

Research on the Development of Industrial Clusters in Fishing Harbor Economic Zone

【作者】 王苧萱

【导师】 高强;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国的海洋经济资源蕴含着巨大的潜力,还没有完全发挥出来。其中一个很重要的原因,是缺乏推动海洋经济发展的综合性载体和平台,缺乏将经济潜力转化为现实生产力并提高相关效率的桥梁纽带。而面对中日、中韩、中越相关渔业协定生效后,大批转产转业渔民的就业、生存压力日益增大的严峻现实,浙江、广东等沿海省份相继提出以渔港及其所在乡镇为依托,建设渔港经济区,这对于当前拓展转产转业渔民的发展空间、构建渔业产业化平台、优化海洋产业结构具有深远意义,更是加快海洋经济步伐、全面建设小康社会的重要举措。鉴于产业集群拥有高强度知识流动和信息交换、良好的竞争、合作与创新精神、专业化市场和稳定的分工协作等显著特点,以产业集群为基础发展渔港经济区有利于形成规模化优势、差异化优势,以及相关产业的“提升效应”优势。而如何利用产业集群的优势建设好渔港经济区,构筑配置海洋资源的载体和平台,把海洋资源潜力转化为海洋经济发展动力,就成为当前决策者和学术界面临的重大课题。基于此,本论文对我国渔港经济区产业集群发展进行研究。首先,在剖析渔港、渔港经济区、产业集群相关理论的基础上,对我国渔港经济区发展现状进行系统梳理,发现当前我国渔港经济区发展存在的问题,进而结合产业集群所具备的独特优势,提出渔港经济区建设产业集群的必要性;其次,依托产业集群相关理论,探讨渔港经济区产业集群的形成与发展模式、空间布局架构,选择渔港经济区产业集群的主导产业,构筑完善的区内外联系网络和顺畅的经济区产业价值链;再次,运用问卷调查法,结合因子分析法等探析影响渔港经济区产业集群建设的外部因素,为选择我国渔港经济区产业集群建设战略和对策做准备;然后,借鉴国外渔港和相关产业集群的发展经验,并运用管理学中的SWOT矩阵分析方法,提出我国渔港经济区产业集群总体发展规划要点和发展战略;最后从政府、企业、文化培植等方面给出具体可促进渔港经济区产业集群拓展的对策与建议。本研究以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,采用理论分析与统计分析并重、实证分析与规范分析并重、长期分析与短期分析相结合、静态分析与动态分析相结合,定性与定量相结合,以及系统的研究方法,根据产业经济学、管理学、渔业经济学等相关学科的知识,运用产业集群理论、区域经济理论、可持续发展理论等,对我国渔港经济区产业集群发展进行研究。产业集群理论的发展为我们提供了一个思考、分析国家和地方经济发展并制定相应政策的全新视角,集群已经成为促进经济发展的一种新思维方式。研究产业集群的各类文献数量多,涉及范围广,但到目前为止尚未有用产业集群的理论具体分析我国渔港经济区发展形势的文献。本文的创新之处正在于,首次从产业集群的角度建立了我国渔港经济区的模式和内容,构建了产业集群与渔港地区经济、社会共同繁荣与可持续发展的研究框架,并依托产业集群理论,分析渔港经济区产业集群的形成与衍生途径,提出了渔港经济区产业集群的发展战略和可供相关决策者和管理者参考的对策措施。此外,本文首次用因子分析法,并结合问卷调查对渔港经济区产业集群的影响因素进行了系统地分析,将理论研究与实践考察相结合,分析归纳出影响渔港经济区产业集群发展的六大因素,并得出其重要性的排序结果。

【Abstract】 Chinese Marine economic resource contains enormous potential, not yet fully exerts. One of the most important reasons, is the lack of comprehensive vehicle and platform to promote the development of Marine economy, and the lack of Bridge and link which put economic potential into productive forces and improve related efficiency. Facing the severe reality that a large number of fishermen’s employment and living stress is weighing more and more heavily after the Sino-Japanese, Sino-South Korean, and Sino-Vietnamese fishery agreement having been effective, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other coastal provinces in succession put forward building fishing port economic zone based on fishing ports, villages and towns, which is of profound significance for expanding industry transferring of fishermen in new areas, building platform of fishery industry, optimizing marine industrial stracture, and of vital means on accelerating the pace of marine economy, fully building up a well-off society. Because industrial cluster has a lot of advantages,such as high intensity knowledge flow and information exchange, good competition, cooperation and innovation spirit, professional markets and stable division of labor and cooperation, developing fishing harbor economic zone based on industrial clusters is conducive to the formation of scale advantages, differential advantages and“enhancing effects”advantages. Therefore, how to make good use of the advantages of industrial cluster, construct the vehicle and platform to dispatch Marine resources, and convert the Marine resources potential into the driving force of Marine economy become the major issues policymakers and academia faced.Based on these aspects, this dissertation discusses the development of industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone. First of all, based on analyzing the concept and theory of fishing port, fishing port economic zone, and industrial clusters, this dissertation conducts a study on the problems of the development of fishing port economic zone, and the advantages of the industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone. Secondly, relying on industrial cluster theory, this paper discusses the formation and development mode, and spatial layout of industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone, and explores how to choose the leading industries of industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone, and how to construct perfect relation network and smooth Value Chain of industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone. Thirdly, with questionnaire survey and factor analysis the paper analyzes the influence factors of industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone, for choosing strategy and countermeasures to the development of industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone. Then, using the successful developing experience of foreign fishing harbors and industrial clusters as reference, and combining with SWOT methods, the paper puts forward the planning strategy to develop industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone. Finally, several proposals are suggested to improve their development, such as governmental care and devotion, enterprises’innovation.The paper guides the Marxism and historical materialism, and uses the knowledge in regional economics, industrial economics, and economics of fishery, and comprehensively adopts the industrial cluster theory, sustainable development theories, and modernization theory, actively studies the development of industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone.The rise and development of industrial cluster theory provides a new visual angle and analysis framework for studying national and local economic development. There is considerable amount of literature on industrial cluster, but as far as we know, the research of industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone using industrial cluster theory has not been made. The innovation of this dissertation is to introduce industrial cluster theory to the construction and development of fishing harbor economic zone, and construct an integrated framework model to achieve common prosperity in fishing harbor economic zone. Besides, the paper proposes some measures to develop the industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone, which is useful and meaningful to the construction of industrial clusters in fishing harbor economic zone, and to the promotion of regional economic prosperity.


