

Research on Coordination and Management of Partnership in Corn Supply Chain

【作者】 杨子刚

【导师】 郭庆海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 玉米是中国三大主要粮食作物之一,产量和消费量仅居稻谷之后,从全球范围看,中国玉米产量和消费量仅次于美国,均居世界第二位。改革开放以来,玉米生产和消费迅速发展,玉米总体呈现供大于需的局面。玉米用途主要集中于食用、饲料用、工业加工和种用等四个方面。与稻谷和小麦相比,玉米具有用途更广、产业链更长等优势,玉米不仅可以作为食品和饲料,还是一种可再生的工业原料。随着人们生活水平的逐步提高,玉米食用和种用数量相对稳定,饲料和工业加工对玉米的需求越来越大,随着玉米深加工迅猛发展,玉米作为主食的功能不断消退,这将导致吉林省玉米的流向和流量发生改变。近年来,随着玉米深加工的快速发展,饲料用玉米稳步增长,玉米收购主体多元化造成玉米需求强劲,对世界玉米市场的供求关系和玉米供应链产生了重大影响,对玉米供应链提出更高要求,供应链强调供应链节点之间的战略伙伴关系,只有通过建立战略伙伴关系,供应链节点之间才能更有效地开展工作,供应链运行的源动力是供应链核心企业,它直接或间接地进行供应链成员的关系管理,供应链合作伙伴关系的目标是在供应链内部两个或两个以上独立的成员之间建立的以信任、合作、双赢或共赢的一种协调关系,以保证实现某个特定的目标或利益,是在特定时期内共享信息,共担风险,共同获利的战略联盟。目前,玉米供应链各环节间的整合程度较低,对供应链合作伙伴关系协调管理的研究主要在制造行业展开,而对玉米这一单一品种进行供应链合作伙伴关系管理的系统研究还未见报道,影响玉米供应链合作伙伴关系管理的影响因素众多,本研究试图设计和检验合作伙伴关系协调管理模型,将一些离散的合作伙伴关系影响要素整合到模型中,了解各种影响要素之间的因果关系以及这些要素对供应链合作绩效的影响程度,这些研究,对于玉米供应链伙伴关系的建立、维护以及供应链绩效的改进都具有一定的意义。本论文共分8章,具体内容和研究结果如下:第一章和第二章是导论、理论基础和文献综述部分。阐明本论文的研究背景、研究目标、研究方法、技术路线,阐述论文研究的理论基础,并对已有的有关供应链合作伙伴和玉米供应链的研究成果进行分析、总结和评述。第三章玉米供应链的系统认识。这部分对世界、中国玉米市场供求进行分析,分别从种植面积、产量、消费等方面,分析供求现状、特点及趋势,并对吉林省玉米的生产、加工和近几年玉米的流量、流向进行分析,为以后各章节玉米供应链合作伙伴各利益主体的分析做铺垫。第四章农户玉米销售行为及其影响因素的实证分析。首先,对农户进行描述性统计分析,然后,依据吉林省榆树、农安等21个市县农户的258份调查数据,对农户售粮对象为粮食经纪人和玉米加工企业进行意愿影响因素对比分析。结果表明,农户玉米售给粮食经纪人,存储设施、运送玉米方式、距离粮库远近等变量回归系数与Logistic的线性显著性明显;农户玉米售给玉米加工企业,玉米产量、运送玉米方式、对粮价的满意程度等三个变量回归系数与Logistic的线性显著性明显。其中,运送玉米方式对农户将玉米售给粮食经纪人和玉米加工企业影响都是显著的。第五章玉米加工企业合作伙伴选择及其影响因素分析。以吉林省45家玉米加工龙头企业(县级以上)调查数据为基础,运用多元Logistic选择模型,实证分析玉米供应链中加工企业的合作伙伴选择及影响因素。研究结果表明,企业性质、企业总资产、与上游供应商的合作关系、为农户提供服务类型、获取玉米的途径、与上游供应商信息传递方式、上游供应商对企业信息的了解、玉米加工量及销售量变化为正向影响;对供应链协作的满意度、收购玉米物流成本变化为负向影响;企业所从事的业务、企业成立年限和采购玉米的运输方式选择没有通过显著性检验。第六章玉米物流企业供应链效率的实证分析。以38家玉米物流企业为研究对象,运用层次分析法分析玉米供应链合作效率和运营效率,并建立玉米供应链效率矩阵,研究结果表明:吉林省玉米物流企业处于第一象限的仅有1家,占比2.63%;处于第二象限的有2家,占比5.26%;处于第三象限的达31家,占比81.58%;处于第四象限4家,占比10.53%,吉林省整体玉米物流企业供应链效率偏低。第七章玉米供应链合作绩效的实证分析。依据对吉林省玉米供应链合作伙伴关系中45家玉米加工龙头企业(县级以上)、38家物流企业和79个农户调查,构建结构方程模型,运用AMOS17.0运算分析玉米供应链合作伙伴关系对玉米供应链合作绩效的影响,结果表明,企业内外部环境的不确定性不利于成员间合作的建立;供应链成员之间的合作意愿与协作能力对整个供应链合作绩效有正的影响,且协作能力的影响更大;玉米供应链合作伙伴关系强度不直接影响供应链合作绩效。第八章研究结论和政策建议。第八章根据前几章研究结果得出研究结论,有针对性的提出对策建议。

【Abstract】 Corn is one of China’s three major crops whose production and consumption are only less than rice. Corn production and consumption in China are in second place after the United States in the world. Since China’s reforming, production and consumption of corn have increased rapidly. It shows an overall supply exceeds demand. Corn is mainly used as food, forage, industrial processing materials and seeds. Compared with rice and wheat, corn has advantages because of a more versatile, longer chain. Corn not only is used as food and feed, but also as industrial materials. With the gradual improvement of living standards, the consumption of being used as food and species is relatively stable, the consumption of being used as forage and industrial processing materials increase quickly. With the rapid development of processing of corn, the functions of corn being used as food have subsided. It will affect the direction and quantity of flowing of Jilin corn.In recent years, with the rapid development of processing of corn, the consumption of corn being used as forage increases quickly. The diverse corn purchasers strengthen the requirement of corn. It affects the relation of world’s market supply and demand of corn and the corn supply chain. Corn supply chain should be improved and highlighted the strategic partnership between the nodes. It can make the chain more effective, if the strategic partnerships among the nodes in the supply chain are established. The supply chain core businesses promote the development of the supply chain and directly or indirectly affect the relationship management of members in the supply chain. The purpose of supply chain partnerships is establishing a trust, cooperative and win-win coordination within two or more independent members of supply chain which ensures the realization of common goal or interest. Supply chain partnerships are a strategic alliance within a specific period of time, risks, and common benefit through sharing information.Currently, the degree of integration of the corn supply chain is low. The research on coordination and management among supply chain partners confine in the manufacturing sectors, while the research on coordination and management among the corn supply chain partner has not been reported. There are many factors affecting the management of corn supply chain partnerships. This study attempts to design and test model for the coordination and management of partnerships, putting some of the discrete elements affecting the partnership into the model and researching the causality among the various elements and the degree that these elements influencing cooperation of the corn supply chain. These studies have benefits on establishing and maintaining relationship between supply chain partners, improving the performance of supply chain.The thesis is divided into eight chapters. The specific content and conclusions are as follows:Chapters I and II contain the introduction, theoretical foundation and literature review. In this section, it shows the research background, research objectives, research methods, technical line and the theoretical basis of research papers, analyzing, reviewing and commenting the previous studies on partnership of supply chain and corn supply chain.It analyzes the supply and demand of corn in the third chapter. In this section, it analyzes the corn supply and demand of the world, China and Jilin by the planting area, output, consumption, status of supply and demand, characteristics and trends, analyzing the traffic and path of corn in Jilin province in recent years, paving the way for the analysis on stakeholders of corn supply chain in the subsequent chapters.The fourth chapter contains empirical analysis on household behavior and the influencing factors. This section is based on 258 survey dates coming from Song Yuan、YuShu、Nong’ An and other 21 cities in Jilin province. It analyzes the factors that influencing peasant households’ choices between grain brokers and food processing enterprises when they want to sell them. The results show that the peasant households sell grain to brokers depending on three factors whose regression coefficients are significant obvious in the model of Logistic. The factors are facilities of storage, means of grain delivery and the distance from the grain depots. Peasant households sell grain to food processing enterprises also depending on three factors whose regression coefficients are significant obvious in the model of Logistic. The factors are grain production, means of grain delivery and satisfaction of the price. What should be noted is that means of grain delivery influence not only the food brokers but also the food processing enterprises.The fifth chapter analyzes how corn processing enterprises select partners and its influencing factors. This section is based on the dates from 45 corn processing and leading enterprises in Jilin (above the county level), making empirical analysis on how corn processing enterprises select partners and its influencing factors by multiple Logistic model. The results show that the nature of enterprises, the total assets of enterprises, the relationships with the upstream suppliers, the types of service providing for farmers, the ways accessing to corn, the means of transferring information with upstream suppliers, the degree of upstream suppliers understanding enterprise, the amount and diversification of processing corn and so on benefit the behavior of corn processing enterprises choosing parters.The satisfaction of supply chain collaboration and he diversification of logistics cost of corn processing enterprises have negative impact on choosing. The business enterprises engaging in, histories of the enterprises and the means of transport corn did not pass the significance test.Chapter VI contains empirical analysis on the efficiency of corn logistics enterprises in the chain. It analyzes the organizational efficiency and operational efficiency of supply chain through the dates from 38 corn logistics enterprises. The results show that:there is only one logistics enterprise located in the first quadrant in Jilin province, accounting for 2.63%. There are two logistics enterprises located in the second quadrant, accounting for 5.26%. There are thirty-one logistics enterprises located in the third quadrant, accounting for 81.58%.There are four logistics enterprises located in the fourth quadrant, accounting for 10.53%.Chapter VII contains empirical analysis on the performance of corn supply chain. The section surveys 45 corn processing enterprises (above the county level),38 logistics companies and 79 corn farmers in the partnership of corn supply chain. it researches on the relationship between management of corn supply chain and efficiency of corn supply chain by constructing a structural equation model and using the software of AMOS 17.0. It shows that the uncertainty of internal and external environment is not conducive to establish the cooperation among members. The aspiration of cooperation among the members of the supply chain and the capability of collaboration have a positive impact on the efficiency of entire supply chain, and the capability of collaboration have greater impact.Chapter VIII contains the research conclusions and suggestions. This section shows the conclusions based on study of previous chapters and proposes some efficacious suggestions.

  • 【分类号】F326.11;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】819
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