

Synthesis and Application of Multicolor Electrophoretic Particles for Imaging Displays

【作者】 冯宇光

【导师】 黄世华; 滕枫;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 光学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 目前,用于电泳显示的成像材料多数是比重较大的颜料,不同颜料工艺也大相径庭。本文相继用自由基乳液聚合法和自由基沉淀聚合法,开发了核一壳型轻质多色电泳显示成像材料,合成工艺简单。以本文研发的成像粒子配置电泳液,不仅不需要电荷控制剂和分散剂而具有良好的电泳效果,同时也展示了电泳液具有环境友好的特点。乳液聚合法合成电泳粒子的工艺为用沉淀聚合法合成电泳粒子奠定了基础。在应用乳液聚合的过程中,发现非平衡状态的反应乳液依然能生成平衡态的稳定乳液,并对无皂乳液聚合的机理加以修正补充。进而在应用沉淀聚合法时,充分利用分子之间的界面作用和分散效果,成功利用吡啶基对二氧化钛的物理吸附作用实现了聚合物对二氧化钛微粒的包覆并呈现出圆球形,以此为根据分析了反应机理;研制出三步一浴法和相转移染色法合成红、绿、蓝三种颜色的微球,拓宽了酸性染料的应用;开发出用先接枝再共聚合成含有花酐的电泳微粒,实现了把苝酐盘型大分子和聚合物的结合。以此为基础,将微球表面的吡啶基或环氧基改性成盐,实现了电泳粒子表面的离子化,为其在有机溶剂中电离出电荷,在电场下实现电泳做好了准备。实验证明,用以上方法制备的电泳粒子在分散介质中的zeta电位随着表面离子种类的差异而不同,并且通过改变离子的量是可以控制的,此外,zeta电位还与粒子的半径有一定的关系。电泳粒子的响应时间决定于zeta电位,也受其浓度的影响。结果,在0.2mm宽的电泳池中,10V电场下检测到成像粒子的电泳。

【Abstract】 At present, almost electrophoretic imaging particles were prepared with pigment and by different methods according to corresponding pigments. In this thesis, imaging particles were prepared with cross-linked polymer and pigment or dye and by simple method. For this, emulsion polymerization, precipitation polymerization and salting modification were carried out successively.In studying emulsion polymerization, it was discovered that stable latex could be prepared under non-equilibrium state, which HLB value was not matched between monomoers and surfactant. And traditional mechanism of emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization had been corrected and replenished. And many reaction conditions were applied for precipitation polymerization and modifying products prepared by precipitation polymerization.Then, precipitation polymerization was carried out smoothly by interface and dispersion. Titanium dioxide composite microsphere was prepared with 4-vinylpyridine, and the mechanism was researched. Red, green and blue microsphere was prepared with acid dyes and successively by one bath-three stages method and phase-transfering coloration. Besides,3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic acid dianhydride was grafted into polymer chains to obtain a splendid red particle.On the basis of the above mentioned, pyridyl or epoxy group on the surfaces of all particles was salted which could ionize in organic solvents.As results, zeta potential was changed with different ions on the surface of particles prepared by above methods and dispersed in electrophoretic medium, and zeta potential was controlled by adjusting amount of ion. Meanwhile, in a part, particle size could influence upon zeta potential. Response time, an electrophoresis parameter, was influenced mainly by zeta potential and concentration of electrophoretic particles in medium. In 0.2mm tiselius cell, electrophoresis was tested under 10V electric field.


