

Research on Multiple-unit Supplying System of Chinese Public Employment Service

【作者】 沈熙

【导师】 童星;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 公共就业服务属于基本公共服务范畴,是政府对劳动力市场进行干预的重要手段。失业越来越成为全球性的共同难题,各国政府都投入大量财政资金积极促进就业。政府设立机构垄断提供公共就业服务的模式已不合时宜,政府提供、多元生产的合作型公共就业服务提供模式成为发展趋势。上世纪70年代末开办的劳动服务公司是我国公共就业服务机构的雏形,目前已基本建立起覆盖全国的公共就业服务机构体系。巨大的劳动力供给压力、全面的经济结构体制转型、庞大的农村富余劳动力转移、大量新增劳动力进入市场,种种原因导致我国劳动力市场的矛盾呈现复杂状态,社会就业服务需求无论在数量上还是质量上都有所提高,政府垄断提供模式也面临严峻考验。目前学术界对公共就业服务多元提供体制的研究正在成为热点,但总体而言还处于起步阶段,尚缺乏成熟的理论体系;制度设计方面的经验还欠丰富,有必要对地方城市的改革实践进行归纳和总结。基于以上背景,本文综合运用政府市场关系理论、劳动力市场理论、公共产品理论、准市场理论、委托代理理论等,结合我国公共就业服务的发展变迁和劳动力市场的新形势,并充分借鉴发达国家相关实践经验,对我国公共就业服务提供的现状和创新性做法展开研究。文章认为,我国应该在公共就业服务领域引入多元提供体制,充分发挥政府、市场、非营利三种机制的优势,通过合理的制度设计有效整合社会各类就业服务资源,提高公共就业服务的提供效率,因此有必要对现有制度安排进行改革和调整。文章首先对政府市场关系理论及三种劳动就业观进行考察。劳动就业领域存在着市场和政府两种配置机制,但这两种机制都会失灵,同时在适当条件下,一方也会为另一方的运作提供某种改进,“不完善的可选事物间的选择”可能是对现代社会政府市场关系的很好概括。公共就业服务的演进与政府市场关系变迁密切相关,我国与西方国家的背景和现实经济社会条件存在很大差异,但公共就业服务提供都在从政府垄断向非政府垄断、从一元提供逐步向多元合作提供过渡。然后,结合我国劳动力市场形势分析公共就业服务提供体制。我国劳动力市场的总体形势是总量性矛盾和结构性矛盾并存,而结构性矛盾凸显以及自然失业率升高对公共就业服务提出了更高的要求,公共就业服务必须从克服信息不对称、提高求职者就业能力、就业岗位开发等方面弥补劳动力市场失灵,必须从消极的失业补贴转向以提高求职者就业能力为核心的积极性行动计划,由政府直接提供就业服务的模式显然不足,政府、市场、非营利等多元主体需要建立起和谐的合作关系。紧接着就转入对现有实践经验的研究。总结各地经验做法可以发现,公共就业服务多元提供体制在我国大致有四种实现类型:财政补贴型、政府购买型、发放票券型、社区就业服务型。财政补贴型是我国目前吸引非公共机构参与提供公共就业服务的初级形式,也是最普遍的形式,但并不是典型的多元合作体制。政府购买型是公共就业服务的契约化提供模式,但实际中运行并不充分,政府购买也带有明显的政府垄断模式的痕迹。发放培训券在很多地方都在实施,并取得了一些成效,但也存在着诸多问题,发展前景还不甚明朗。社区就业服务在全国各地(如上海、成都、合肥、宁波等)都在进行探索,地方积累的经验为发展公共就业服务的多元提供体制提供了很好的基础,但总体而言我国公共就业服务的多元提供在制度上还存在一些障碍,需要通过改革和调整继续完善。文章还借鉴西方发达国家公共就业服务提供方面的经验,主要包括澳大利亚、荷兰、英国、德国等,从建立多元合作提供体制的前提条件和具体制度设计方面总结了几条有益的经验。最后,针对我国公共就业服务中存在的服务效率不高、财政投入不足、服务手段和管理理念滞后等问题,对完善我国公共就业服务的多元提供体制提出政策建议:(1)进一步明晰公共就业服务机构的职能定位;(2)调整传统公共就业服务的财政补贴模式为“以事定支”的支出模式;(3)政府为营利性和非营利性就业服务机构营造发展空间;(4)进一步完善政府购买公共就业服务制度;(5)充分挖掘社区资源,继续创新社区就业服务;(6)适应劳动力市场新形势,服务灵活就业。

【Abstract】 Public Employment Service (PES), an important tool by which government intervenes in labor market, is part of basic public services. With unemployment becoming a worldwide problem, many governments have invested large amounts of money into labor market policies and PES to promote employment actively. Government monopoly supplying model is considered out of time and is replaced by cooperative model, in which governments supply and multiple organizations produce employment services. Chinese PES system was first set up at the beginning of this century, while late 1970s saw the early form of PES, labor service companies. After more than thirty years development, PES system has been established in all districts. Large labor force, economy transformation, huge rural labor migration and incoming labor force have complicated Chinese labor market and increased employment service needs, which make up a great challenge to traditional government monopoly supply system of PES. This thesis studies PES supply system by utilizing government-market relationship theory, labor market theory, public goods theory, quasi-market theory and principal-agent theory. It is proposed that multiple-unit supplying system should be introduced in Chinese PES, in which government, market, and nonprofit mechanisms cooperate and all kinds of employment service resources can be mobilized together. And government should take some reform measures to promoted PES supplying mechanism.Firstly, this thesis discusses government-market relationship theories and the development of PES in western countries and in China. Despite different backgrounds, both have been experiencing the transition from government monopoly supplying model to multiple-unit cooperative supplying model. Then, basic condition of Chinese labor market is analyzed, the function of PES in improving labor market, and the deficiencies of present PES supplying model is discussed. After that is the introduction and evaluation on experiences of Chinese PES supplying system. Now, at least four types of multiple-unit supplying mechanism can be observed:financial subsidy, government purchase, voucher and community employment service. The type of financial subsidy is an initial and common form, but is not typical multiple-unit mechanism. Government purchasing mechanism has been experienced in many areas, but it has not run fully and still contains many traditional features. Voucher system has achieved some good results, while its future can not be seen clearly. Many cities have been exploring community employment services, such as Shanghai, Nanjing, Chengdu, Hefei and Ningbo. In spite of some deficiencies, those experiences are sure to help improve PES system. Also, experiences of some western countries in PES supplying are introduced. Last part of this thesis is to offer some suggestions in improving our PES supplying mechanism:(1) To make clear the functions of PES organizations; (2) To reform traditional financial subsidy model to task-oriented finance expenditure model; (3) To encourage development of profit-making and non-profit employment agencies; (4) To complete the system of government purchasing public employment services; (5) To continue utilizing community resources and innovating community employment services; (6) To adapt to the development of labor market and service for flexible employment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

