

Empirical Study of Effect of Sprots Events Sponsorship on Enterprise’s Brand Image

【作者】 朴勇慧

【导师】 李雪欣;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 体育赛事赞助由来已久,作为一种营销工具比传统的广告更加有效,不但可以提供广泛的媒体报道,与目标消费者直接接触,更可以借助体育赛事积极向上、勇于进取、朝气蓬勃的正面形象,为企业及其产品的形象增值。在我国,体育赛事赞助正日益兴起,逐渐成为企业争夺的稀缺资源,但在充满竞争环境下企业的赞助效果并不如人所愿。经过对文献大量的检索、整理发现,关于竞争因素的研究明显不足。因此,论文在现有研究的基础上立足分析竞争赞助行为对赛事赞助效果的影响,重点研究对于企业品牌形象的影响。论文采用理论分析与实证分析相结合的原则,通过对理论著作、企业案例等资料进行深入分析,运用逻辑推理、思辨归纳等方法从理论上系统构建赛事赞助及竞争赞助行为对品牌形象影响的模型;结合焦点小组访谈法,论证本文的研究假设和理论模型,并探讨自变量、调节变量的确定以及测试刺激物的选择问题;采用实验法验证所提出的模型与假设,并使用问卷调查法对实验研究刺激物进行筛选、以及用于实验结果统计。所收集的数据运用SPSS.18计算机软件对调查结果进行效度、信度、相关、方差、T检验处理。论文在具体的研究中按如下内容展开:本文共分为六章,下面分别对各章的主要内容作以介绍:第一章为绪论。介绍选题背景,阐述实际经营中企业对于赛事赞助的重视以及理论研究中存在的不足,提出本论文所要研究的问题、确定研究的视角;同时明确本论文的研究内容、研究方法、相关概念、研究框架、以及创新之处。第二章为文献综述。将本文研究所涉及的赞助营销、品牌资产、动态竞争理论的主要文献进行系统梳理。依据论文的研究内容,对相关联的赞助关系、赞助反应原理和赞助效果影响因素三领域的国内外最新文献进行较为详细的阐述;其次,分析品牌资产的构成维度,重点分析品牌形象维度,为本文解决了因变量测量问题。最后,分析动态竞争理论,重点分析多点竞争和竞争互动研究。第三章为研究设计。在这部分中,首先对研究变量进行解构,在对已有经典文献系统梳理的基础上,对赛事赞助、品牌形象进行清晰界定,并且指出竞争赞助行为对于企业赛事赞助的影响作用。进而,以品牌资产的高、低为研究切入点构建模型,提出假设和研究方法,重点探讨两个问题:一是赛事赞助对于企业品牌形象的影响;二是分析不同品牌资产企业的竞争赞助行为的调节作用。第四章为问卷调查及初步统计分析。首先,本章系统地介绍了论文中问卷设计、样本选择和数据收集内容。其次,进行问卷前测,通过对问卷的测量项目进行剔选和改进,在信度和效度上使结果更加稳定、准确。最后,对于模型检验的调查数据进行统计分析。第五章为基于调查数据的假设检验。在回收问卷的基础上,通过对比分析不同实验组之间的数据,了解不同品牌资产企业的竞争赞助行为的调节作用效果,检验第四章提出的各种研究假设。第六章研究结论与启示。探讨本研究发现的有意义的结论,为企业开展赛事赞助活动提出参考建议,指出了论文的研究局限性及未来的研究建议。最后,本研究发现:赛事赞助有助于对企业的品牌形象提升、低品牌资产企业间的竞争赞助行为有助于品牌个性的提升、企业间的竞争赞助行为降低感知价值的认知、低品牌资产企业的赛事赞助对于企业的影响较大。据此为企业开展赛事赞助活动提出参考建议:注重赛事赞助的组合性策略、建立长期的合作关系充分利用赛事赞助资源、赛事选择应注重产品差异化定位、利用赞助杠杆提升消费者对产品质量认知。本文的研究结论无论是对学术界还是对实践界而言,都具有较好的启示作用和探讨价值。

【Abstract】 As a marketing tool which is more effective than the traditional advertisements, sports events sponsorship can not only provide wide media reports and help the enterprises gain the direct communications with the target consumers, but it can also make contribution to the increase in value for the image of the enterprises and their products by the positive image of the active, aggressive, and vibrant sports events. Sports events sponsorship is increasingly rising in China, and it has become the scarce resources competed by the enterprises. However, the effects of the sponsorship couldn’t satisfy the expectation of the enterprises under the competitive conditions. With a great deal of search and classification of the literature, it is found that there is an obvious shortage of the study of competitive factors. Thereby, this thesis, based on the current research, aims at analyzing the effects of the competitive sponsorship on sponsoring sports events, which mainly focuses on the effects of the brand image of the enterprises.The thesis makes a deep analysis of the theory works and enterprises cases, and systematically constructs a model of the effects of competitive sponsorship on brand image by way of logical reasoning and speculative induction. The thesis testifies research hypothesis and theoretical model with the interviews of focus groups, discusses how to determine the independent variables and moderating variables and select the test stimulus. It uses the experimental method to testify the model and hypothesis, and tries to select the test stimulus by questionnaires for the statistics of the results. The collected data are tested in the aspects of validity, reliability, relevance, variance and t-testing through SPSS.18 software.Based on specific researches, this thesis is presented at the following six chapters in general.Chapter 1 is introduction. The problems this thesis discusses are put forward, background and the theoretical and practical significances of this thesis are introduced at first. Then, it briefly discusses the content and the method used in the thesis, defines certain essential concepts, constructs the whole framework and innovations.Chapter 2 is the comprehensive overview of theory. Author systematically represents those relative theories of sponsorship marketing, brand assets, and dynamic competition. Based on corresponding content, this thesis sorts out those latest achievements on sponsorship relationship,theoretical approaches explaining how consumers respond to sponorship messages,and influence factors of sponsorship outcome. Then, the paper analyzes the constitution dimensions of brand assets and pays more attention to the brand image which gives answers to dependent variable measure. At last, based on the dynamic competition theory, the paper emphasizes on the competition and competition interaction.Chapter 3 is about research design. The paper makes a deconstruction of the research variables. Based on the study of the classic documents, the paper clearly defines sports event sponsorship, brand image and the influence of competitive sponsorship on enterprise sports event sponsorship. Furthermore, taking differences of brand assets as the starting point, this paper raises hypothesis and research methods, and discusses two questions in main which are influences of event sponsorship on enterprises’brand image and analyses of regulatory role of different brand assets enterprise competition sponsorships behavior.Chapter 4 is about questionnaire and the primary statistics analysis. At the beginning, it systematically introduces the design of the questionnaire, the selection of the samples, and the collection of the data. Then, it comes the pretesting of the questionnaire, that is, to select and improve the testing items in order to achieve the more stable and accurate results in light of its reliability and validity. Finally, it makes"the statistical analysis of the data from the tested model.Chapter 5 is the model testing based on the survey data. With the collected questionnaires, the data of different experimental groups are compared and analyzed so as to know about the moderating effects of competitive sponsorship from different corporations with their own brands. Finally, it testifies every hypothesis proposed in the last chapter.Chapter 6 is the conclusions and suggestions. It talks about the meaningful conclusions found in this study, provides some suggestions for the companies when sponsoring sports events, and discusses the limitation of this study as well. At last, this study brings up some findings as follows:sports events sponsorship helps to raise the brand image of the companies; the competitive sponsorship between companies with low brands helps to promote the brand personality; the competitive sponsorship between companies helps to reduce the perception of the perceived value; sports events sponsorship from the companies with low brands has a great effect on companies. Hereby, it provides some suggestions for the companies for sponsorship as follows:we must pay attention to the combinational strategy of the sports events sponsorship, set up a long term cooperative relationship to make a full use of the sponsoring resources, focus on the positioning of products differentiation while selecting sports events to sponsor, and use sponsorship as a leverage to raise the recognition of the consumers on the products quality. The study brings inspirations and values to both academics and practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1221
  • 攻读期成果

