

Study on "Cultural Space" of Chinese Wushu

【作者】 吉灿忠

【导师】 邱丕相;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放的春风促进了中国思想界的空前解放,当引进西方经济、科技、教育等方面先进经验的同时,文化民族主义开始复苏。上世纪末东西文化论争深深地触动了中国武术领域,各方学者繁讼纷纭,从不同理论视角对中国武术的发展进行了注脚和求解。但高涨的民族主义思潮没有挡住西方文化的东进,反而让中国人更加目不暇接。实际上,在民族间文化交往活动中存在着各种符号暴力行为,这种行为通常以一种被默认的方式实施的,当人们以宽容的态度融入他者文化时,一种亚文化则可能以无限扩大的文化态势渗透到了本土文化系统当中,会在一段或更长时期内表现出“非此即彼”、“你死我活”的文化态度。回顾中国武术的发展历程,就长时间处于这种非友即敌、非香花即毒草式的论争,也确实吃够了苦头。实践证明,只有中西体育间的交流与对话,包容与共存才是明智地抉择。“文化在不同的时代和不同的地方具有各种不同的表现形式”,正是自然环境和人文社会条件对文化的产生与变迁所发挥着重要决定或可能决定作用,才使本研究选取以文化人类学、非物质文化遗产原理和社会文化分层论为理论基础,并结合文献资料法、田野调查法、访谈法和逻辑分析法对各种武术“生境”(人类学词语,即“文化空间”)进行了较系统全面地研究,其结果发现:1.武术“文化空间”是指某个集中展示武术文化活动或武术文化元素的地点,或确定在某一周期举办与武术文化有关的一段时间。武术“文化空间”可以依据其地理和历史属性进行逐级划分,有的武术“文化空间”具有一定兼容性和交叉性。2.武术“文化空间”表现出地域性、活态性、传承性、整体性和场域性特征。地域文化特质和文化底蕴是武术流派形成的主要原因;活态性是指武术依赖于“活态”传承主体来保护、延续和筑建的;传承性是人类学中历时性的表现,是对先民武术文化的有机整合和积累,认同和续延;整体性表现在它是由人、器物、技能、观念、活动和环境共同组成的,即由非物质和物质的有机结合;场域性是指武术生存生产、加工和传颂的“文化场”。3.清末新政是上世纪东西方文化论争的原点,为中国武术转型提供了思想准备,并诱发了对“贱武右文”传统的检讨和“尚武精神”的倡扬。受上世纪末东西文化论战影响,中国武术文化主动地经历了现代性扩张,竞技武术趋于成熟。4.民间武术“文化空间”存在着保护主体的职能模糊;整体性传承和保护工作存在“盲区”;传统文化走空;主流与非主流“文化空间”断层;信息“复位”失真以及武术场“移植”变味等问题。为此要培养公民本土文化安危意识;建立“武术公共服务保障体系”机制;加强“遗产性保护”;“文化空间”的初始性复活和再生性建造相结合;学校传承和传播并行不悖;重视传统资源经济价值;发挥政府和社会组织管理协调的双驱动力;建立“武术之村”评选机制,加强村落文化荣誉感等。5.北京奥运会为竞技武术朝向奥运目标发展吹起了“集结号”,技术快速出新和重组;受众者趋于小群体化;传统技术遗缺;文化内涵陨落等问题。为此,要回归文化传统;推进赛场的“城市化”与“农村化”相结合;鼓励技术到基层“采风”;增加竞技武术赛场“文化软实力”;举办展示性“全国武术大会”等。6.武术教育环境存在着诸多问题:学科势能与学科资源浪费之矛盾突出;教学中呈现出“西强东弱”的现象;语言优势不大;学校缺乏“尚武”者;传承性“文化空间”悼亡。因此,要突破“单一学科发展专业”的传统观念;跨越民间与学校武术人才“身份有别”的观念壑沟;坚持课堂内外相结合的培养机制;在境内外文化教育机构中强力推介武术教育;将学校武术段位制工作推向深入。7.演绎性武术“文化空间”是寄存武术文化场所之一。但当下演绎性武术文化产品容易过度追求经济利益,导致文化萎颓,缺乏武术叙事和宏观的文化发展战略。因此,宜防范演绎性武术表达时高端技术的误导;还原武术技术的本真;注重武术叙事型剧情;杜绝演绎性武术中文化的“去传统”。8.面对虚拟化网络性武术“文化空间”,要强化法制管理,加强道德舆论监督,规范网络市场;建立“过滤技术”,防范低俗文化进驻网络;重视语言在网络国际化建设进程中的作用。

【Abstract】 With the implementation of the reform and opening-up, the emancipation of minds is unprecedented. When we introduce the advanced experiences on economy, science and education, etc. from the west, our cultural nationalism begins to revive. In the late of 20th century, the controversy on the western and eastern cultures affects the Chinese Wushu profoundly. Different scholars hold different opinions, and they give the annotations and solutions on the development of Chinese Wushu from various perspectives in their own fields. However, the rising tends of nationalism does not obstruct the dissemination of the western culture to the east, but rather accelerate it. In fact, there exist various acts of semiotic violence in the activities of cultural exchanges among the different nations. This kind of act is generally carried out by the way of acquiescence. When people enter into the other cultures with tolerate attitude, some sub-culture probably penetrates the local cultural system with the limitless enlargement of culture, which will manifest the cultural attitude of“right”or“wrong”in certain period or even longer. Reviewing the development of the Chinese Wushu, the road is rough in the long period of controversy of“enemy or friend”. It demonstrates that tolerance and coexistence, exchange and dialogue between the western and eastern physical cultures are the wise choice for the development of Chinese Wushu.“Cultures in different times and different places bear a variety of embodiments.”Because natural environment and human society play important roles in emergence and evolvement of the culture, so this dissertation investigates systematically the“cultural space”in Wushu adopting literature data, field investigation, interview method and logic analysis which is based on the theory of intangible cultural heritage and stratification of social culture.1.“Cultural space”in Wushu refers to the place where it shows the cultural activities or cultural elements of Wushu, and a period when it plans the schedule about Wushu culture.“Cultural space”of Wushu can be stratified into different levels according to the geography and history. Some kind of“cultural space”has the nature of compatibility and overlap.2. The“cultural space”of Wushu shows such characteristics as regionalism, activity, heredity, integrity, and field performance. The main cause of formation Wushu schools lies in the regional culture characteristics and culture itself; The nature of activity refers to that Wushu depends on“active”inheritance subject to protect, continue and build; Heredity is diachronic performance in anthropology, which is the organic integration and accumulation, and the identity and extension of the ancient Wushu culture; The nature of integrity is manifested in the composition of human beings, utensils, skills, ideas, activities and environment, i.e., the organic union of nonmaterial and material; Field performance means the“cultural field”where the subsistence of Wushu, is produced, processed and praised. 3. New policy of Qing Dynasty in the last century is the original controversy of eastern and western cultures, which provides the ideological preparation for the transformation of Chinese Wushu, and also induces the traditional review on the idea of“emphasizing the humanity more than the military”, and advocating“the Wushu spirit”. Influenced by the controversy between the eastern and western cultures, Chinese Wushu culture actively has gone through the modern extension and inclines to the maturity of Wushu.4. The“culture space”of folk Wushu exists the following problems, the vagueness of the function to protect the subject; the“blind zone”existing in the inheritance and protection; the empty of traditional culture; the fault of“cultural space”between the mainstream and the non-mainstream; the distortion of the“restoration”of information and off-odor of“transplantation”in Wushu field. Therefore, it should develop the native cultural safety consciousness among the citizens; establishing“security system of public service in Wushu”; strengthening“heritage protection”; Combining the resurrection of“cultural space”with the reproductive building; Combining school inheritance with the dissemination; paying much attention to the financial value of traditional resources; exerting the double driving forces of the coordinate management of government and social organization; establishing the selection mechanism of“Wushu village”, and strengthening the sense of village culture, etc.5. The Beijing Olympic Games has blown "rally marl" for the Wushu toward Olympic goals, which made technical produces the new and reorganization fast; the mass audiences tend to be small; the traditional technology uncollected; Cultural connotation strikes. Therefore, we could do the step as returning to traditional culture; Pushing the field“urbanization”and“rural change”; combining Encourage technology to grassroots“paint”; Increasing Wushu arena“cultural soft power”; carrying on the showing“national Wushu congress”, etc.6. Wushu education environment exist many problems: the contradiction between the subject potential energy and the subject resource waste; there is the“west strong east weak”phenomenon in teaching; Language advantage is a little; Schools lack of“Wushu”person; Heredity on“cultural space”has lost. Therefore, we should break the traditional concept of“single subject development to professional”; across the idea of that the identity for the Wushu talent is different from the Folk and schools; Adhere to combine the classroom inside cultivation mechanism and the outside; recommendations the Wushu education for the inside Institutions of education and outside ones; furthering the school DuanWeiZhi work of the Wushu.7. Deductive Wushu“culture space”is one of the spaces hosting Wushu culture. However, the deduction Wushu and cultural products incline to pursue excessively economic benefits, which lead to the decadent of culture, the scarcity of the narration of Wushu and the macroscopic cultural development strategies. Therefore, we should protect Wushu expression on deduction Wushu from the misleading of high-end technology; Reductive the natural of the Wushu techniques; Pay attention to Wushu narrative type plot; completely eradicate the elimination on the deductive Wushu culture.8. Facing the virtualization network“cultural space”of the Wushu, we must strengthen the legal system management, and strengthen the moral supervision by the public, standardize the network market; Establish“filter technology”, prevent raunchy culture into the network; pay attention to the role of the language in network in the process of internationalization.

  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1681

