

【作者】 汤法远

【导师】 周平;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 民族政治与公共行政, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 我国民族民族自治地方的政治体系,主要以民族区域自治体系的形式存在,但除此之外,还存着各种形态的民族社区政治体系。民族自治地方的政治体系是一种非国家形态的政治体系,是统一多民族国家政治体系内的一个次级政治体系,它受国家政治体系的支配和领导,其在经济、文化、社会等方面的环境变化过程中作出的适应性变迁是随着我国整个政治发展过程的展开而展开的,整体上同我国整个政治发展过程同步,具有我国政治发展的一般性特点,是我国整个政治发展中的一个重要组成部分。但是,民族自治地方的政治体系又是在民族自治地方的政治生态中存在和运行的,在内部结构、体制、运行机制和功能输出等方面具有突出的民族自治地方特色,因而民族自治地方的政治发展又具有特殊的一面。民族自治地方的政治发展,在历史上的少数民族地区就已经存在,但由于社会发展和转型的缓慢和细微而表现得不是十分显著。1978年以来,在改革开放这一建设性力量的推动下,民族自治地方社会逐渐进入转型的加速期和关键期,社会变迁巨大而深刻。社会转型是社会结构的整体性、深层次和根本性变化,它伴随着政治体系在结构、体制、运行机制和功能输出等方面的发展变化。在改革开放及其导致的社会转型日益全面、深入、快速和剧烈的过程中,民族自治地方广泛而深入的政治发展也不断形成。大致看来,这样的政治发展一方面呈现出在政府政治体系内部、从政府政治体系向非政府政治体系、在非政府政治体系内部不断拓展的趋势,另一方面则呈现出从物质技术层面到组织制度层面,再到政治心理层面、政治思想观念和政治价值系统逐渐深化的趋势。民族自治地方政治发展在社会转型过程中的拓展和深化,是一个以经济体制改革和市场经济的发展为基础的复合动力系统所推动的。在这一系统中,经济体制改革的深入及市场经济的发展是根本性动力,它不仅为民族自治地方广泛、深入的政治发展奠定了扎实的物质基础,为民族自治地方政治形态中新的政治元素的自然生成培育了必须的土壤,而且为民族自治地方的政治发展造就了必要的政治动力、文化动力和社会动力。在经济体制改革的深入及市场经济的发展的推动下,民族自治地方文化和社会子系统的内部结构变迁渐趋显著,并形成了更为多样的政治发展诉求。而且,在市场经济的发展过程中,边缘后发的民族自治地方与外部环境之间的联系更加密切,外部环境中先进的政治元素在互动的过程中不断扩散到民族自治地方的政治形态之中,增强了民族自治地方政治发展的外部动力。到目前为止,在以经济动力为基础的复合动力系统的推动下不断拓展和深化的民族自治地方政治发展,大致历经了启动调适、全面深入、快速推进的三阶段演变历程,这三个阶段都有相应的标志性事件。1978年召开的中共十一届三中全会,掀开了民族自治地方政治发展的新的一页。但这一阶段的民族自治地方政治发展,在动力上还相对单一和片面,主要来源于经济体制改革及其促进的经济发展、中央关于政治体制改革的决策两方面;在广度比较有限,政治发展的自发性并不明显,主要是体制内的自觉性政治发展;在深度上主要体现在物质技术层面和组织制度层面,尚未深入到民族自治地方政治体系的深层结构——政治心理、政治价值观念特别是政治思想层面;在主题上主要是从国家层面重申和强调民族政策,逐步恢复民族区域自治制度,并建立新的民族自治地方。1992年开始的以确立和完善社会主义市场经济体制为目标的改革,推动着民族自治地方的政治发展更加全面和深入,政治发展的自发性也明显增强,体制外发展日益广泛,并逐渐深入到政治心理、政治思想、政治价值系统等深层结构。而在主题上,这一阶段的政治发展一方面表现为通过创造性与建设性的政治体制改革来建设与市场经济体制相适应的政治形态,另一方面则是民族区域自治的完善和成熟。2000年实施的西部大开发战略,在为民族自治地方政治发展注入强大的外源动力的同时,也促进了其内源动力的显著增强,从而推动了民族自治地方政治的快速发展。这一阶段的政治发展,在广度和深度上都呈现出了快速推进的趋势,在主题上则主要表现为社会主义政治文明建设和民族区域自治的发展。民族自治地方社会转型过程中广泛、深入的政治发展的形成,是多种机制综合作用的结果。在这些机制中,党委和政府的推动是主导性机制。我国的政治发展,总体上是自上而下地进行的,中央高层的推动更具根本性,在民族自治地方的政治发展过程中扮演了倡导者和推动者的角色,而民族自治地方党委和自治机关则主要发挥了组织者和实施者的作用。其他机制虽然是次要的或辅助性的,但也发挥着不可或缺的重要作用。多党合作和政治协商有利于深化对推进政治改革和政治建设、促进政治发展的必要性的认识,有利于增强政治改革和政治建设方案的合法性,有利于强化对政治改革和政治建设方案之实施情况的监督,促进政治发展过程的顺利展开;民族政治精英在民族社会的政治生活中发挥着重要的影响和作用,其政治态度、政治行为、政治决策对政治发展的方向和前景产生着重要影响,并决定着政治活动的性质;外部政治的输入既是外部政治元素自发扩散到民族自治地方政治形态中的过程,也是民族自治地方自觉贯彻中央政治改革和政治建设方案的过程,这一过程的展开便形成了政治的发展;公民政治参与则从正反两个方面触发和推动了政治的发展。民族自治地方广泛、深入的政治发展不仅需要有适宜的机制才能形成,而且其内容和要求也必须经由一定的途径和方式才能实现。这些实现途径和方式有政治改革、政治构建、自然演进和自然生成等几种。政治改革和政治构建是自觉性的实现方式,也是常态化的实现方式。政治改革不仅有效地调整了民族自治地方的政治结构特别是政治权力结构、优化了政治运行机制,从而使政治体系蕴含的积极潜能得到了充分的挖掘和释放,完善了政治功能的输出,实现了政治的发展,而且有效地革除了民族自治地方政治发展过程中的种种弊端,避免了政治发展过程中的陷阱和障碍,实现了政治的健康、顺利发展。政治构建是民族自治地方政治在较高发展程度的基础上实现进一步发展的实现方式。在新的政治因素、政治力量、政治要求、社会矛盾等不断增多的情况下,政治构建能够使政治结构更加合理、政治制度更加完善、政治机制更加灵敏、政治关系更加协调。自然演进和自然生成都是自发性的实现方式,前者主要描述的是政治形态的历史发展,后者则主要描述新的政治元素的出现,两者的政治发展功能的充分发挥都直接受制于社会的发展水平和转型进程。随着民族自治地方的改革开放及其导致的社会转型进程的继续推进,它们在政治发展实现过程中的重要意义将会进一步彰显出来。在改革开放及其导致的社会转型过程中形成和实现的民族自治地方政治发展,既有我国政治发展的一般性内容,也有民族自治地方的特殊表现。这些一般性内容和特殊表现共同构成了民族自治地方政治发展内容的庞大体系。这一体系可谓是包罗万象、蔚为壮观的,涉及到方方面面的内容,其轮廓可以概括性地勾勒为六个方面:民族区域自治制度的完善和发展,主要表现在民族自治地方的恢复和新建、少数民族干部队伍的发展、民族区域自治法制化水平的提高、民族区域自治制度功能的变迁等方面;政治权力结构的完善和运行的优化,结构的完善主要有纵向结构的改善、横向关系的协调、开放程度的提高等几种表现,运行的优化则主要从政治决策的民主化和科学化、政府职能模式的演变两方面体现出来;社会政治力量的发育和成长,主要表现在个体性、团体性社会政治力量的成长以及政治参与的发展等方面;民族政治关系的发展,主要有民族政治关系的利益本质不断凸显、民族政治关系的多元化和复杂化、各民族成员政治权利意识的增强等表现;政治模式的渐进演变,主要从政治的现代化、一体化和民主化等方面体现出来;民族政治文化的变迁与更新,包括各民族群众传统政治心理的现代化、公民政治文化的生成和发展两大方面。民族自治地方广泛、深入的政治发展的形成和实现,有着重大而深远的现实意义。任何政治发展的意义,首先都是对政治体系和政治形态本身而言的,民族自治地方的政治发展也是如此,其政治意义主要体现在促进政治进步方面。同时,民族自治地方的政治发展是在其经济、社会和文化环境的变迁过程中形成和实现的,因而它必然会彰显出经济社会发展方面的促进意义,而由于民族自治地方的经济社会发展是一种典型的政府推动型模式,这一意义就显得更为明显。再者,民族性因素是民族自治地方政治体系的一大特点,因而民族自治地方的政治发展就具有了特殊的民族发展意义。此外,政治转型是社会转型的政治方面,政治发展则是实现政治转型的基本政治方式。从社会转型的视角看,民族自治地方政治发展的重要意义就在于,通过促进政治的转型、增强社会转型的政治动力、建构社会转型的政治保障而推动社会转型进程的全面、快速和顺利展开。民族自治地方政治获得了多方面的发展,并产生了广泛而深远的意义,但这并不意味着民族自治地方政治发展的形势是完全可以乐观看待的。任何事物的发展过程都是前进性和曲折性的统一,民族自治地方政治的发展也不例外。由于观念转变的滞后、既得利益的掣肘特别是转型期社会环境的巨变等因素的影响,民族自治地方的政治发展过程并不是一帆风顺的,而是充满了曲折,面临着一系列的问题和挑战,如政治不稳定、政治衰败、民族区域自治不完善、政治系统功能的经济化、政府职能模式不合理、民族政治认同结构失衡、社会政治力量的成熟度偏低,等等。这些问题和挑战的存在,不仅使得民族自治地方政治发展的意义未能充分地彰显出来,而且还构成了有可能葬送民族自治地方政治发展成果,阻碍民族自治地方政治进一步发展的困境和障碍。民族自治地方政治发展存在诸多问题,面临着一系列挑战的事实表明,在社会转型进程继续推进的过程中,需要立足于民族自治地方政治生态的实际,从多个方面开展政治建设,以完善其发展。唯有如此,才能有效地避免民族自治地方政治发展过程中的陷阱,克服政治发展的困难,推动政治发展进程的顺利和成功展开。民族自治地方的政治发展,也只能在不断克服困难的政治建设过程中逐步前进。而就目前的情况而言,完善民族自治地方政治发展的政治建设,应围绕着构建完善的政治稳定机制、健全政治衰败的防治体系、推进民族区域自治的创新、弱化政治功能输出的经济取向、构建适度平衡和引导型的政府职能模式、强化民族的国家政治认同建设、加大社会政治力量的培育力度等重大方面展开。民族自治地方政治形态总是处于一定的运行过程中的,并且只有在一定的运行过程中才能体现其存在的价值。民族自治地方政治形态在运行中发挥自身功能的同时,也使自身在结构上日趋合理、功能上日趋完备、运行上日趋有效,从而使自身逐渐由低级走向高级。民族自治地方政治形态的这种演变过程,便是民族自治地方的政治发展过程。因此,通过完善民族自治地方的政治发展,确保政治发展进程的顺利和成功展开,将会促进民族自治地方政治形态的不断演变。与民族自治地方社会由自然经济和半自然经济社会向市场经济社会、由农业社会向工商业社会、由乡村社会向城市(镇)社会、由封闭半封闭社会向开放社会、由伦理型社会向法理型社会、由传统社会向现代社会的转型趋势相适应,民族自治地方政治形态的演变已经并将继续呈现出从传统性政治到现代化政治、从多样性政治到统一性政治、从民族化政治到共同性政治、从宗教性政治到世俗化政治、从家族性政治到法理型政治等几种走向。民族自治地方政治发展的特殊性,不仅体现在动力机制、演进过程、形成机制、实现方式、现实意义、问题挑战、完善措施、发展走向等方面,也体现在发展过程、形成过程、实现过程和发展结果上。在发展过程上,由于民族自治地方的政治体系享有自治的权利,整个政治发展过程中的独立性和自主性都相对较强;在形成过程上,利益分化尤其是民族性利益分化过快、跨国民族问题、严重的生态危机、民族分裂主义和恐怖主义等因素的综合作用,导致非制度性政治参与、群体性事件,以及各阶层、各群体、各民族间的不和谐甚至冲突在政治发展的形成过程中时常发生;在实现过程上,民族自治地方复杂的民族宗教结构、根深蒂固的家族伦理,使得整个政治发展的实现过程都伴随着民族、宗教和宗族因素的深刻影响;在发展结果上,由于民族政治文化中的现代性积累不足,致使很多先进的政治体制、政治机制、政治理念、政治方法和技术难以有效地融入到民族自治地方政治的实际运行过程之中,徒有其表而已。这些特殊性表明,民族自治地方的政治发展是富有民族自治地方特色的政治发展,是我国政治发展中的一种特殊类型。

【Abstract】 The system of ethnic and regional autonomy is the main form of the political system of ethnic autonomous areas in China, but otherwise, still has various forms of ethnic community’s political system. The political system of ethnic autonomous areas is a form of non-state political system; it is a secondary political system within the political system of unified multi-ethnic state, it is dominated by the country’s political system, and its adaptive development in the process of change of economic, cultural, and social environment is an important part within the political development of China. However, the political system of ethnic autonomous areas existing and running in the political environment of the autonomous areas, has outstanding features of ethnic autonomous areas in the internal structure, system, operation mechanism and functional output, etc, therefore, the political development of ethnic autonomous areas has also a special side.The political development of ethnic autonomous areas has existed in the history of the ethnic minority areas, however, due to social development and transformation was slow and not very subtle the development is not very significant. Since 1978, under the impetus of reform and opening up, the social transformation of ethnic autonomous areas gradually into the accelerated period and the key period, the social change is very tremendous and profound. Social transformation is integrity, deep and fundamental changes of the social structure, it along with the development and changes of political system in the structure, system, operation mechanism, functional output and other aspects. The broad and deep political development of ethnic autonomous areas continuously form in the process of social transformation more comprehensive, thorough, rapid and severe. Looked approximately, this political development on the one hand shows continuously expand within government political system, from government political system to non-government political system, and within non-government political system; on the other hand, it shows gradually deepening trend from material and technical level to organization and system level, then to political psychological, political ideas and political value system.The expanding and deepening of the political development of ethnic autonomous areas in the process of social transformation is driven by power systems that on economic reform and development of market economy based. In this system, economic reform and development of market economy is fundamental power, it not only laid a solid material foundation for the broad and deep political development of ethnic autonomous areas, cultivated necessary soil for natural generation of new political element in the political form of ethnic autonomous areas, but also created necessary political, cultural and social power for the political development of ethnic autonomous areas. The change in internal structure of cultural and social subsystem of ethnic autonomous areas becoming significant under the impetus of economic reform and development of market economy, and formed more diverse demands of political development. At the same time, the contact between ethnic autonomous areas that belong to edge and underdeveloped region and external environment becoming closer, advanced political elements in external environment continuously spread to political form of ethnic autonomous areas, and enhanced the external power the political development of ethnic autonomous areas.So far, the political development of ethnic autonomous areas roughly after a three-stage evolution process includes that is start and adjustment, comprehensive and thorough, fast forward, this three-stage have a corresponding landmark event. The third plenary session of communist Party of China held in 1978 opened a new page of the political development of ethnic autonomous areas. The power of the political development of ethnic autonomous areas in this stage mainly from the economic reform and promote economic development, the central decision-making on political reform, so seem relatively simple and one-sided; also more limited in scope, the spontaneous political development is not obvious, mainly the consciousness of political developments within the system; in the depth mainly embody on material and technical level and organization and system level, not yet deep into the deep structure of the political system of ethnic autonomous areas, which is political psychology, political values, especially political ideological level; the subject is reiterating and emphasizing national policy from the national level, gradual recovery the regional and ethnic autonomy system, and creating some new autonomous areas. The reform that aim to establish and improve the socialist market economic system began in 1992 made the political development of ethnic autonomous areas more comprehensive and deep, spontaneous political development is also markedly enhanced, the development outside the system increasingly widespread, and deep into political psychology, political values and political ideological system. In theme, the political development of this stage is mainly reflected in two aspects:first, through creative and constructive political reform to build political formation that adapted with market economic system, the second is the improvement of regional ethnic autonomy and maturity. The western development strategy implemented in 2000 not only injected strong external source of power for the political development of ethnic autonomous areas, but also made the internal power more strong, and promoting the rapid development of the political development of ethnic autonomous areas. In this stage, the political development in breadth and depth has emerged a trend of rapid advance, and the topic is building socialist political civilization and the development of regional ethnic autonomy.The formation of extensive and deep political development in the process of social transformation of ethnic autonomous areas is the combined result of many mechanisms. In these mechanisms, the promotion of the party and government is the dominant mechanism. On the whole, China’s political development is top-down manner, the promotion of central level is more fundamental. In the process of the political development of ethnic autonomous areas, central level playing the role of advocator and promoter, the local party committees and autonomous self-government organs of ethnic autonomous areas are mainly played the role of organizer and perpetrator. Although other mechanisms is secondary or auxiliary mechanism, but also played an indispensable role. Multi-party cooperation and political consultation is conducive to deepening the awareness of the need for pushing political reform and political construction, promote political development, is conducive to enhancing the program legitimacy of political reform and political construction, is conducive to strengthening the supervision of the implementation in the program of political reform and political construction, making the process of political development more smooth; national political elites in the political life of national society playing an important influence and role, their political attitudes, political behavior, political decision-making have a significant impact on the direction and prospects of political development, and will determine the nature of political activities; external political input is not only a process of external political elements spread spontaneously enters the political form of ethnic autonomous areas, but also conscious process that ethnic autonomous areas implement consciously the program of political reform and political construction, the start of this process will form political development; political participation cause and promote the political development from positive and negative aspect.To the extensive and deep political development of ethnic autonomous areas, its formation not only needs adaptive mechanism, its achievement of contents and requirements needs also adaptive ways and means. These ways and means includes political reform, political building, natural evolution, natural produce, etc. Political reform and political building is self-conscious achieve way, is also normalizing achieve way. Political reform adjusted not only the political structures especially the political power structure, optimizing the political operation mechanism, and has been fully excavated and release the positive potential inherent in the political system, improved the political function output, realized the political development, but also effectively get rid of many defects in the process of political development of ethnic autonomous areas, avoided the pitfalls and obstacles in the process of political development, achieved the health, successful political development. Political building is a achieve way of further development of the politics of ethnic autonomous areas at a higher level. In the case of gradual increasing of new political factors, political forces, political demands, social conflicts, the political building will make political structure more reasonable, political system more perfect, political system more sensitive, political relations more harmonious. Natural evolution and natural produce is spontaneous way, the former describes mainly the historical development of political forms, while the latter describes mainly the emergence of new political element, its functions of the political development are directly subject to the level of social development and social transition process. Its importance in the process of implementation of political development will be further manifested with the continue advance of reform and opening up.The political development of ethnic autonomous areas not only includes general content of our political development, but also has a special performance of ethnic autonomous areas. These general content and special performance constitute the vast system of political development content of ethnic autonomous areas. This system can be described as all-inclusive, spectacular, involving all aspects of the content; its outline can be sketched in general terms for the six:the improvement and development of Ethnic Regional Autonomy System; improvement of the political power structure and the optimization of the political power operation; the growth and development of social and political forces; the development of national political relations; the gradual evolution of political models; the changes and regeneration in national political culture.The extensive and deep political development of ethnic autonomous areas had a significant and far-reaching significance. The significance of any political development, the first is the political system and political formation itself, and the political development of ethnic autonomous areas, too, the political significance of political development of ethnic autonomous areas embody mainly on terms of promoting political progress. Meanwhile, the political development of ethnic autonomous.areas form in the changes process of economic, social and cultural environment, so it is bound to have the meaning of economic and social development, and because the economic and social development of ethnic autonomous areas was a typical government-driven model, this meaning of political development of ethnic autonomous areas becomes even more obvious. Furthermore, ethnic factors are a major feature of the political system of ethnic autonomous areas, and thus the political development of ethnic autonomous areas has the special meaning of national development. In addition, the political transition is the political dimension of social transformation; political development is basic political way that realizes political transition. From the perspective of social transformation, the impotent meaning lies in promoting the social transformation process in a comprehensive, fast and smoothly through promoting political transition, enhancing the political power of social transformation, constructing political protection for social transformation.The politics of ethnic autonomous areas access to the various development, and have a broad and far-reaching significance, but that does not mean that the situation of the political development of ethnic autonomous areas is completely optimistic. The development of anything is the unity of forward and tortuous, and the political development of ethnic autonomous areas is no exception. Because the concept behind change, vested interests of the constraints, especially in transition, the social environment changes and other factors, the process of political development in ethnic autonomous areas was not always smooth, but full of twists and turns, facing a series of problems and challenges Such as political instability, political decline, national regional autonomy is imperfect, the economic and political system functions, government functions of the model is unreasonable, unbalanced structure of national political identity, social and political forces of low maturity, and so on. The existence of these problems and challenges, not only makes the significance of political development in ethnic autonomous areas not fully manifested, but also constitute the ethnic autonomous areas have the potential to ruin the outcome of political development and hinder the further development of autonomous local political difficulties and obstacles.Political development of ethnic autonomous areas there are many problems and a series of challenges facing the fact that, in the social transformation process continues to advance the process, the need based on the actual political environment of national autonomous areas, and political construction in many areas to improve their development. The only way to effectively prevent the development of autonomous local politics in the trap, to overcome the difficulties of political development, political development to promote the smooth and successful starts. Political development in ethnic autonomous areas can only continue to overcome difficulties in the process of gradual progress and political construction. The terms of the current situation and improve the development of autonomous local politics and political construction, should be built around a sound mechanism for political stability, sound political decline of the control system, and promote innovative regional ethnic autonomy, weakening the political function of the output of the economic orientation, Build an appropriate balance and guide the type of government functions mode, strengthen national identity construction of the country’s political, social and political forces to increase the cultivation of strength and other major aspects.The political formation of ethnic autonomous areas is always in some form process of operation, and only during the operation process it can reflect the value of its existence. The political formation of ethnic autonomous areas play to its function in the operation, but also increasingly make their own rational in structure and function is becoming more complete, run on the increasingly effective, making itself gradually from low to high. This evolution of political formation of ethnic autonomous areas is the process of political development in ethnic autonomous areas. Therefore, through the improvement of the political development of ethnic autonomous areas and ensurment of the smooth and success start of process of political development and will promote the evolving of the political formation of ethnic autonomous areas. Adaption with the trend of social transformation of ethnic autonomous areas, the evolution of the political formation of ethnic autonomous areas has been and will continue to show following several direction:from traditional politics to modern politics; from political diversity to political unity; from the nationalization of politics to commonality of politics; from religious politics to secular political; from family politics to legal politics.The particularity of the political development of ethnic autonomous areas, not only in the dynamic mechanism, evolution process, formation mechanism, implementation way, practical significance, the issue challenges, improve measures and development trend, etc., but also in the development process, the formation process, implementation process and development results. In the development process, due to the political system of ethnic autonomous areas have the right to autonomy, the independence and autonomy are relatively strong in the whole process of political development; in the formation process, the fast of interests differentiation, especially national differentiation, cross-national problems, serious ecological crisis, terrorism, ethnic separatism and a combination of factors led to non-institutional political participation, group events, as well as classes, groups, inter-ethnic discord and even conflict in the formation process of political development is frequent; in the development result, due to modernity of national political culture less accumulated, resulting in a lot of advanced political system, political system, political philosophy, political methods and techniques can not effectively integrated into the actual operation process of ethnic autonomous politics, it seems to form only. These peculiarities indicate that the political development of ethnic autonomous areas are full of characteristics of ethnic autonomous areas, it exists as a special type of the whole political development in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D633
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1319

