

Research on the Regional Effect of Developing Recycle Economy in China

【作者】 曹旭

【导师】 穆怀中;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 循环经济是为了解决人类经济社会发展面临的日益严重的资源短缺和环境污染问题而提出的一种新的经济发展模式,这种发展模式对于今天的中国具有深刻的现实意义和深远的历史意义。它是解决我国经济社会发展面临的资源制约与环境压力的重要出路之一。发展循环经济是推进结构调整,转变经济增长方式,建立资源节约型和环境友好型社会,走新型工业化道路的重要手段和途径,是落实科学发展观的具体实践。从2000年开始,我们在借鉴德国、日本发展循环经济、建设循环型社会的基础上,根据我国工业化快速发展、投资对经济增长贡献大、生产领域环境污染突出的特点,按照循环经济的理念,提升老典型,推广新试点,开始了具有中国特色的循环经济发展模式的探索。从最初的试点到将发展循环经济列入“十一五”规划,说明了国家的重视、社会的认同与企业的努力。而且,在实践中已经取得了一些初步成果。本论文研究的根本问题是:通过对目前中国发展循环经济的状况进行实证分析,研究中国发展循环经济的区域效果,为进一步发展循环经济提供政策建议。由于目前国内对循环经济的区域效果研究尚处于初级阶段,因此本论文在介绍循环经济的相关基础理论的基础上,结合中国循环经济的发展历程,分析循环经济的发展现状以及存在问题,目的在于从中获取经验和教训,为中国发展循环经济奠定基础,以建立适合中国国情的循环经济的模式。本论文提出了适合中国国情的发展循环经济的区域发展类型。通过对循环经济评价指标体系的构建,对中国以及31省市区发展循环经济进行实证分析以评价其发展循环经济的成效并揭示面临的问题。本文分为绪论与正文两部分:绪论部分主要阐明本文的研究背景和研究意义,并对国内外相关研究文献进行综述,介绍了本文的研究方法、研究思路以及创新与不足之处。正文部分共分为七章。第二章为本文的理论基础部分,其主要目的是探讨发展循环经济的理论依据。本章主要阐述了循环经济的科学基础、循环经济的经济学基础;在循环经济概论中对循环经济的内涵进行科学的界定以及对循环经济的原则给予合理的规范。第三章分析了中国发展循环经济的现状以及存在问题。本章阐述了中国发展循环经济的阶段与战略,介绍了辽宁省作为试点省份发展循环经济的实践过程及其效果,总结了中国发展循环经济的基本经验,分析了中国发展循环经济存在的问题。第四章分析了中国循环经济与经济增长的关系。通过中国环境库兹涅茨曲线验证,对库兹涅茨曲线模型进行了估计与结果分析;通过分析循环经济生产函数对经济增长的贡献,揭示循环经济与长期经济增长的关系。第五章构建了循环经济评价指标体系。确定了循环经济评价指标体系指标内容,选择了适合的循环经济发展水平评价方法。第六章对中国发展循环经济的区域效果进行综合评价。对中国以及31省市区发展循环经济进行实证分析,对典型城市与典型省份发展循环经济的效果进行对比分析。通过分析反映了中国发展循环经济的成效并揭示了存在的差距,为进一步促进循环经济的发展提供基本思路。第七章研究了中国循环经济的发展类型。运用聚类分析法对我国各省市区的循环经济各因素进行聚类分析,为各地政府根据地区间区域循环经济差异制定更加合理的引导性政策提供更加有效的依据。在本章中提出了适合中国国情的发展循环经济的3种类型。通过对中国发展循环经济的类型的探索,可以得出以下结论:在中国发展循环经济必须考虑从我国还处于社会主义初级阶段这一基本国情出发,必须考虑经济社会发展战略,必须认真贯彻执行“十二五”规划,必须从各地区发展的实际情况着眼,必须充分地调动各方面的积极性,在尊重循环经济规律的前提下,有针对性地、注重实效地、不一刀切地、各具特色地践行各种循环经济模式。而且,目前中国现行的循环经济的类型仍然不完善,需要进一步发展。第八章研究了中国发展循环经济的对策。通过对前面部分中国发展循环经济存在的理论上与实证上问题的分析,有针对性为中国发展循环经济提供了政策建议。最后是本文的结论。

【Abstract】 Recycle economy is proposed, as a new mode of economic development, to solve the increasingly serious problems that the human economic society is faced with, such as the shortage of natural resources and the environmental pollutions. It has both profound significance of practice and historic value. It is also one of the important ways to solve the problems of resource restriction and environment pressure in course of our economic development. Developing recycle economy is an important approach to promote the structure readjustment, to change the mode of the economic growth, to build a society of resource-conservation and environment-friendliness, and to take a new road to industrialization. It embodies the concept of practicing Scientific Development.Since 2000, based on the mode of the recycle economy and recycle society developed by German and Japan, our government has begun to explore the developing mode of recycle economy with Chinese characteristics according to the prominent features in our society, such as a rapid industrialization, a great contribution to the economic growth from investment, and a serious pollution in the area of production and so on. Following the theory of recycle economy, the old models are promoted and the new experimental units are extended. The development of recycle economy from the initial experimental units to recently being listed in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan has indicated the government’s emphasis, the society’s identity and the enterprises’effort. It also has got some achievements in practice.The basic issue studied in this dissertation is to regulate the regional effects of developing recycle economy in China and to offer proposals for further development of recycle economy, based on the experimental analysis of the current situation of recycle economy in our country. Because the research on the regional effects of developing recycle economy in China still remains at its primary stage, this dissertation first introduces some relevant fundamental theories on recycle economy, and expound some typical problems of the recycle economy in some developed countries. Compared with the development of the recycle economy in China, its aims, grounding in the analysis of present situation of recycle economy and its existing problems, are to accumulate experiences and lessons and to lay a foundation for establishing a new mode of recycle economy in accordance with the situation in China. The dissertation puts forward the types of development of recycle economy which are suitable to the situation in China. The dissertation intends to find out the regional effect of conducting recycle economy at regional level and national level as well as the problems met with, based on the experimental study of the practice of the economy mode in China and some typical cities. Based on the construction of evaluation index system of regional recycle economy, it makes empirical analysis on the development of recycle economy of 31 provinces in China, evaluates the development effectiveness of recycle economy and reveals the problems which we are facing.The dissertation consists of two parts:the introduction part and the body part.In the introduction, the background information and the significance of the research are mainly illustrated, a literature review about the research of recycle economy at home and abroad are made, and the research approach, the research hypothesis are introduced. The innovation and the questions to be further studied are also dealt with in this part.The body is composed of Seven chapters. Chapter Two establishes the theoretical foundation about the development of regional recycle economy. The scientific and economic foundation of recycle economy is mainly elaborated in this chapter. In the general discussion, the connotation of recycle economy is defined scientifically and the principles of recycle economy are regulated properly.Chapter Three studies the current situation and problems of the development of recycle economy in China. In this chapter, the periods and strategy of the development of recycle economy are elaborated. And the experimental experience of Liaoning Province, its practice and effects are introduced and the problems are alo analyzed.Chapter Four analyses relationship between recycle economy and economic growth.analyses the estimation and the results of Environmental Kuznets Curve model, through the China Environmental Kuznets Curve validation.reveals relationship between recycle economy and long-term economic growth, through the analysis of recycle economy production function and its contribution to the growth of economy.Chapter Five constructs the evaluation index system of recycle economy. It determines the content of evaluation index system and chooses the appropriate development level evaluation method. Chapter Six conducts comprehensive evaluation of recycle economy in China. It makes empirical analysis on the development of recycle economy of 31 provinces in China, and makes comparative analysis of recycle economy in typical provinces and typical cities. By the analysis, the development of recycle economy in China is reflected and the existing problems are also revealed, it offers a basic thoughts for further promoting the development of recycle economy.Chapter Seven studies the type of the development of regional recycle economy in China. utilizes clustering method to analyze every factor of recycle economy in different provinces, through which, local governments obtain more valid date for formulating more reasonable leading policy. Three types of recycle economy suitable to the situation in China are proposed in the chapter. By the study of the types of the development of recycle economy, the following conclusions are drawn:the development of recycle local economy in China should be based on the consideration that China is still at the initial stage of socialism, which is the fundamental realities of our country; the Twelfth Five-Year Plan must be carried out seriously; the realistic developing situations of different areas should be taken into consideration; all the positive elements should be fully motivated. And, as the laws of regional recycle economy is followed, different types of recycle economy should be put into practice properly by taking all the relevant factors into consideration. Apart from these, it is pointed out that recycle economy in China is far from being perfect and needs further improvements.Chapter Eight studies the countermeasures on development of recycle economy in China. Based on the previous analysis of recycle economy development in regard to the existing problems both in theory and experimental study, proposals concerning policy-making are offered for the further development of recycle economy in China.The last part is the conclusion of the whole dissertation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F205;F124
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1428
  • 攻读期成果

