

Research of the Relationship between Highway Traffic and the Development of Economy and Society in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

【作者】 许春风

【导师】 陶德馨;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 新疆生产建设兵团是新疆维吾尔自治区的重要组成部分,其管辖区分布于全新疆各地区,兵团作为党政军企合一的特殊组织,担负着中央赋予的屯垦戍边的历史使命,是新疆经济发展、社会稳定、民族团结和边防巩固的重要力量。由于公路交通具有通达性好,对自然环境适应性强,灵活、方便,可实现“门到门”运输等优势,非常适合新疆地区经济的发展。在兵团综合运输体系中,公路交通占绝对主导地位,是兵团经济发展的命脉,也是兵团加强与外界联系,履行屯垦戍边任务,促进经济发展、维护社会稳定和加强民族团结的重要支撑。因此,对新疆生产建设兵团公路交通与经济社会发展进行研究具有重要的理论及现实意义。本文对新疆生产建设兵团经济社会和公路交通发展现状进行了研究,对公路交通对经济社会影响进行了机理分析,并在此基础上研究了公路交通对经济社会发展的理论与方法;从定性和定量两个方面对公路交通与经济社会发展的贡献进行了测算与论证,对新疆生产建设兵团公路交通的经济社会影响进行了综合评价。论文的主要内容及研究成果如下:首先,本文总结了国内外对贡献率测算的理论、方法,并介绍了相关研究结论,认为现有的研究没有从整体上对公路交通对经济社会影响及发展贡献进行系统界定;对于公路交通与经济社会两者之间的作用机理研究不够深入,没有构建公路交通对经济社会影响的研究体系。第二,研究了新疆生产建设兵团经济社会和公路交通的发展现状。其中分析了兵团的地理位置与自然条件、兵团经济社会发展的总体状况以及经济区域分布情况及特征;同时从兵团交通基础设施建设、道路运输业发展等方面分析了兵团公路交通发展的现状。第三,研究了兵团公路交通对经济社会影响的机理;提出了公路交通的发展与经济增长之间的双回路关系;分析了公路交通与产业布局之间的联系。第四,介绍了交通与经济社会发展的理论方法;从产业布局、对外贸易等角度分析了公路交通对经济社会影响的机理;并将公路交通对经济社会的影响界定为直接贡献、间接贡献、诱发贡献、拉动就业贡献四个方面,同时构建了测算以上各类贡献的方法体系。第五,对兵团公路交通对经济社会发展的影响进行定性研究。分析了兵团公路交通对产业结构、资源开发的影响;分析了兵团公路交通对边境贸易、人口“非农化”、城镇化的影响;同时还分析了兵团公路交通对维护社会稳定的影响。第六,定量测算了兵团公路交通对经济社会发展的影响。测算了兵团公路交通对国民经济的直接拉动作用,测算了兵团公路建设和兵团道路运输业对经济增长的间接贡献,并对社会就业的贡献进行了测算。第七,分析了DEA方法用于对公路交通的经济社会影响评价的可行性,并用此方法对兵团公路交通的经济社会影响进行了综合评价,分析结果表明2001一2009年兵团公路交通的资金和车辆投入的经济社会影响绩效水平整体上较高。最后,研究提出了新时期兵团公路交通的发展思路,并从构建交通投融资体制、探索公路建设投融资模式、优先发展兵团快速干线公路网、强化科技创新等方面提出了加强兵团公路交通建设的若干政策建议。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang production and construction corps is an important component of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, and its jurisdiction distributed in various regions of Xinjiang. As a special organization which incorporates the force of the Party, politics, military and enterprise, and is endowed by the central government the historical mission of reclaiming land and defending the border. It is an important force in Xinjiang’s economic development, social stability, and national unity and border consolidation.Because of the advantages of highway traffic, such as the excellent accessibility, the strong adaptability to the natural environment, the agility, the convenience and the "door to door" transport, it is extraordinary suitable for economic development in Xinjiang. In the comprehensive transportation system of the corps, highway traffic is absolutely at the leading position. It is the lifeblood of the economic development in corps, and the important support for the corps to strengthen the ties with the outside world, to fulfill the task of cultivating, and to promote the economic development and maintain the social stability, and to strengthen the national unity. Therefore, the study of highway traffic and the development of economy and society in Xinjiang production and construction corps has an important theoretical and practical significance.This paper studies the status of the development of economy and society and the development of highway traffic, and takes mechanism analyses on the affection among highway traffic and economy and society. On the basis of status and the mechanism analysis, the paper also researches the theoretical methods of highway traffic and the development of economy and society. It demonstrates and calculates the contribution of highway traffic and the development of economy and society by qualitative and quantitative. At last, it synthetically evaluates the influence of the economy and society of highway traffic. The main contents and results are as follows:First of all, the paper summarizes the domestic and international theory and method of the contribution rate calculation, and introduces the relative research conclusions. It considers that the current studies have no systematic definition of the whole influences and contributions of the economy and society that highway traffic brings to. And they did not researches deeply enough about the mechanism between highway traffic and the economy and society and did not build the research system on highway traffic’s influence to the development of economy and society.Secondly, the paper studies the status of the development of economy and society and the development of highway traffic in Xinjiang production and construction corps. In this paper, it analyses the geographical location and natural conditions in the Corps, the general state of economic and social development, and the distribution and characteristics of the economic region. At the same time, it analyzes the status of the development of highway traffic in Corps from the construction of transportation infrastructure and the development of road transport and some other sides.Thirdly, the paper studies the mechanism of the influence from highway traffic in Corps to the society and economy. It proposed the double-loop relationship between the development of highway traffic and the growth of economy, and then it analyses the link between highway traffic and the industrial layout.Fourthly, the paper introduces the theoretical methods of the traffic and the development of the economy and society. From the industrial and foreign trade, it analyses the mechanism of the impact from highway traffic to the development of the economy and society, and defines the impact from highway traffic to the development of the economy and society in four aspects, such as the direct contribution, indirect contribution, induced contribution and pulling employment contribution. It also builds calculation methodology of the kinds of contributions above.Fifthly, qualitative research of the impact from highway traffic to the development of the economy and society has been done. It analyses the influence that the highway traffic of Crops brings to the industrial structure and the resource exploitation, and the impact to the border trade, the "non-agricultural" population and the urbanization. It also shows the affection to the defending social stability.Sixthly, the quantitative estimation of the impact from highway traffic to the development of the economy and society has been done in this paper. It measures the direct pulling effect of highway traffic to national economy and the indirect contribution from the Corps highway construction and road transport to the growth of economy. It also measures the contribution to the social employment. The paper analyses the impact of the highway traffic to the industrial structure and the resource exploitation.Seventhly, the paper analyses the feasibility of the DEA method used to the impact from highway traffic to the development of the economy and society, and with the method, the paper evaluates the impact from highway traffic to the development of the economy and society comprehensively. The results indicate that the overall level of influence performance on economy and society with the funds of the highway traffic and vehicles into traffic from 2001 to 2009 is high.Finally, the study proposes some ideas of the development of highway traffic in a new particular period, and puts forward several policy recommendations on strengthening the construction of highway traffic in Corps by constructing traffic investment and financing system, exploring the-investment and financing mode of highway construction, and by the prior development of the fast trunk road network, strengthening scientific and technological innovation and some other aspects.


