

Studies on Regional Landscape Planning in Qinling Mountains

【作者】 齐增湘

【导师】 熊兴耀; 徐卫华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 园艺学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 山区多是生态极其敏感和脆弱的区域,旅游开发和城镇化建设促进了山区经济的发展,同时由于无序的开发建设使得区域内野生生物的分布范围急剧减少,生境破碎化日趋严重,种群数量不断下降,生物多样性面临危机。秦岭山系是我国生物多样性热点地区之一,自然景观和人文景观汇集,旅游得到了快速发展。经济的快速发展与生物多样性保护之间的矛盾不断激化,严重影响了秦岭山系的可持续发展。因此,如何在生态保护的前提下确定适宜的开发地区以保证经济发展,是协调保护与开发矛盾的关键课题。为此,本文以秦岭山系为研究区,对如何从山系尺度协调区域生物多样性保护和经济开发的矛盾进行深入研究,寻求秦岭山系兼顾区域经济发展和生物多样性保护的合理途径,以期为秦岭山系的可持续发展提供指导。论文综合运用实地调查、遥感和地理信息系统等技术手段,采用层次分析法、适宜性分析、专家打分法等定性分析和定量相结合的方法,建立了秦岭山系生物多样性热点地区、气候适宜性、视觉资源、环境敏感性、聚落生态用地和乡土文化景观的评价指标体系,研究了秦岭山系的气候适宜期、视觉资源、旅游资源的格局特征,评价了生物多样性热点区域、生态环境敏感性特征与空间格局,明确了秦岭山系生态保护关键区,在此基础上进行了秦岭山系生物多样性保护规划、防洪规划、聚落景观规划、区域旅游规划和区域景观总体规划方案,确定了秦岭山系生物多样性保护的关键区域和各种景观用地范围,以及区域廊道体系。论文主要结论包括如下8个方面。1秦岭山系气候适宜期差异显著,整体分布趋势由南、北向中部、由东向西逐渐变短。全年气候适宜期最长为7个月,面积11,242 km2,占全区总面积的19.50%,气候适宜期为5个月的区域面积最大,面积28,448 km2,占全区总面积的49.35%,气候适宜期为6个月的地区次之;在太白山山地等高寒地区为全年气候不适宜区,面积只有86.05 km2,比例不足全区的0.5%。2秦岭山系景观视觉质量分析表明,很好级视觉资源区主要集中分布在海拔较高地区,面积22,745 km2,较好级视觉资源面积22,264 km2,二者占研究区总面积的77.83%,显示秦岭山系景观视觉资源总体较好。3秦岭山系生物多样性热点地区面积达13,949 km2,主要分布在秦岭山系中西部的中高海拔地区。现有保护区面积所占比例仅为热点地区生境面积的33.94%,仍然有面积为9,817 km2生物多样性热点地区处于保护区之外,目前秦岭山系保护区体系尚难以做到对生物多样性热点地区生境的全面有效保护。4秦岭山系水土流失高度敏感区和极敏感区面积分别为8,390 km2和4,437km2,二者占研究区面积的22.18%,主要分布在人类干扰活动较大的较低海拔地区,不敏感区和轻度敏感区主要分布在秦岭主脊南北两面的中高海拔地区。5秦岭山系防洪敏感性分析表明:秦岭山系防洪极敏感区(10年一遇洪水淹没区)面积为534 km2,主要分布在秦岭南部汉江沿岸低海拔区域。秦岭山系北麓地势较高,受到洪灾影响较小。6秦岭山系比较适宜和很适宜聚落用地面积分别为301.54 km2和面积7.29km2,仅占研究区总面积的0.53%,主要分布在商洛、洛南、丹凤、山阳、汉阴、旬阳和略阳等局部地区。现有建成区面积200.3 km2,但其中只有65.79 km2分布在很适宜区和比较适宜区内,占建成区总面积的32.84%,尚有134.51 km2的建成区分布在适宜区之外,存在生态安全风险,可用于聚落建设的适宜用地有243 km2。7秦岭山系主要旅游资源呈“三带九点”状的空间分布特征,具有以自然旅游资源为主、人文旅游资源为辅,自然与人文景观交互辉映的旅游资源结构特点。8提出了秦岭山系区域景观规划方案。根据秦岭山系生物多样性保护和旅游资源现状,提出了由9条生物多样性生境廊道,12条绿色河流廊道,137个小城镇,30个一般城镇,21个中心城镇,15个大城镇,“三纵两横”五条旅游发展轴线组成的具有综合功能的区域景观总体规划方案,为全面有效协调生物多样性保护和经济发展具有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Most of mountain regions are extremely ecological sensitive and fragile. Tourism development and urbanization promoted the development of the local’s economy, while contributing to habitat fragmentation, sharp decrease of wildlife distribution and population, as well as biodiversity crisis. Qinling mountains is one of biodiversity hotspots in china. The natural landscape and historic and culture heritage converged in the area and tourism developed rapidly. The contradiction between biodiversity conservation and rapid economy development intensified, which seriously affected the sustainable development of qinling mountains. Therefore, how to ascertain the appropriate development area to ensure economic development and minimum influence on ecological environment has been a significant research topic confronted by human being currently in order to coordinate the protection and development contradictions. So this paper using Qinling mountains as the research area, made an in-depth study from the regional scales of mountains to search a rational approach for biodiversity conservation and economic development contradictions. It also provided scientific guidance for sustainabilty development of Qinling mountains. Based on field surveys, RS and GIS technology and other analysis methods, the evaluation index system of biodiversity hotspots, climate suitability, visual resources, environmental sensitivity, settlement ecological land and local culture landscape was established. With qualitative and quantitative methods such as analytic hierarchy process(AHP), suitability analysis and expert scoring method et al., the characteristics and spatial distribution pattern of favorable climate period, visual resources, tourist resources, biodiversity hotspots and ecological environmental sensitivity was evaluated and ecological key areas were made clear in this paper. Furthermore, biodiversity conservation planning, flood control planning, settlement landscape planning, regional tourism planning and regional landscape planning scheme of Qinling mountains were programmed. The significant biodiversity conservation areas and various landscape scope as well as regional corridor system of Qinling mountains were identified. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows:1 There was significant differences in climate suitability period of Qinling. In general, the annual period of suitable climate decreased gradually from south and north to central and from east to west. The longest climate suitability period were seven months, covering an area of 11,242 km2 or 19.50% of the total area. The climate suitability period of 5 months has the largest area, with an area of 28,448 km2, occupying 49.35% of the total area, followed by 6 months climate suitability period. Annual climate unsuitable area was located in Taibaishan hilly regions with an area of 86 km2, which is characteristic of less than 0.5% of the region’s total area.2 According to landscape visual quality analysis of Qinling mountains, the excellent grade visual resources area mainly distributed in high altitude area with an area 22,745 km2, Good level visual resources area covering 22,264 km2 of study area. All of them occupied 77.83% the total area, which imply landscape visual resources is generally good in Qinling mountains.3 There was an area of 13,949 km2 of biodiversity hotspots in Qinling mountains which mainly distributed in the mid-west region of qinling mountains. The existing natural reserves only covered 33.94% of the biodiversity hotspots,yet an area of 9,817 km2 biodiversity hotspots beyond the reserves. Currently the reserve system in Qinling mountains is hard to provide fully effective protection for biodiversity hotspots.4 The extremely sensitive and highly sensitive area of soil erosion in Qinling mountains took up 8,390 km2 and 4,437 km2 respectively, All of them mainly distributed in lower elevations with seriously human disturbance activities. Whereas the slightly sensitive and non-sensitive erosion areas mainly distributed in the south and north sides of Qinling ridge.5 According to flood control sensitivity analysis, the extremely flood control sensitive area mainly distributed along Hanjiang riverside which covered 534 km2 in south Qinling mountains (once flood per 10 years).There was less effect of flood in the north piedmont of Qinling mountains because of higher ground.6 The very suitable and suitable land for settlements covered 301.54 km2 and 7.29 km2 respectively, accounting for only 0.53% of the study area. Which mainly distributed in some area of counties such as Shangluo, Luonan, Danfeng, Shan Yang, Hanyin, Xunyng et.al.. There were 200.3 km2 of built settlement in Qinling mountains, but only 65.79 km2 of them distributed in the very suitable and suitable zone, accounting for 32.84% of built settlements. There was an area of 134.51 km2 of built area beyond the suitable zone risking ecological safety and 243 km2 suitable land can be used for the construction of settlements.7 The main tourism resources in Qinling mountains had a space distribution characteristic of a "three zones nine points" and embodied the structure characteristics that natural tourism resources with priority and supplemented by culture tourism resources as well as natural and humanistic landscape interacted each other.8 Altogether 9 biodiversity habitat corridors,12 green river corridors,137 small towns,30 general towns,21 center towns,15 large towns, five tourism development axises were proposed in the regional landscape planning schemes. These schemes played an important role in coordinating the relationship between biodiversity protection and economic development effectively in Qinling mountains.


