

Studies on Conservation Biology of Butterfly in Wuyunjie National Natrue Reserve

【作者】 李密

【导师】 谭济才;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 生物多样性研究及其保护是全球关注的焦点之一,寻找保护生物多样性的有效措施一直是研究生物多样性保护的热点问题。蝶类是生物资源重要的组成部分,也是生物多样性研究与保护的重要类群,已经被公认为一种可以监控环境系统、生境破碎和丧失、外来物种入侵和气候变化的指示物种。我国有关蝴蝶资源及其多样性调查的研究比较多,但真正从保护生物学角度入手,研究如何保护蝴蝶多样性的研究极少。本文基于乌云界国家级自然保护区蝴蝶物种和群落多样性的调查,研究了该自然保护区濒危物种的保护生物学和蝶类多样性的保护,为蝴蝶物种多样性保护提出了有效策略,并为促进森林生物多样性保护与可持续利用提供了理论依据。1、采用样线网捕法、定点诱捕法(仿马氏诱捕器)、幼虫饲养法和生态照片采集法,对湖南乌云界国家级自然保护区蝴蝶物种多样性进行了为期3年共计16个月的调查,共记录该保护区蝴蝶153种,隶属于10科97属,其中国家保护种类4种(宽尾凤蝶Agehana elwesi、中华虎凤蝶Luehdorfia chinensis、箭环蝶Stichophthalma howqua、大伞弄蝶Bibasis miraculata),湖南省新记录种3种(金斑剑凤蝶Pazala alebion、报喜斑粉蝶Delias pasithoe和泰环蛱蝶Neptis thestias),首次建立了较为完整的乌云界蝶类名录和图册。利用G-F多样性指数比较了湖南4个国家级自然保护区蝴蝶科属多样性,乌云界排名较为靠后。同时研究了该保护区蝶类昆虫区系特征,结果表明,蝶类昆虫区系主要以东洋成分为主,兼有古北和广布成分。2、根据2008-2010年采集数据(时间、地点、海拔),分析了乌云界蝶类不同季节(月份)、生境和海拔高度群落多样性。乌云界蝴蝶种类和数量以夏季占优势地位,除珍蝶科集中出现在秋季外,其余科在夏季均有发现,弄蝶科和粉蝶科昆虫是分布季节较广的两个科,在各个采集月份均有分布。比较了8个生境点中利用路线法和马氏诱捕器采集的蝴蝶种类数、个体数量和多样性指数,结果发现原始次生林物种丰富度和多样性指数最高的,其次是人工次生林,生境复杂度越高蝴蝶物种丰富度越大。利用蝶类海拔高度的采集数据,对乌云界植被群落结构进行划分,研究了海拔从100-1100m每200m蝴蝶多样性指数的变化情况,结果表明除海拔最低地区(100-300m)外,随着海拔升高蝴蝶物种丰富度和多样性指数均会降低,海拔最高地带物种多样性较少。并针对仿马氏诱捕器在蝴蝶群落多样性调查上的应用进行了讨论。3、针对4条调查路线31个样线段的植被物种丰富度、海拔高度、离水源距离和人为干扰程度等影响蝴蝶物种丰富度的主要因子进行了调查,并开展了多元回归分析,同时对实验区、缓冲区和核心区3个规划区域进行了蝴蝶群落多样性分析和相似度比较。多元回归分析表明植被物种丰富度、海拔高度和人为干扰程度是影响蝴蝶分布最主要的3个因子,其中植被物种丰富度与蝴蝶物种丰富度存在极显著正相关(P<0.01),海拔高度和人为干扰程度与蝴蝶物种丰富度存在显著负相关(P<0.05);核心区的蝴蝶物种丰富度、多样性指数均高于缓冲区和实验区,实验区的优势度指数较高;缓冲区与核心区的相似度系数较高,达到0.526。4、从生物学特征、生境选择和量化、种群动态、濒危机制等多个方面对湖南首次发现的中华虎凤蝶乌云界种群开展了保护生物学研究。结果表明,种群年生活史类似于南京和浙江种群,但是成虫出现时间相对较迟,高峰期一般出现在3月中下旬,而且室内饲养幼虫历期相对较长,平均33d;室内幼虫孵化率、存活率和化蛹率均较高,分别达到100%、72.73%和100%,而成虫羽化率不到20%;该种群属于典型异质性种群,仅集中分布于保护区乌云界界顶(海拔1000m左右),以细辛As arum sieboldii为寄主植物,属高山种群;生境倾向于选择海拔较高、人为干扰较小的生境,对生境中植物丰富度不高,但必须保证一定的蜜源植物和较高丰富度的寄主植物,同时满足较为开阔的空间。分别从幼虫对饥饿的耐受性、高低温和不同光周期的适应性对中华虎凤蝶濒危机制进行了探讨,结果发现,即使在没有任何食物的情况下中华虎凤蝶幼虫每龄平均寿命3天,最长达到7天;温度降低到5℃或者升高至35℃时,幼虫均出现超过50%死亡现象,但低龄幼虫表现出对低温和高温有一定的耐受性,而终龄幼虫对高温有一定的抵抗能力;不同光周期同样影响着幼虫的发育时间:随着光周期的延长,每龄幼虫表现出龄期缩短、存活率上升的趋势。寄主植物数量减少、生境破碎和丧失、长时间的阴雨天气以及表现出来的极低的羽化率是中华虎凤蝶乌云界种群面临濒危的主要原因。5、利用室内饲养和野外观察的方法,从种群分布、寄主植物、形态学特征、行为学特性以及空间分布和生境选择等多个方面,对宽尾凤蝶保护生物学进行了初步研究。宽尾凤蝶分布较广,但主要集中在我国华南地区;寄主植物以檫树Sassafras tzumu (Hemsl.)和厚朴Magnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils为主;成虫交配为巡游型;种群分布呈随机型分布;生境多样,以常绿阔叶林和高山草丛为主。该种类在乌云界较为常见,而且幼虫、成虫和卵都具有一定防御天敌的本能,不存在任何濒危或者灭绝的可能性,没有必要建立基地进行针对性保护。

【Abstract】 Biodiversity and conservation have been one of the key focuces in the world, and finding effective protections has beening a hotspot in biodiversity conservation. Butterfly is an important constituent part of biology resource, which has been suggested as potential indicator taxa to monitor ecosystems, habitat loss, non-native species invasion, fragmentation, and climate change. Investigation about resource and diversity of butterfly were common in our country, but studied on diversity and conservation using the way of conservation biology remained insufficient. In this paper, the speciece and community diversity of butterfly in Wuyunjie national nature reserve were reported, and conservation biology of endangered species were studied, and more effective strategies about protecting butterfly diversity were supplied. The purpose of the present study is to provide theorys for promoting biology resource protection and sustainable utilization.1. By using lines-transect method, the cloned Malaise trap, larvae feeding and picture collection, a series of investigations was conducted on the species diversity of butterfly in Wuyunjie national nature reserve Changde City of Hunan Province from June 2008 to April 2011. A total of 153 butterfly species were collected, belonging to 97 genera and 10 families, among which,4 species were nationally conserved species, and 3 species were new recorded form Hunan. Completed butterfly list and picture albums of Wuyunjie were established. Compared four national nature reserve with butterfly G-F diversity index, Wuyunjie was the third. The main fauna elements in this region are oriental.2. According to the collection data from 2008 to 2010, community diversity of butterfly with different seasons, habitates and evelations were studied. The numbers of butterflies and species richness were dominant in summer, and 10 families almost were found in the season. Species richness and diversity of butterfly in eight different habitate were compared, results showed that, all index in secondary forest was the higgest, and artificial reforestation was the next. Habitat complexity was the main factor effecting butterfly species richness in different habitat. Study on vertical distribution of butterflies showed, butterfly species richness and diversity indices decclined with increased altitude, but low altitude was not the area with higgest diversity indices. Then, the cloned Malaise trap used to investigate butterfly community diversity was discussed.3. The main influence factors on butterfly species richness, which included plant species richness (D), mean elevation (E), average distance from stream/river (F) and level of human interference (K) at 31 segment-level transects in 4 lines-transects, were analyzed by multiple regression. Meanwhile, we studied the community diversity of butterfly and its similarity in the experimental, buffer and core zones of the reserve. The multiple regression analysis showed that D, E, K were the three most major factors for the distribution of butterflies. Butterflies species richness had significant positive correlation with D (p<0.01) and negative correlation with E and K (p<0.05). Compared with each other among the three zones, core zone had higher species diversity and evenness index, the dominance index of experiment zone was highest and the similarity between the buffer and core zones get up a higher index to 0.526.4. The swallowtail butterfly Luehdorfia chinensis (Leech,1893) is endangered in China. Although its biological characteristics and habitat were reported more than twenty years ago, its conservation biology remained insufficiently known. In 2009, we discovered a population of the butterfly in Wuyunjie National Nature Reserve, Hunan, and preliminary data on the biology of this population was accumulated from March 2009 to April 2011, based on laboratory rearing and surveys in the field. Its life history was similar to those of the Zhejiang and Suzhou populations, and its habitat was on a slope around the mountaintop with its main host plant Asarum sieboldii. In Wuyunjie National Nature Reserve, human activities, such as cultivating and mowing are permitted to local residents to support the relationship between people and nature. Ruderal environments with sunlight and open spaces produced by moderate burning and mowing in the habitat may play important roles in maintenance of the population. Because suitable habitat of L. chinensis requires a comparatively open environment, logging high trees in the lowland may be necessary to sustain the Hunan population. Studies on the endangerment mechanism of the specie showed that:1) the starvation endurance ability increased with their growth stages, and the 5th instar larvae may survive for about 7 d respectively instavation.2) whether the temperature were low or high, the mortality rate were over 50%, and 1st instar larvae has stronger endurance ability to low and high temperature than other instar larvae.3) larvae survival rate increased with extended light period. Because the population was discovered in the reserve for the first time in March 2009, it is hard to indicate the state of endangerment of the population in the reserve at present and further investigation is needed. However, the results obtained from our preliminary surveys suggest that the population may be faced with danger from shortage of hostplant because of it being collected by local residents as a medicinal plant and loss of open habitat owing to overgrowth of shrubs and trees. Therefore, further attention should be paid to the Hunan population, and careful management is needed to integrate human needs with propagation of the butterfly in the future.5. Based on breeding in laboratory and surveying in field, the biological and ecological characteristics of the nationally conserved species Agehana elwesi (Leech,1889), were studied. It is an endemic and nationally endangered butterfly species in China, having two generations per year in South China and overwinters as pupa, with the hostplants Sassafras tzumu and Magnolia officinalis. Its larva has five instars which need 58-69 days to be mature, and the overwintering stage lasts 6-7 months. April to May and June to August are the time when they become adults. The biological and ecological characters were also described in details.


