

Revolution and Constitution in the Perspective of Modernity

【作者】 孟庆涛

【导师】 付子堂;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法学理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 从现代化的角度来看,革命是在一个矛盾的现代化背景中发生的重大政治和社会转型。作为一种制度外政治行为,革命除了群众参与、高度组织化之外,还要求有某种价值优越性和正当性的意识形态作为精神支撑。现代意义上的革命充盈的是现代的革命精神和意识。革命意识包含三个层面:从时间意识来看,革命理念意味着一个开端,意味着一种全新的开始;从合法性来看,革命以正当性颠覆了合法性,并在正当的基础上重新确立合法性;从政治实践来看,革命同自然政治和神意政治划清了界限,开启了人的理性政治。在革命理念现代化的过程中,中国传统意义上的王朝易姓被改造为现代意义上的革命。从时间意识来看,中国传统革命进入现代世界,传统革命的暴力因素得到现代“科学”知识,特别是“新”的历史意识的滋养,从而成了一个具有正当性的话语,并最终凝结成支配20世纪中国的一个核心正当理念。从合法性来看,革命在近现代中国获得正当地位,很大程度上得益于其在中国的现代国家建构中所可能发挥的作用。中国最终选择的是俄国式的革命建国道路,这从根本上决定了中国的革命政治实践要把国家同政党伦理、军队联系在一起,并最终形成了“党-国体制”。西方意义上的宪法观念在清末传入中国,宪法的现代性因素开始介入中国的政治。从现代性的视角来看,清末宪政改革首先是确定了现代宪法的正当性。辛亥革命则将宪法的现代性推进到了一种“人民”宪法具有唯一正当性的程度。在中国近代以来“人民”兴起的过程中,对宪法实质正当性与形式合法性这两个不同层面的强调以及对两者的价值对立的设定,使得“人民”宪法内部又滋生出不同形态的现代性,即一个由无阶级差别的“国民”宪法向以阶级分化和阶级差异为基础的“人民”宪法转变的过程。但在与“君主”对立的意义上,“国民”和“人民”都是具有道义正当性的现代“人民”。而即便是同一政权下的人民宪法,亦因不同时代的变化与政治需求,衍生出截然不同的现代性诉求。中华民国的人民宪法同中华人民共和国的人民宪法实质上体现的是资本主义与社会主义两种社会类型的竞争,两者的竞争实际上是现代性内部两种不同的现代性方式的竞争。新中国建立后,“七五宪法”把“无产阶级专政下继续革命”理论入宪,从而把革命和宪法勾连在一起。从术语的演进上来看,“无产阶级专政下继续革命”是从“不断革命论”发展转化而来的。从革命的政治实践来看,新中国在建立后一直“不断革命”,最终演进到“无产阶级专政下继续革命”。“无产阶级专政下继续革命”先后进入中国共产党的党章和“七五宪法”。但“无产阶级专政下继续革命”并非与现代性无关,而是体现着有组织的现代性。在“无产阶级专政下继续革命”的理念指引下,政治伦理统合了大众伦理,政党组织统合了社会组织。这一政党统合社会的结构,引发了党的一元化领导同现代国家的官僚自治之间的冲突。最终,政党以政治革命形式推进国家的现代化建设,引发了革命式现代化这一路径方式同社会结构之间的冲突,从而形成了革命式现代化的悖论。以“无产阶级专政下继续革命”理论作为指导思想的宪法是“人民革命宪法”。从革命意识的结构来看,人民革命宪法采用了公元纪历的方式,并且在宪法中以现代历史意识重构了革命历史,从而创造了人民的历史主体地位,并以人民主权证明人民宪法的正当性,以“大民主”实践革命政治。在此意义上,“无产阶级专政下继续革命”和“人民革命宪法”完全是受现代革命意识支配的,深刻地体现了现代性。首先,在时间意识上,“七五宪法”设定了纯粹的革命历法,这意味着一个全新时代的来临。“七五宪法”序言的历史叙事把无产阶级的胜利不仅仅表现为简单的军事上的优势,还表现为一种历史和道义的必然逻辑。通过历史叙事,“七五宪法”发现和重构了人民的革命者形象,并把中国近代以来的历史塑造为人民的革命史。在马克思主义历史哲学背景下,“七五宪法”序言的历史叙事展现的“人民革命史”在时间上体现为进步史,在空间上体现为普遍史,而最终表现为由辩证法支配的具有“末世论”色彩的向终极目标演进的进化史。其次,从正当性来看,“七五宪法”确立了“人民主权”的基础地位。为了让正义观念有着落,宪法必须具有实质正义性,在道义上是正当的;为了不让宪法成为纯粹的道德宣示,宪法又必须同时是形式的法律体系。宪法的正当性基于人民的制宪行为,其法律表现即为“人民主权”的规定,而宪法职能的双重性也就要求“人民主权”的双重性。基于“人民主权”的双重性,区分“作为根本性政治原则的人民主权”与“作为根本性宪法规范原则的人民主权”是必要的。“无产阶级专政下继续革命”理论高举政治性人民主权,以人民主权的名义倡导革命权,以政治的革命权介入法律的运作,形成了“作为根本性政治原则的人民主权”与“作为根本性宪法规范原则的人民主权”的抵触。人民主权的这种内在冲突,实质上源于“人民”的内在冲突。这表现在人民与公民在人民革命历史的建构中双重身份的冲突,表现在代表人民的无产阶级及其政党同作为宪法公民角色的全体“人民”之间的身份冲突。最后,从政治实践来看,“大民主”成了“无产阶级专政下继续革命”的形式。在道义论的层面上,从西方传入的“民主”取代中国传统的“天命观”,完成了从“君权神授”到“民主革命”的统治正当性转换。而从制度论的层面来看,“大民主”在“文化大革命”中成为“无产阶级专政下继续革命”理念指导下的具体民主方式,并被上升到宪法的高度。实际上,“大民主”是政党进行社会动员、发动群众运动的方式,实质上是大众民主的体现。而从现代性的视角来看,“大民主”旨在超越自由民主并对抗现代官僚机制。文化大革命的结束,宣告了“无产阶级专政下继续革命”意识形态统治合法性的结束,以实现四个现代化为目标的改革取代了革命成为时代的主题。“无产阶级专政下继续革命”虽然被否定,但革命本身的意义和正当性却得到了延续,从而形成了革命理念在延续与否定中的紧张关系。而“人权”进入宪法,则对“人民主权”构成了挑战,这表现为人民主权的公共性与人权的个体性冲突,和人民主权的特殊性与人权的普遍性冲突。

【Abstract】 From the point of view of modernization, revolution is a dramatic political and social transformation in the context of the contradictory modernization. As a political act outside the system, revolution also requires an ideology with superiority and legitimacy as a spiritual support in addition to the public participation and a high degree of organization. The revolution in the modern sense is filled with the modern revolutionary spirit and consciousness. Revolutionary consciousness consists of three levels:From the awareness of time, the revolutionary idea means a beginning;From the view of legitimacy, the revolution subverts legality with legitimacy and reaffirms legality on the base of legitimacy;From the view of political practice, revolution makes a clean break with natural politics and theological politics, and opens the way for the human’s rational politics.In the process of modernization of the ideas of revolution, the Chinese traditional dynasty change was converted into modern sense of the revolution. From the time consciousness of view, when the traditional Chinese revolution got into the modern world,the violent factors of traditional revolution gain force from modern scientific knowledge, particularly the new historical consciousness, which has become a discourse of legitimacy and a core philosophy dominating China in the 20th century. From the view of legitimacy, revolution won legitimacy in modern China largely due to its role in founding a modern state in China. Eventually China chooses the Russian-style revolutionary road to found a state. This style determines fundamentally that the political practice of China’s revolution is associated with the political parties and the military and party-state system is formed eventually.The Western sense of the constitution was transmitted into the late Qing Dynasty China, the modern factors of constitution began to intervene in China’s politics. From the perspective of modernity, the legitimacy of the modern constitution was recognized in Qing Dynasty in the constitutional reform. The modernity of constitution was advanced by Xinhai revolution to a degree that only the people’s constitution had legitimacy. During the process of rise of people, the real legitimacy of constitution is separated from the formal legality of constitution and viewed as opposites in value. This produced different forms of modernity in the people constitution. It is a process of change from a national constitution with no class difference to the people’s constitution with differences and differentiation in class. However, the nationals and the people both are modern "people" with moral legitimacy with comparison to monarch. There are different modern aspirations derived from the same people’s constitution in different times and with various political needs. The difference between the people’s constitutions of Republic of China and of the people’s Republic of China essentially reflects a competition of social type between capitalism and socialism which was the competition of two different kinds of modernity.After the founding of The PRC, the theory of Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat was prescribed into China’s 1975 Constitution. Thus revolution and constitution was connected together. The specific term comes from the continuous revolution in the sense of term’s evolution. From the view of political practice, The PRC launched kinds of continuous revolution and eventually evolved into Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat became the content of the Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party and the China’s 1975 Constitution. Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is connected with modernity and reflects the organized modernity. Under the guidance of Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the mass ethics was integrated into the political ethics and the social organizations were integrated into political party too. The structure of party-society generated conflict between the party’s unified leadership with the modern bureaucratic autonomy. Ultimately, national modernization construction promoted by political revolution by party leads to the conflict between revolution-style modernization with social structure. This is a paradox of revolution-style modernization.The constitution under the guidance of Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is people’s revolutionary constitution. From the view of the structure of revolutionary consciousness, people’s revolutionary constitution takes the calendar of century AD and reconstructs revolutionary history with modern historical consciousness. Thus creating a people’s dominant position in history is created and the legitimacy of people constitution is proved by popular sovereignty and the great democracy becomes the practice of revolutionary politics. In this sense, Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat and people’s revolutionary constitution are completely dominated by the modern revolutionary consciousness, and modernity is profoundly embodied. First, China’s 1975 Constitution sets pure revolution calendar in the time consciousness, which opens a new era. The historical narrative of preamble of China’s 1975 Constitution declares the victory of the proletariat. It is not only the simple military superiority, but also an inevitable logic in history and morality.China’s 1975 Constitution discovered and reconstructed the revolutionary image of people through historical narrative, and the history of modern China was shaped as the people’s revolution history. In the context of the Marxist philosophy of history, the people’s revolutionary history presented by the historical narrative of preamble of China’s 1975 Constitution shows itself as the history of progress in time and the universal history in space, and ultimately the evolutionary history with the end of the world which dominated by the dialectics. Secondly, from the view of legitimacy, China’s 1975 Constitution established the position of popular sovereignty. To make the concept of justice real, constitution must be real and be morally justified, to keep constitution not as a purely moral declaration, constitution must be presented as a legal system. The legitimacy of constitution is based on people’s constitutional acts and its legislative embodiment is the constitutional provisions of popular sovereignty. The dual functions of constitution requires the dual nature of popular sovereignty. Based on the dual nature of popular sovereignty, we must distinct the popular sovereignty as fundamental political principle and the popular sovereignty as fundamental normative principle. The theory of Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat holds high the slogan of political popular sovereignty and advocates the right of revolution in the name of popular sovereignty to intervene the operation of law with political revolution. This constitutes the conflict between the popular sovereignty as fundamental political principle and the popular sovereignty as fundamental normative principle. The inherent conflict of popular sovereignty is derived from internal conflict of people in essence. This is reflected in the conflict of dual role as civil and as people in the construction of people’s revolutionary history, and the conflict of dual roles between the proletariat and its political parties as the representative of people and all the people on behalf of the people of citizens. Finally, from the view of political practice, great democracy has become the form of Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. On the moral level, the Western democracy replaces the traditional Chinese the Idea of God and converts the rule of legitimacy from the divine right of kings to democratic revolution. From the perspective of the system, great democracy in the cultural revolution becomes the specific democratic way under the guidance of Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat and was described in the constitution. In fact, great democracy is the social mobilization and mass movement launched by the party and is the public manifestation of democracy. From the perspective of modernity, great democracy is to go beyond free democracy and against the modern bureaucratic mechanisms.The end of Culture Revolution announced the end of the ideological legitimacy of the Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. The reform aiming for four modernization replaced the revolution.It becomes the theme of the times. Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is denied but the meaning and legitimacy of revolution has been extended. It leads the continuous tension of revolution. The human rights described in constitution challenges to the popular sovereignty. These are the conflicts between the public nature of popular sovereignty and the individual nature of human rights, and between the particularity of popular sovereignty and the universality of human rights.

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