

The Construction and Practice of a Circle: An Ethnography of Tourism Planning

【作者】 成海

【导师】 杨慧;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国目前的旅游人类学研究还远未成为研究主流,其原因之一就是对旅游研究的民族志缺失。本文选取了国内外还没有人涉足的研究领域:以民族志的视角研究旅游规划圈子,以期对旅游规划圈子进行基于民族志观察的民族志理解,为建构中国旅游人类学研究的主体性提供一份素材。同时,本文的写作还有一个目的,就是通过民族志的研究手段展示和分析旅游规划的圈子文化,希望能够利用人类学的反思精神,唤起旅游规划圈子的自觉和反思意识,避免旅游规划圈子自娱自乐的“内卷化”①倾向。作为国内第一份具有探索和实验性质的旅游规划民族志,本文在文献综述的基础上,用吉登斯的现代性理论回顾了旅游规划在中国的兴起以及旅游规划圈子的形成(第一章);分析了旅游规划编制主体作为旅游专家系统的构建(第二章):从不同的视角展示了旅游规划的过程(第三章);讨论了旅游规划圈子的核心竞争力——创新的产生(第四章);接着分析了旅游规划编制主体之间的博弈关系(第五章);以及旅游规划文本风格及其权威(第六章);文章还探讨了旅游规划涉及到的权力、话语和公平问题(第七章);最后是笔者结合自己的田野经历和个人理解,对旅游规划圈子的反思性总结(第八章)。作者试图说明:旅游规划圈子的建构过与实践,实际上就是旅游规划专家系统的建立及运作的过程,是一种现代性的后果。本文在文献综述和田野工作的基础上,提出了以下见解:一、旅游规划者凝视是旅游凝视理论的一方面,其所蕴含的“权力”和“权威”,本质上就是吉登斯所谓的“脱域的(disembedded)"专家系统所代表的专业知识的权力和权威,是“现代性的后果”。旅游规划的过程就是脱域的专家系统“重新植入(reembedding)"旅游目的地的过程,换句话说,是专业技术知识“域化”的过程。旅游规划者凝视不仅仅代表自己的目光,更要代表甲方、游客和政府等各相关利益主体,是多种力量作用下的“合力凝视”。二、旅游目的地的社会生态系统是一个多成分、多变量、具有耗散结构的开放系统,也必然存在着熵增现象。作为一种智力劳动过程,旅游规划是一项复杂的信息组织、运用及创新活动,表现为人们试图通过知识(信息)来指导旅游地的旅游业发展,最大限度地抵消旅游目的地社会生态系统的熵增,对旅游地的旅游业来说意味着输入一种负熵,以消除旅游业发展过程中的不确定性,本质上是为旅游地寻找、开发、创造负熵的过程。三、旅游规划表面上只是甲乙双方之间的一种市场行为,但由于旅游规划的对象是具有公共性质的旅游目的地,终极目的是服务于社会公众(包括东道主和游客),因此本质上应该是一种为社会公众提供旅游服务并使相关利益主体公平受益的实践活动,具有典型的公共服务性和社会共享性,是一种社会公器,承担着为社会提供公共产品的责任和任务。四、旅游规划编制者及其实施者应超越旅游产业经济属性的传统思维模式,以一种价值至善与社会良心的姿态,“为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”,体现终极关怀的人文精神,超越现代性,使旅游活动成为推动人类社会和谐幸福的强劲动力。

【Abstract】 Anthropology of Tourism in China is still far from being the mainstream research. One of the reasons is the lack of ethnographic study on tourism. This thesis sets foot in a new area of research:to study the circle of tourism planning with ethnographic perspectives. I hope my thesis can provide a copy of ethnographic material of tourism planning circle based on the ethnographic observations and understanding, so as to construct the subjectivity of China anthropological research. Meanwhile, another purpose of this thesis is to show and to analyze the culture of the circle. I hope this thesis can evoke consciousness and reflection of tourism planning circle, and help us avoid the tendency of "involution" with its self-satisfaction.This thesis is the only exploratory and experimental ethnography of tourism planning up to now. Based on the literature review, the main contents of the thesis includes the following aspects:to give a brief historical retrospect of the rise of tourism planning and the formation of tourism planning circles in China with Giddens’s modernity theory(ChapterⅠ); to analyze the construction of the tourism planning subject(ChapterⅡ); to show the process of tourism planning from different perspectives(ChapterⅢ); to discuss the competency for innovation of a tourism planning circle(ChapterⅣ); to analyze the game rules among the subjects of tourism planning(ChapterⅤ); to investigate the styles and authorities of the texts of tourism planning(ChapterⅥ); to discuss power, discourse and equity issues related with tourism planning(ChapterⅦ). Finally, I draw a reflective summary based on my own field experiences and personal understanding about tourism planning circles (ChapterⅧ). I argue that the construction and practice of tourism planning circle implies a process of establishment and operation of tourism expert systems which is a consequence of modernity.Based on the literature review and field experience, I propose the following viewpoints:First, tourism planner gaze is one aspect of tourism gaze theory. The power and authority implied in Tourism planner gaze is in fact the power and authority of Giddens’s so-called "disembedded" expert systems and it is a consequence of modernity. The tourism planning is a process of the "disembedded" expert systems "reembedding" the tourism destination. In other words, the tourism planning is a localized process of the expert professional knowledge. Planner gaze reflects not only their own eyes, but also the eyes of the clients, the tourists, the government and other relevant stakeholders, so planner gaze is the result of "compound gaze".Second, the tourism destination is an open social-ecological system with multi-component, multi-variable and dissipative structures, so the destination system shall bring about the phenomenon of entropy increase. As a process of intellectual labor, tourism planning involves complex organization, application and innovation activities. In the process, people try to guide the development of tourism through inputting knowledge (information) into the destination system to counteract the entropy increase of the system. This is equivalent to input negative entropy to eliminate uncertainty of tourism development. Tourism planning is in nature a process of seeking, developing, and creating negative entropy.Third, it seems that tourism planning is a kind of market activity between the two parties conducting the market. In fact, the object of tourism planning is a tourism destination with the purpose of serving the public (including the hosts and tourists), so tourism planning is a kind of public instrument which bears the responsibility to provide public goods for society.Finally, tourism planners and planning operators should transcend modernity and go beyond the traditional opinions with a philosophy of perfect values and social conscience "to be conscience of heaven and earth, to stand for masses destiny, to pass the endangered knowledge and to create an eternal peace" and reflects the ultimate concerns of the human spirit so that tourism activities can finally become a source of promoting social harmony.

【关键词】 旅游规划圈子民族志现代性脱域
【Key words】 Tourism planningCircleEthnographyModernityDisembedding
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】K28;F590.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】955

