

A Study on Chinese Elite Male Long-jumpers, Muscular Exertion Characteristics During Take-off Phrase and Its Training Monitoring System Designation

【作者】 刘述芝

【导师】 吴瑛;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的与意义:本研究选取以快速力量为代表的跳远起跳技术环节作为研究动作,利用先进的运动生物力学设备进行三机同步实验,获取运动员起跳过程中的运动学、动力学和肌电学指标参数,运用生物学和生物力学理论进行分析,以探讨起跳环节神经肌肉工作的专项特征,将有助于推动跳远专项力量训练由粗犷型向集约型的转化,提高运动训练过程的科学化水平,为我国竞技体育训练实践提供理论指导。同时基于对肌肉用力内外部专项化特征的认识之上利用软件工程法开发的训练监测系统软件,将有助于提高训练信息反馈的科学性、便捷性、系统性和全面性。研究方法:本研究以6名优秀男子跳远运动员为研究和测试对象,完成本课题所采用的研究方法主要有文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验测量法、软件工程法、数理统计法。(1)实验测量法的具体描述是:运用三机同步测试方法对6名优秀男子跳远运动员起跳技术环节进行测试。运动学数据运用TM-6710CL摄像机进行采集,采样频率为120Hz,定点拍摄范围为助跑倒数第二步至起跳脚离板的全过程。运动图像采用美国ARIEL-APAS图像解析系统逐幅打点进行解析。获得的运动学参数为时间、重心位移和速度、起跳腿各关节角度和角速度、起跳腿各环节质心加速度等;动力学数据运用Kistle三维测力台进行采集,采样频率为600Hz,采样时间为3s。测力台原始数据以excel格式导出,根据运动学解析结果划分时相,截取其中有效的三维GRF数据;肌电数据运用ME6000T-16便携式无线遥测表面肌电测试系统进行采集,其采样频率为1000HZ,所测肌肉为运动员起跳腿的臀大肌、股二头肌、股外侧肌、股直肌、股内侧肌、腓肠肌内测头、比目鱼肌、胫骨前肌。选择肌肉测试的标准为上述肌肉跨越下肢髋、膝、踝三个关节,位于下肢浅体表层,易于观察识别,是文献中广为采用以反映特征动作的主要工作肌群,并且大部分肌肉是下肢单双关节拮抗肌群的代表。EMG原始肌电信号分析采用Megawin软件系统进行处理,获取的特征参数主要是所测肌肉的IEMG、RMS、做功百分比、原始肌电图与振幅,并依据IEMG计算下肢拮抗肌共同收缩等。并对所获指标进行时间标准化和三维力值相对化处理。(2)软件工程法的描述是:采用VB6.0和labview9.0作为开发语言、Microfoft Access作为后台数据库,针对优秀男子跳远起跳技术环节肌肉用力的生物力学特征,贯穿软件工程的系统思想,遵循软件的生存周期理论,沿着问题定义、可行性研究、需求分析、总体设计、详细设计、编码、测试、维护等思路,进行设计并开发训练监测系统平台。研究结果:(1)跳远起跳环节肌肉用力的运动学分析结果表明:优秀男子跳远运动员的起跳时间为0.11±0.009秒,其中缓冲和蹬伸时间分别占起跳时间的44%和56%;缓冲时间与跳远成绩高度负相关;起跳时的水平速度比垂直速度对跳远成绩的影响更大,水平速度损失率与跳远成绩呈正相关;起跳过程中髋关节角度始终增大,说明髋关节几乎不参与缓冲。比较而言,膝关节和踝关节的缓冲幅度较大,膝关节在占起跳时间44%的时刻结束缓冲进入蹬伸,而踝关节角度仍在继续减小;髋关节角速度变化呈逐渐上升趋势;踝关节角速度在占起跳总时间30%的时间段内先逐渐增大而后渐渐减小,直至起跳时间58%左右才开始伸展,在起跳时间80%左右的时刻踝关节的角加速度明显高于髋膝关节的角速度。(2)跳远起跳环节肌肉用力的动力学分析结果表明:垂直方向反作用力曲线典型特征是出现两个波峰与一个波谷时相,峰值1、波谷值、峰值2分别出现在起跳时间的10%、30%、50%左右,峰值1与运动员着地瞬间的水平速度成正相关;波谷值和膝关节最大缓冲时刻的垂直力值与重心腾起高度均呈显著正相关,缓冲阶段的地面水平反作用力和水平冲量远大于主动蹬伸阶段,膝关节缓冲幅度最大的时刻出现在重心到达垂直位置之前;运动员在起跳腿着地瞬间,压力中心轨迹波动幅度比较大,而后趋向稳定。(3)跳远起跳环节肌肉用力的肌电学分析结果表明:着板之前所测肌肉在中枢神经系统支配下均表现出明显的“预激活”现象,不同的是所测肌肉的预先动员程度不一样。缓冲和蹬伸两个阶段肌肉活动前后差别较大,且在缓冲阶段肌肉活动更强烈;在起跳缓冲阶段,股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股二头肌、比目鱼肌的IEMG与word/loading所占比例较大,而在蹬伸阶段,臀大肌、股外侧肌、股内侧肌、比目鱼肌的IEMG与word/loading所占比例较大;所测肌肉的发力顺序依次为胫骨前肌、比目鱼肌、股内侧肌、股二头肌、股外侧肌、腓肠肌内侧头、股直肌、臀大肌,所测肌肉结束活动的顺序依次是:股直肌、股内侧肌、腓肠肌内侧、比目鱼肌、股外侧肌、臀大肌、股二头肌;从肌肉活动持续时间来看:股二头肌和股外侧肌活动时间最长,比目鱼肌和臀大肌活动时间次之,紧接着是腓肠肌内侧头、股内侧肌和股直肌,胫骨前肌活动时间最短;缓冲阶段膝、踝、关节拮抗肌共同收缩比较明显;当髋、膝、踝关节角度分别处于135°-150°、135°-145°、100°-120°范围时股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股二头肌、比目鱼肌、臀大肌的发力比较明显。(4)采用VB6.0和labview9.0作为开发语言、Microfoft Access作为后台数据库,针对优秀男子跳远起跳技术环节肌肉用力的生物力学特征,按照系统分析、系统设计、系统测试的软件开发步骤研制了训练监测系统。研究结论:(1)在选择和设计跳远起跳力量训练手段时要将动作时间控制在0.11±0.009秒左右;髋关节和膝踝关节伸肌群的工作方式为向心收缩和拉长-缩短收缩,且要突出肌肉拉长时间的快速性;身体姿态应与跳远起跳时的身体姿态如着地角、起跳角、腾起角等尽可能相同,以确保与跳远起跳的动作时间、肌肉用力方向和幅度一致。(2)不管采用何种负荷(自身体重或者负重等)形式进行跳远专项力量训练时应确保专项力量训练和跳远起跳时所受的地面冲击力负荷相一致。(3)在对跳远起跳腿进行专项力量训练时要重点发展股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股二头肌、比目鱼肌、臀大肌的肌肉力量;为确保这些肌肉能够最大程度地得以动员而发力,应尽量将髋、膝、踝三关节的关节角度分别控制在135°-150°、135°-145°、100°-120°范围之内;同时要加强股后肌群和胫骨前肌的训练以提高膝关节和踝关节缓冲时的稳定性和预防运动损伤。(4)由于不同高度跳深以及由跳深组合的跳深跳远、跳深摸高与跳远起跳时的肌肉用力特征差异较大,因此不能作为发展跳远专项力量的训练手段使用。(5)基于跳远起跳环节肌肉用力特征开发的训练监测系统经过系统测试能够进行专项力量训练手段的筛选、技术的评判和机能的监测,使信息反馈的速度更快,反馈的内容更系统和全面。

【Abstract】 Purpose: This research selects the take-off stage of long jump as study object, experiments simultaneously by use of three advanced sports biomechanical equipments to get kinematics, kinetics and EMG indicators, analyzes and explores the specific neuromuscular characteristics during take-off stage based on the biology and biomechanics theory,and thereafter develop the training and monitoring system of specific strength training, which can provide principal reference and method instruction for specific strength training of long jump player as well as improve the scientific level of the sport training stage, thus provide principal instruction for the competitive sport training practice of China.Methods: This research chooses six Chinese male elite long jumpers as experiment object, main study method includes literature, expert interviews, experimental measurements and software engineering and mathematics statistics. (1)Detailed description of experimental measurements: This experiment choose six Chinese male elite long jumpers’take-off of long jump is the specifec test action. Kinematic data of lower extremity were acquired using a TM-6710CL high speed camera with a sampling rate of 120Hz.Sports videos were analyzed by American ARIEL-APAS system, the acquired concrete indicators involves action time, body center displacement , body center velocity,joint angle and angular velocity of take-off leg, acceleration of take-off leg segments. A KISTLER-3D force plate was used to collect kinetics data of take-off leg with a sampling rate of 600Hz. An eight channel surface electromyogram with a sampling rate of 1200Hz is used to collect the electromyogram signal data of take-off leg. gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius lateralis, vastus lateralis, soleus,rectus femoris, vasus medialis ,tibialis anterior were selected to be tested because they lies in skin surface across the lower extremity joints and is discerned easily, moreover they are representative of lower extremity single and double joint antagonistic muscle and widely quoted by documents to reflect characteristics of the main working muscle, Megawin 2.4 a 15 electromyographic signal analysis system was used for data processing. Specific EMG indicators are IEMG、RMS、Work/Loading, electromyography and antagonistic muscle co-activation of were calculated. The acquired indicators were time normalized and relativized. (2)Detailed description of software engineering: Based on the specific muscular exertion characteristics during take-off phrase of long jump, training and monitoring system are developed following the process of software system analysis,system design, system test, which is constructed on Visual basic 6.0 platform , and Microsoft Access is used for back-end database .Results:(1) The results of kinematics characteristics indicate that: elite male long jumpers finish take-off of long jump within 0.11±0.009 seconds with no difference from world elite long jumper; compression and extension time account for 44% and 56% of total time respectively, compression time and horizontal velocity loss rate positive correlates with long jump effect significantly. During take-off compression phrase, hip joint angle increase all the time which illustrate hip does not buffer. In contrast, knee and ankle joint buffer obviously, knee joint finishes compression at the moment accounting for twenty percents of total time but ankle joint angle still decreases. During take-off extension phrase, hip joint, knee joint and ankle joint extend in turn. Hip joint angular velocity increases all along, but ankle velocity increase firstly then decrease little by little within former 30% of total time, ankle joint begins to extend from the moment of accounting for fifty-eight percents, till to the moment of accounting for eighty percents, ankle angular velocity is higher than hip and ankle joint angular velocity.(2) The results of kinetics characteristics show that: The vertical ground reaction force curve is typical of the existence of two peaks with a trough phrase. the first peak ,trough and the second peak account for 10%,30%,50% respectively. the first peak positive correlate with instant touching horizontal velocity, trough value and vertical reaction force of the maximum compression time of knee joint positive correlate with displacement of body center significantly. The horizontal ground reaction force and impulse in the compression phrase are higher than those in the extension phrase. The moment that Knee maximum compression proceeds to the instance that body center arrived in the vertical position, Which indicates the take-off leg has already finished compression when body center arrived in the vertical position and long jumpers use the technique of before kicking support. The center of reaction force trajectory fluctuates at the beginning, and then stabilizes. The trend of center of reaction force trajectory fluctuating is the same as side reaction. The vertical ground reaction force during take-off transfers with high efficiency at the knee joint, but reduces significantly at the hip joint. (3) The results of electromyographic characteristics show that: All the measure muscles pre-activate before touching the board under the control of central nervous system, but the extent of pre-activation is different, there exists obvious difference between compression and extension phrase,and the former is higher than the latter.IEMG and work/loading value of vastus lateralis ,vastus medialis ,biceps femoris and soleus are bigger relatively during the compression phrase, but IEMG and work/loading value of gluteus maximums ,vastus lateralis ,vastus medialis and soleus are bigger relatively during the extension phrase. he beginning exertion order of all measured muscles are: tibialis anterior muscle, soleus, vastus medialis, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius medial head, rectus femoris, gluteus maximus, The end exertion order are: rectus femoris,stock medialis, medial gastrocnemius, soleus, vastus lateralis, gluteus maximus, biceps femoris. From the point of view of muscle activity duration: the time of the biceps femoris and vastus lateralis muscle activity are the longest, soleus and gluteus maximus followes ,then follows by medial head of gastrocnemius, vastus medialis and rectus femoris, tibialis anterior muscle activities in the shortest time; buffer stage of the knee and ankle joint antagonistic muscle co-contraction is obvious during compression phrase ; when hip, knee and ankle joint angles are in the range of 135 -150, 135 -145, 100-120 degrees, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, biceps femoris, soleus muscle, exert to full extent.(4)Using VB6.0 as a development language, Microfoft Access database as a background, based on the biomechanical muscle exertion characteristics of take-off phrase of male long jump, we developed the database management system of muscel exertion in accordance with software development process of the system analysis, system design, system test.Conclusions: (1) When selecting and devising specific strength training method,we should keep the action time within the limits 0f 0.11±0.009 seconds. Moreover extension hip muscles concentric contract all the time, extension knee and ankle muscles plyometric contract. the high speed change over between the centrifugal contraction and centripetal contraction is the important factor which can influence the effect of plyometric contraction. Therefore, attention shall be paid to the rationality of time structure when strengthen the supporting let reaction force fitness training. In addition, the training methods should be in accordance with the body position of take-off like joint angle, exertion direction, exertion range, thus to improve the training scientific level.(2) when developing long jumper’s specific strength, the vertical ground reaction force result from each form load should be consistent with the take-off of long jump.(3)when developing long jumper’s specific strength, Lateral vastus, medial vastus, biceps femoris, soleus and gluteus maximus should be valued. In order to exert to their full extent, Hip joint,knee joint and ankle joint angle should be controlled respectively in 135-150、135-145、100-120 degree as far as possible .At the same time, quadriceps muscles and biceps muscles strength should be heightened so as to improve the stability of knee joint and ankle joint as well as prevent sport injury. (4) Drop jumping of Various height and their combination like long jumping and touchéhigh location after drop jumping can not be used to develop long jumper’s specific strength because of these methods’mucular characteristics are significantly from take-off of long jump.(5) The training and monitoring system which developed based on the muscular exertion characteristics can be used to select the specific strength training method, evaluate player’s skill and monitor player’s functionality, thus improve the normalization and efficiency for the data collection and store carried out by the sport trainers and researchers. The multi-function and rapid inquiry of the system makes the information feedback faster, more systematic and complete.

  • 【分类号】G823.3
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】652

