whole-body content of moisture, crude protein, crude lipid and ash, HSI, and BC in turtle were not significantly affected by dietary treatments (P>0.05). The results indicated that extrusion could improve feed utilization, and the RFM replacing with 71% WFM could be used in extruded diets of grown soft-shelled turtle.5. A 100-day feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of yeast culture (YC, DVAQUA) on growth performance and immunity of soft-shelled turtle (initial mean body weight: 121.07±3.07g). Three isonitrogenous and isoenergetic experimental diets (Diet 1, Diet 2, and Diet 3) were formulated with supplementation of graded levels of YC (0, 0.075%, and 0.15%). The results showed that there were no significantly differences in FI, SGR among 3 groups (P>0.05), but SR of turtle fed Diet 3 was significant higher than Diet 1 group (P<0.05). The activities of LSZ, acid phosphatase (ACP) and the content of complement C3 in turtle fed Diet 3 with 0.150% DVAQUA supplementation were significantly higher than Diet 1 group (P<0.05). In addition, after 30 d artificial added stress reaction experiment, cumulative incidence of disease rate in turtle was significantly decreased with the increase of DVAQUA in diets, while SR of turtle was significantly increased (P<0.05). It is concluded that supplementation of DVAQUA to the diet did not significantly affect the growth performance, but 0.150% DVAQUA level could increase immunity and SR of Chinese soft-shelled turtle.

  • 【分类号】S963
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】569

