

Magnetic System Analysis of Wet High Intensity Permanent Magnetic Separator and Equipment Manufacture

【作者】 胡明振

【导师】 彭会清;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在永磁设备研制中,磁系设计是关键,对分析磁选设备性能,确定磁系结构参数、磁场性质、磁性颗粒受力情况及机械结构等起着重要作用。课题针对目前普通湿式永磁磁选机磁场强度不高,对弱磁性矿物粗选、尾矿抛尾以及非金属除铁效果不理想,提出了新的磁系机构,大大提高了作业空间内的磁场强度。同时对于磁选机磁系和机构优化设计综合运用多学科研究,包括磁性材料、复变函数、有限元磁场仿真、机械设计、有限元机构优化设计、系统开发、磁选技术、选矿工艺等,完成了对称圆角齿极磁场的理论研究和设备的实际制造工作,同时为同类磁选设备研究提供了理论依据,缩短了研发周期。课题主要从磁系材料选取,磁场理论计算和仿真模拟,设备研制,系统开发,试验五方面进行了研究与分析。(1)通过国内外磁性材料的对比分析,研究不同硬磁和软磁材料性能,选用NdFeB永磁材料,其表面磁感应强度为0.5T,磁感应矫顽力808KA/m,内禀矫顽力为1740KA/m,最大磁能积326-334KJ/m3。该磁性材料较高的磁感应强度、稳定的性能和适中的价格满足了强磁选机的设计要求。(2)运用复变函数解析解法,推导出了对称圆角齿极的磁场分布规律,磁场强度大小为磁场方向并绘出了圆齿齿极对磁场气隙空间的磁通分布。(3)运用高级有限元分析软件ANSYS对磁系的二维及三维模型进行了静态磁场分析,得到了磁系的磁力线分布、磁场强度、磁感应强度、指定路径磁感应强度分布规律以及三维模型的磁感应强度切片。并运用参数化语言APDL编译了优化设计程序,可对不同结构、几何参数及材料的磁系进行系统的仿真分析。通过不同的方案进行对比分析,得出最优的磁系结构形式及参数。在最优条件下,对称圆角齿尖表面理论磁感应强度达到2.31 T,满足设计要求。(4)设计制造出了湿式永磁强磁选机磁盘单元磁场测量机构及原理试验机,可对磁盘单元进行详细的磁场测量和进行选别试验;完成了湿式永磁强磁选机整机设计,对给矿箱、冲矿管、机架等主要机构进行了改进设计,使布料更均匀;在矿石接触的机体表面粘贴耐磨层,延长其使用寿命;改进磁盘设计,增加了分选面积;当极距为10mm时,表面磁感应强度达到2.25T;并运用COSMOS有限元软件对磁盘、主轴主要部件在受到最大磁场力情况下进行了结构受力分析,磁盘的安全系数达到了6.7,达到了较高的安全系数和可靠性,同时还节省了材料及加工费用,满足了设计要求,符合矿山实际生产的需要。(5)基于Visual Basic对ANSYS 12.0进行了永磁场仿真的二次开发,并结合SQL Sever 2000数据库技术开发了永磁磁选机磁系优化设计仿真系统,并开发了材料库、磁系优化设计及数据输出等模块。通过磁系虚拟优化设计,提高了永磁磁选机设计及优化效率,缩短了设计周期、节约了设计试验成本。(6)应用湿式永磁强磁选机对钾长石除铁进行试验研究,在最佳试验条件下,原矿中Fe203含量从0.52%下降到0.17%,精矿产率到达84.61%,除铁率达72.34%。结果表明该磁选机结构设计合理,选别指标和除铁效果良好。

【Abstract】 In the decelopment of permanent magnet device, the magnet system design is the key point. They play an important role for analysis of magnetic device performance, structural parameters of magnetic system, magnetic properties, forces on magnetic particles and mechanical structure. There are not the best for weak magnetic minerals roughing, discarding useless mineral from tailings and removing iron from non-metallic minerals for general wet permanent magnetic separator. This paper proposed a new magnetic system structure to enhance the magnetic field intensity in the separation space. The research of magnetic system and structure optimization was based on multi-sublect. They contained magnetic material, complex function, magnetic filed simulation, mechanical design, FEM, system development and magnetic separation and so on. Theoretical research of magnetic field distribution of magnetic pole with symmetrical fillet angle and actual manufacture of the equipment had been completed. The research provided a theoretical basis and Shortened the development cycle for similar magnetic device development.Six aspects had been completed, which contained magnetic materials, theoretical calculation of magnetic system, magnetic field simulation, design and manufacture of equipment, development of simulation system and iron removal experiment.(1) Through comparative analysis of magnetic materials at home and abroad to study the different properties of hard and soft magnetic material, the choice of NdFeB permanent magnet material was decided to apply in the new wet high intensity permanent magnetic separator. The magnetic induction intensity is 0.5T, coercive force of magnetic induction is 808KA/m, intrinsic coercive force is 1740KA/m and magnetic energy product is 326-334KJ/m3. The high magnetic flux density, stable performance and affordable prices meet the design requirements of wet high intensity permanent magnetic separator.(2) The magnetic field distribution rule of magnetic pole with symmetrical fillet angle was gotten by analytical solution of complex variable function. Formula of magnetic field intensity was Magnetic field orientation was Mean while the magnetic flux distribution of magnetic pole with symmetrical fillet angle in air gap was drawn.(3) Advance finite element analysis software ANSYS was applied to simulate the static magnetic field of magnetic system with 2D and 3D model. The post processing results were gotten, such as magnetic line of force distribution, magnetic field intensity, magnetic induction intensity, magnetic induction intensity distribution in special path and magnetic induction intensity cutting of 3D model. Then parametric language APDL was compiled to get optimal design program which could simulate different construction, geometry size and material of magnetic system. The optimal construction and parameter of magnetic system was gotten through the comparative analysis of different plans. The magnetic induction intensity of magnetic pole with symmetrical fillet angle was get up to 2.31T in optimal simulation condition.(4) Testing machine of wet high intensity permanent magnetic separator had been designed and manufactured to measure magnetic field of magnetic disk and do mineral processing test. The whole machine of wet high intensity permanent magnetic separator had been designed and some main parts were in improved design to make burden distribution more even. They were feed box, pipe for washing mine and framework. Anti-abrasion coatings were stuck to the surface of engine body in order to extend its service life. Magnetic disk was designed in advance to increase the useful area. Magnetic induction intensity could get up to 2.25T when the distance between magnetic disks was 10mm. The magnetic disk and central axis were analyzed under the condition of maximum magnetic field force by using COSMOS. Simulation results demonstrated that the safety factor was up to 6.7. It achieved a higher safety factor and reliability and meeted the design requirements of mine equipment.(5) ANSYS 12.0 was done second development for permanent magnetic field simulation based on Visual Basic. And database software SQL Sever 2000 was applied to develop permanent magnetic field simulation system. Some main models was developed, such as material database, ANSYS simulation and data output. Through virtual optimization design of magnetic system, the efficiency of design and optimization was improved efficiency.(6) Wet high intensity permanent magnetic separator was applied to remove iron from potash feldspar. The results under optimal experimental conditions were shown that structure design of magnetic separator was reasonable, mineral processing and iron removal effect was well. Fe2O3 in ore was decreased from 0.52% to 0.17%. Production rate of concentrate was up to 84.61% , and iron removal rate was 72.34%.


