

The Research on Development of Blueberry Industry in China

【作者】 李丽敏

【导师】 郝庆升;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 蓝莓自20世纪初在美国开始栽培种植,经过各个国家、组织的努力,产业逐步发展壮大,中国从1981年开始引种试栽,20多年来在育种、栽培、加工等方面取得了丰硕的成果,生产经营规模逐渐加大,各种蓝莓产品层出不穷,种类和结构日益丰富,市场需求大幅上升,产业发展迅速。但也应该看到,中国蓝莓产业虽然已经进入成长期,但快速增长的供需之下还蕴藏着诸多问题,如生产经营的技术更新、产业布局仍然不尽合理,企业行为有限,理性消费仍未形成,产业政策环境需要进一步调整等,这些都需要现代产业理论的指导。如何突破产业发展瓶颈,以崭新的视角研究中国蓝莓问题,对培育新产业、挖掘新市场、带动新经济具有一定的理论指导和现实意义。本文利用产业发展理论,结合中国蓝莓产业现状,在深入调查企业、基地和调研消费者基础上,分析了中国蓝莓产业的总体情况,并对产业链条中的生产、加工、流通和消费等环节加以研究,定量分析了消费者和企业行为,发现了制约产业快速升级的主要影响因素,并探索解决途径,提出有效的建议。本文共分为八章,主要的研究内容和结论建议如下:第一章、第二章是本文的导言、理论基础部分。阐述了文章的选题背景和意义,研究的主要目的、方法和技术路线,提出了主要研究内容和论文框架。在分析国内外相关综述基础上,系统论述了本文所依据的理论基础。第三章在界定蓝莓产业相关概念基础上,分析了蓝莓产业的国内外发展状况。如北欧、智利、阿根廷、波兰、日本等地,每个国家和地区均有其产业发展的特征和可借鉴经验。中国蓝莓产业成长轨迹在导入期有较高的市场潜力和独立的生产企业,成长期开始出现专业化分工,竞争加剧等现象,产业特征较为明显。本节借助相关理论,构建了中国蓝莓产业发展动力圈层模型,并以此为依据分析产业发展的内外影响因素,为结论提供依据。第四章对中国蓝莓栽培业进行了分析。中国蓝莓生产区域可以划分为野生区域和栽培种植区域,结合国内的地理条件和发展现状,本文将栽植区域分为吉黑地区、辽东半岛地区、胶东半岛地区、长江中下游地区和云贵高原地区,根据不同的地区特征将蓝莓种苗布局进行了规划。蓝莓生产技术环节较为重要,其产前、产中和产后技术复杂,是产业进一步发展壮大的主要影响因素,本文在分析技术现状基础上,指出了中国蓝莓栽培业存在的主要问题,如品种选育区域化尚不完善,种苗市场混乱、土壤改良技术标准化欠缺、栽培技术研究和推广仍处于初级阶段、采收贮藏技术实施不到位等问题亟待解决。另外,企业是生产的主体,文章在调查基础上,对蓝莓生产企业的基本情况、战略和营销行为做了深入研究,指出企业整体发展情况良好,有一定竞争优势,但缺乏更深层次的管理和营销规划,应该用现代营销理论进一步指导生产经营。第五章对中国蓝莓加工业问题进行了分析。蓝莓加工业可以延长蓝莓产业链,提高产品的附加值,包括初加工和深加工两种类别。本节对主要的蓝莓加工品结构和市场情况进行了分析,认为产品总体品质堪忧,质监管理和规章制度仍较为混乱。从加工企业来看,虽然受国内外需求影响,销路良好,但仍然存在诸多问题,如规模小、技术差、品牌意识淡薄等。在此基础上,本节分析了加工业问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。第六章对中国蓝莓产业市场供求情况和消费者行为进行了分析。国外市场持续多年处于供不应求状态,国内市场供应上升迅速,但品种仍在不断筛选淘汰,蓝莓鲜果售价略有降低,加工品的高端产品开始出现。本节依据消费者行为相关理论,在对大、中型城市调查基础上,对蓝莓产品和主要加工品消费行为进行了系统分析,得出中国消费者认知还较低、家庭收入、对品牌关注度、媒体广告、产品本身特征等均会影响需求,并提出了加强产品差异化宣传、展开技术攻关进行研发创新、继续推进产业规模化发展等对策建议。第七章对中国蓝莓产业政策进行了分析。文章首先对蓝莓产业政策进行了界定,从狭义的产业政策角度分析较为合理。认为目前涉及蓝莓的政策总量较少,领域多分布在生产环节,具体表现为政策主体较为单一,产业政策客体逐渐增多、政策内容有所扩展、政府主体职能多样化等。基于此指出,政府当前主要任务要充分发挥引导、监督和协调的作用,政策主体要进一步扩宽,吸引国家级的支持,政策内容要突出保护资源、技术创新、促进分工协作等关键内容,要在市场培育、完善人才政策、提高执政能力等方面加大工作力度。第八章是结论部分,对整篇文章进行总结性论述。从研究的视角看,已有文献中技术层面研究较多,对产业的研究多局限于简单的区域分布、产业发展优势分析,能从整个产业链的角度对各个环节加以分析论述的文章几乎没有,本文正是基于此视角展开工作。从研究内容看,中国蓝莓经济学研究较少,本文是对成长期的中国蓝莓产业发展进行研究,对于产业阶段的界定,生产、栽培、加工、供求、政策等方面的实际调查和分析较为全面,尤其对企业和消费者的定量研究是文章的主要创新点。本文结论和成果对于企业发展、政府行为及产业进一步升级有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 The blueberry was cultivated in the United States of America at the beginning of the 20th century. And then the blueberry industry developed so quickly through the efforts of various countries and organizations. In 1981, blueberry began to be cultivated in China. Great progress was made in terms of breeding, cultivating and processing of blueberry. To be exact, the production scale is enlarged, more varieties are cultivated, demand for blueberry increases much more. Thus, the blueberry industry develops very quickly. But there are also some issues of the blueberry industry development, which includes the slowness of production technology advance, the inappropriateness of the industry layout, the limit of the enterprise behavior, the irrational consumption and unfavorable policy environment. The keys to the above-mentioned issues lie in the guidance of the modern industry development theory. It is significant theoretically and in practice to do research on how to break the bottleneck of the blueberry industry development in a new perspective.Based on the advanced industry development theories, this dissertation generalizes the status quo of the blueberry industry development, surveys the enterprises, bases and consumers, analyzes the production, processing, circulation and consumption of the blueberry industry chain, discovers the influencing factors on the industry escalation and puts forward the countermeasures for blueberry industry development.This dissertation consists eight chapters. The followings are the main contents and conclusions.The first part includes Chapter One and Two, which is the introduction and theories. It states the reason for and background of selecting the topic, describes the purpose, methodology and technical route, puts forward the main research contents and framework of this dissertation. On the basis of literature review, this dissertation elaborates the theories systematically.Chapter three defines the concepts of the blueberry industry, analyzes the status quo of blueberry industry development at both home and abroad. A lot of experiences can be learned from such countries as Chile, Argentina and Japan etc. At the stage of introduction, there is much more market potentiality and independent enterprises. At the stage of growth, the competition between enterprises is fierce, specialized production and apparent industry characteristics pop up. In view of correlation theory, this dissertation constructs a dynamic model for blueberry industry development. On the basis of this model, the influencing factors are analyzed and conclusions are made.Chapter four focuses on the cultivation of blueberry. In terms of cultivation region, there are wild region and cultivated region. Due to geographic conditions and development situation, this dissertation classified cultivated region as Jilin-heilongjiang region, East Liaoning Peninsular, Shandong Peninsular and Yangtze Delta and Yunnan-guizhou Plateau. Different regions are planned with different blueberry sidling. The technology plays an important role in blueberry production, which determines the development of blueberry industry. Based on the technology utilization, this dissertation discovers the issues existed in blueberry cultivation. On the basis of survey, this chapter investigates the basic conditions, strategy and marketing of the enterprises, which is the subject body of the blueberry cultivation. It shows that most enterprises are good and competitive, lacks the deep management and marketing planning. Modern marketing theory are needed to guide these enterprises.Chapter five emphasizes the blueberry processing. The blueberry processing prolongs the industry chain, enhance the added-value of products. The quality is inferior in general. Regulation and rules are out of order. In terms of processing enterprises, although with the demand from home and foreign consumers, they are in small scale, of low level technology and not aware of branding. Finally, issues and countermeasures for blueberry processing are put forward.Chapter six elaborates on the demand of and supply for blueberry and consumer behavior. The demand is much more than the supply in foreign markets. The supply at home increases dramatically. Some variety of the processing products phase out. The price for fresh blueberry decreases a little. The processing products for high-end consumers emerge. According to Consumer Behavior Theory, with the survey of the consumers in large and medium cities suggests that the low cognition for blueberry products, low family income, care for branding, media advertisements and products features have effects on demand. Products differentiation, Research and Development on technology and promoting the industrialization are suggested.Chapter seven stresses the policy for blueberry industry in China. Firstly, blueberry industry policy is conceptualized. It is suitable to analyze it in narrow sense. At present there a few policies associated with blueberry industry, which relates to production more. To be exact, the principal of the policy is single, the objects of the policy are too many, the contents of the policy are enlarging, the functions of the government are much more than before. The government should guide, control and coordinate the entities of blueberry industry. The principal of the policy should be more. National support is needed. Resources protection, technology innovation and labor division should be accentuated. For government, it performs the functions of developing markets, improving personnel planning and performing better etc.Chapter eight is conclusion, which is a summary of this dissertation. From the perspective of research, the existing literature focuses on technology, blueberry cultivation region distribution and advantages of industry development. This dissertation is done on the supply chain, which makes new contributions to the blueberry industry development. In terms of research contents, the economic research is few. This dissertation makes emphasis on the blueberry industry development, analyzes phases of industry development, takes systematic survey on production, cultivation, processing, demand and supply and policy. Econometric analyses on enterprises and consumers are main innovation. The conclusion and results benefit enterprises, government and industry development.

【关键词】 中国蓝莓产业发展
【Key words】 ChinaBlueberryIndustry Development
  • 【分类号】F326.13;F224
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】3370
  • 攻读期成果

