

To the Business Goodness-the Rational Thinking on Chinese Business Ethics Building and Its Implementation Path

【作者】 孔南钢

【导师】 郭广银;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 商务活动是人类为获取物质、信息、能量而开展的一系列交换活动。以交换为手段,商务活动满足了人的多样性需求,推动了人的全面发展。随着2010年中国各级地方政府机构改革全面完成,从国家到省、市、县(区)各级人民政府均设立了以“商务”命名的行政职能部门,商务这个最古老的行业不断被赋予新的时代内涵。近几年来,中国商务领域“瘦肉精”、“皮革奶”、“地沟油”、“洗虾粉”等令人费解而又恐惧的新名词不断冲击伦理道德底线,“商务经济爬坡、社会道德滑坡”的现状催生了对商务伦理“就商务而商务”研究模式的反思。商务活动具有自身的行业特点、内在机制和运行规律,商务伦理并非“一般伦理学”在商务领域具体应用,而是微观商务职业伦理、中观商务组织伦理、宏观商务制度伦理三维融合的全新伦理范式。本文认为,商务主体背信弃义而获取非法之利(不义之利)是当前商务道德领域存在的主要问题,构建三维融合商务伦理新模式,充分发挥商务职业伦理、组织伦理、制度伦理综合优势,依靠社会舆论、人们的内心信念和传统习惯调节商务主体的行为,是遏制当前商务道德滑坡的重要手段,也是解决商务伦理核心问题——义利问题的主要路径。本文坚持以社会主义集体主义为理论指导,从分析商务职业、组织、制度伦理困境的典型案例入手,剖析商务伦理存在问题和原因,提出解决方案。本文认为,商务伦理冲突产生于由角色冲突引起的利益冲突。本文将形形色色的角色(包括法人角色和自然人角色)分为公共角色、组织角色和家庭角色,与三类角色相对应的利益分别为社会(公共)利益、组织(局部)利益和个体(狭义的家庭)利益,本文主张社会利益高于组织利益,组织利益高于个体利益,并在商务职业、组织、制度伦理构建过程中全面贯穿了这一社会主义集体主义原则,在此基础上初步探讨适应社会主义市场经济发展的商务伦理规范体系。本研究主要包括以下内容:(一)三维融合视野下商务伦理综合研究。分析微观商务职业伦理、中观商务组织伦理、宏观商务制度伦理三维融合商务伦理模式构建的必要性、可能性、局限性,梳理当代中国商务伦理精神缺失的现状及成因,提出三维融合视野下的中国商务伦理模式基本框架体系。(二)微观商务职业伦理研究。以角色理论角色冲突为研究契入点,梳理商务职业伦理困境三种基本类型,并把商务职业价值观即个体价值观置于社会价值观和组织价值观中综合考量,探讨商务职业伦理即个体价值观与社会价值观、组织价值观的相互关系,提出商务职业伦理框架体系。(三)中观商务组织伦理研究。全面分析商务组织在中国整个组织体系中的角色定位,从最受大学生欢迎的商务组织TOP10构成要素入手,研究商务组织存在意义形上实质——社会责任的经济尺度、法律尺度、伦理尺度、慈善尺度,对商务组织恪守道德动力源——“德得相通”内在机理进行理论上的初步探索,提出合德商务组织伦理价值体系。(四)宏观商务制度伦理研究。在分析商务制度伦理内涵的基础上,从博弈论视角对商务制度伦理的必要性进行论证,剖析制度伦理化和伦理制度化客观性和走向现实的前提条件,从行政职能视角对商务制度伦理进行模块化解构,提出国际商务、国民商务、电子商务、招商引资制度伦理规范体系。(五)中国商务伦理实现路径研究。从主体、机制、组织三个方面探讨中国商务伦理的实现路径。主体路径方面,从系统论角度构建媒体(倡导者)、行业协会和商会(培育者)、政府(掌控者)、企业(践行者)全社会商德共建系统,研究四大主体在全社会商德共建系统中的工作职责;机制路径方面,从环境教化、社会感化、个体内化三个方面研究道德由他律向自律转化的社会商德生成环境;组织路径方面,初步探讨中国商务道德实现的组织保障机制,借鉴美国市场主导型、欧洲政府主导型、日本行业主导型社会征信体系模式,研究中国商务征信组织机构构建框架体系:以智能身份证为承载的个人诚信和道德管理办公室、以智能工商营业执照为承载的企业诚信和道德管理办公室、以智能组织机构代码证为承载的政府诚信和道德管理办公室,提出三大道德管理机构工作职责,提出主体诚信记录直接与主体道德评级挂钩、主体道德评级直接与主体公共福利与公共利益挂钩的以德治商组织保障机制和运行模式,建立“善恶各得其所”的商务经济发展新秩序。

【Abstract】 Business activity, an important activity for human existence and development, is a series of exchanges in obtaining material, information, energy and so on. With the completion of the reforms of local government agencies at various levels in China in 2010, administrative bodies concerning business have been established not only at the national level but at provincial, municipal and county (district) levels, and business, the most ancient trading activity, has been given new connotations of the times.Currently, in China’s business arena, baffling and frightening new names such as "lean meat power" (clenbuterol), "leather-protein milk", "refined sewer oil" "shrimp-cleansing powder" are challenging the bottom line of ethics. The present status of "business going up hill whereas social morality going to the dogs" has initiated a reflection on the "business- for-business’s-sake" mono-subject, mono-layer and mono-approach research model. Business activity has its own law of operation, business characteristics and internal mechanisms. Business ethics is not the particular application of "general ethics" to the business arena, but an entirely new ethical model that is the three-in-one combination of public organizations (government), semi-public organizations (trade associations and chambers of commerce) and non-public organizations (enterprises) with the merge of micro (business and professional) ethics, meso (business organizational) ethics and macro (business institutional) ethics. This paper holds that illegal profit obtained by dishonest means on the part of the business subject is the major problem in business ethics. To constitute a "three-in-one" standard business ethical system with micro, meso and macro ethics, to give full play business ethics subject by relying on public opinion, people’s beliefs and traditional customs to adjust, regulate and even punish the behavior of business subjects should be the most important components in establishing socialist core value and core value system, and should also be a major approach to solve the kernel problem in business--the problem of ethics and profits.The author, basing his argument mainly on Marxism and collectivism, tries to analyze typical cases that jeopardize professional, organizational and institutional ethics, and discuss the generating mechanisms of ethical conflicts and possible solutions. The paper argues that business ethical conflict arises when the business subject is faced with two, three or more predicaments in ethical choices. In this sense, business ethical norm is the order of choice by business subject when faced with two, three or more interest-related choices. The paper suggests that various interests can be divided into social (public), organizational (local) and personal (private), and argues that social interest should be put before organizational interests, and organizational interest should be put before personal interest. This socialist collective principle should be used to guide the construction of business professional, organizational, and institutional ethics, and research should be done to explore the establishment of a business ethical system of the entire society to prevent business misbehavior.The main contents of this paper, as part of the research result of "socialist core value system and core values research"(09AZD005), a key national-social-science-fund project, are as follows:(1) A comprehensive research on the micro, meso and macro business ethical norms. The paper analyzes the necessity, feasibility and limitation in building a standard business ethical system with a combination of public organization (government), semi-public organization (industrial associations and chambers of commerce) and non-public organization (enterprises), explores the status of the missing ethics in contemporary Chinese business arena and the reasons behind, and suggests a framework for a Chinese business ethical norm in a harmonious society.(2) Research on micro business professional ethics. With role conflict in the role theory as an entry point, the paper explores the types of business professional ethical dilemma, makes a comprehensive analysis of the professional values, or individual values, in the context of social values and organizational values, explores the relationship between this ethics and the social and organizational values, and renders a framework for business ethical norms.(3) Research on meso business organizational ethics. The paper analyzes the role of business organizations in the entire organizational system in China, explores the metaphysical essence of the existence of business organizations--the economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic measurements of their social responsibilities by looking at the components of these organizations, makes an initial theoretical exploration of the driving power of its internal mechanism-- "sticking to the norm while making profits", and puts forward a virtuous business organizational value system.(4) Research on macro business institutional ethics. The paper explores the internal characteristics, cultural support and ethical connotations of the demand of business institutional values on the basis of an analysis of the values, limitations, and relative characteristics, and suggests a standard ethical system in international commerce, domestic commerce, e-commerce, and investment promotion from the perspective of administrative functions.(5) Research on how to realize the business ethical norm in China. The paper explores the approaches to realize China’s business ethical norms from the angles of business subjects, business mechanisms and business organizations. The business subject approach contains the establishment of an interacting system, in the light of system theory, to construct an entire society business ethical system with media (advocator), business associations and chambers of commerce (raiser), the government (controller) and enterprises (executor), and explores the functional responsibilities of the subjects in this system; the business mechanism approach demands the exploration of the endogenous generative system of business ethics transformation from heteronomy to self-discipline from four aspects:strengthening business management, perfecting laws and regulations, intensifying ethical education and improving evaluation system; the organizational approach should include the preliminary explorations of the organizational supporting mechanism in achieving business ethics, and the explorations of the establishment of China’s business credit organizational framework, using America’s market domination type, Europe’s government domination type or Japan’s business domination type as reference:the responsibilities of three ethics management offices, namely the Intelligent ID as a carrier of personal integrity and ethics management office, intelligent industrial and commercial business license as a carrier of enterprise honesty and ethics management office, and intelligent organizational code certificate as a carrier of government integrity and ethics management office, the exploration of establishing a "green,white,yellow, red" alert punitive mechanism for misbehavior and establishing a new economic development order in which "the good and the evil will each meet their deserved end respectively’

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

