

Symbol and Transcendency

【作者】 任怡

【导师】 赵晓生;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 宗教是一种世界观。作为一定历史背景下产生的文化现象,宗教是对宇宙存在的解释,是人的终极关切。基督教信仰和思想是西方文化精神的核心组成部分,西方文明的基本价值体系都建立在基督教精神的基础之上,正是基督教会对信众的音乐教化直接催生了现代音乐文化。被誉为“现代音乐之父”的奥利维尔·梅西安(Olivier-Messiaen,1908—1992)是20世纪法国著名的作家、管风琴家和出色的音乐教育家。他在现代音乐中有着独特风格,他把各种音乐素材按照自己的方式加以变化并综合在他的创作之中,为现代音乐做出了卓越的贡献。他的音乐个性明显,以丰富的音响组合和浓艳的色彩著称,在他的作品中蕴含着丰富的内涵,他在节奏、音色及调式上的创新,特别是有限移位调式的使用,给现代音乐注入了新的活力。《对圣婴—耶稣的二十凝视》(Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant-Jesus)是梅西安诸多表达宗教意念的代表作之一。二十个乐章华丽、新奇又带着些神秘,以大胆的和声、丰富的音色、多变的节奏、富有表情的旋律、鲜明的主题动机以及技巧性的钢琴织体著称于世,是20世纪最伟大的钢琴诗篇之一作为虔诚的天主教徒和音乐巨匠,梅西安以他的音乐语言为模式,为听众构建了一个特殊的符号框架——崇高的圣三位一体、教堂的钟声、伯利恒的星星、道成肉身的神秘、特蕾莎的拥抱、耶稣的诞生、救赎及受难、不可辩驳的圣言、圣母的迷人光晕、幼儿耶稣那甜蜜之吻,以及圣经故事及场景的暗喻、鸟歌所映射出的对上帝的赞美荣耀等等——这个框架内的象征符号与音乐思维本质直观的生命运动融为一体,它的内趋力指向了音乐表现在更高层面上的意义价值和精神领域。梅西安没有拘泥在宗教音乐的体裁框架中,而是用开放的神学观念和音乐理念,以数字隐喻、曲式结构、主题旋律、调式象征等具有多重寓意的象征手法,创作出一系列兼具有审美价值和神学价值的审美意象,在“神的内在性和超越性”中,不仅表达了他个人的宗教信仰和诉求,并且映射出作曲家对人类世界深切的人文关怀。音乐研究的基础是乐谱,但是对音乐的研究对象不仅仅限于音乐文本,而是包括了音乐历史、音乐美学、音乐分析、音乐内涵等等对音乐本体综合的深层思辨。作为“音响制造者”的演奏者,在对音乐本体综合的深层思辨后的诠释过程,它所呈现出的音响才是经得起推敲,真正再现作曲家的原始心灵体验的诠释,才能使谱符文本插上活生生的音响翅膀,在作曲家和受众之间,建构起一座桥梁,使作曲家私人化的心灵感受得以重新飞回受众的心灵世界。梅西安对于二十世纪音乐的贡献是非凡的。不论是在作曲技法上,还是在音乐创作的总体观念上,他都为后人开拓了新路,昭示了未来,在音乐历史的长河中,他的功绩永远无法磨灭。在梅西安的这部闪耀着宗教精神的“形式之光”的《对圣婴—耶稣的二十凝视》中,留给我们的不仅是作曲家喷薄欲出的深刻的“心灵之光”,更有崇高而神秘的“神赐之光”,让我们用我们“内在的眼睛”去体验、去感悟,沿着音乐巨匠给我们开辟的道路,找寻超验的踪迹。

【Abstract】 Religion is an outlook of the world. As a cultural phenomenon that has come into being against certain historic background, religion, while it serves as an understanding of the existence of the cosmos, is the ultimate human concern. The Christian belief and thought lies at the heart of the western culture and spirit. The system of the basic value of the western civilization is on the basis of the Christian spirit. It is the music education given by the Christian Church for its followers that has directly brought forth modern music.Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992), regarded as "the father of modern music", was a famous French composer, organist and outstanding music educator in the 20lh century. The distinctive style of his modern music is due to the variation and combination of music elements in his own manner in his composition process, which played a role as a link between the past and the future, having made remarkable contribution to modern music. His music is not only featured with a combination of abundant sound and colour but also full of implications. His innovative use of rhythms, timbre and modes, especially the Modes of Limited Transposition, has given a new life to modern music.As one of the greatest works for solo piano by Messiaen, Vingt Regards sur L’enfant-J’esus is also one of his representative works with religious ideas. Widely known for its extraordinary harmony and various tone colours, changeable rhythms and emotional melodies, distinctive theme motifs as well as skillful textures for piano performance, this brilliant twenty-movement music works with novelty and mystery is regarded as one of the greatest works of piano music in the 20th century.As a pious Catholics and a giant of music, Messiaen, by means of music language as a mode, built for his audience a special frame of symbols showing the majestic Trinity, the church bell, the stars shining over Bethlehem, the mysterious incarnation, Teresa’s embrace, Christ’s Nativity, the redemption and crucifixion, the irrefutable Holy Word, Blessed Virgin Mary’s Halo, the kiss of the infant Jesus, the implications of the Bible stories and scenes, the praise and glory for the God from the Birdsong, etc. The complex of symbols, music thought and life movement inside this frame has reached a higher level of valuable significance and spheres of spirit beyond the performance of music.Not limited to the framework of religious music genre, Messiaen, on the basis of his open ideas of theology and theory of music, created series of images with aesthetic and theological value by way of digital metaphor, structures of music forms, thematic melodies and symbolic modes for the purpose of expressing his personal religious belief and desire in terms of the internality and transcendence of God, showing his deep concern for the human world.Sheet music is the basis but not only concern for music research which should be an all-round and profound perception of other relevant objects including music history, music aesthetics, music analysis, and music implication. The music rendered by a "sound maker" with the experience of the aforesaid "profound perception" would be worthy of further study, making it possible to build a bridge of music enabling the composer to share the intuitive presentation of his music with his audience.With his outstanding contribution to the music in the 20th century, Messiaen has paved a way leading to future in terms of composition techniques or general idea for music making. His achievement will remain forever in the long history of music. Messiaen’s Vingt Regards sur L’enfant-Jesus, a masterpiece with the religious spirit, has shown us the profound feelings of his heart but also the beam of the holy and mysterious light from the God. Let’s have an experience and perception of this brilliant music whole-heartedly and march along the way the Giant of Music has paved for us to look for the trace of transcendence.

  • 【分类号】J624.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】516

