

Simulation and Optimization Study on Urban Traffic Signal

【作者】 陈丹

【导师】 高孝洪; 陈辉;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 轮机工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展和城市化进程的推进,机动车辆的保有量急剧增加,城市交通供求关系不平衡的矛盾日益尖锐。人们在享受交通发达带来的便捷同时,饱受其诟病--交通拥挤、恶性交通事故剧增、拥挤交通所带来环境污染加剧,成为困扰各国民众的焦点和急待解决的问题。提高城市交通管理的水平和大力发展公共交通是解决城市交通拥堵的有效手段。城市平面交叉路口信号灯智能优化控制是提高交叉口通行效率最经济且有效的方法,也是现代城市交通管理的主要内容。信号灯配时的智能优化也能给公共交通更多的优先通行权,减少公共交通车辆在路口的延误时间,这对提高公共交通的服务水平是有益的。为了了解当前信号灯控制存在的问题,研究了国外先进的交通控制系统及控制方法;并以此为基础建立城市交通微观仿真优化系统。主要完成了以下的工作:(1)对商蕾博士所建立的微观交通仿真模型进行改进和完善,使仿真的结果更准确;并以武汉市武昌区和平大道的交通调查数据对所建立的微观交通仿真模型进行检验,以证实微观仿真模型的真实有效性;(2)研究了启发式的智能优化算法,通过对测试函数优化结果对比,比较了简单遗传优化算法,自适应遗传优化算法和混沌-遗传混合优化算法的寻优性能;测试的结果为混沌-遗传混合优化算法在收敛的速度和精度上都优于其它的两种智能优化算法;(3)将优化算法运用于交通信号的控制之中,建立了城市微观交通仿真优化系统,并由微观仿真程序仿真的结果作为评判不同信号配时方案优劣的依据;(4)建立了基于简单规则的主动式公交优先的仿真程序,可分别进行绿灯相位延长、提前开启绿灯相位和插入公交相位等三种公交优先的控制。根据公交车辆到达停车线的时间不同,采用不同的优先策略。通过该仿真系统可以评价主动式公交优先的效果及对其它非优先车辆的影响;(5)根据所建立的微观交通仿真优化系统,对路口的信号灯进行优化控制。提出公交优先评价的准则:即以人均延误时间最小来比较不同的公交车辆优先方法的合理性和效果。并在此基础上研究了在不同的交通状况和不同载客人数下公交车辆交通信号优先的控制效果;(6)对三个路口组成的干线路网交通系统进行交通信号控制参数的敏感性研究,证实了信号控制参数中信号周期、相位差、绿信比设置的优劣对路网内车辆的通行速度存在不同程度的影响;论证了干线或区域交通中信号灯控制周期相同是保证路网内交通稳定的前提和关键;提出了多路口多相位的信号灯仿真优化方法,并对该路网系统进行了以主干线上交通延误最小为优化目标的仿真优化研究;同时也对九个路口组成的区域交通系统进行了仿真优化研究,证实了该方法的有效性。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and urbanization and increase of quantity of private car, unbalance conflict between traffic supply and demand becomes more and more sharpen. People have been gotten into a hobble by traffic congestion while enjoying convenient transportation. It is the effective measure to solve traffic congestion that improvement of urban traffic management and development of public transit. Optimization of signal timing plan of urban intersection is the most economic and effective method to improve efficiency of traffic and also is the main content of modern urban traffic management. Public transit also has been given more priority to pass through intersection by optimization of signal timing plan. It is helpful to decrease delay time and improve schedule of public transit. In order to understand existing question of signal timing optimization, the thesis begins with study of current advanced traffic management system and then develops up Urban Traffic Microscopic Simulation and Optimization System. The main contents are list as follow:(1) Improvement on Urban Traffic Microscopic Simulation Model developed by Dr.Shanglei has been finished in order to make it more reality and accuracy. Validity and calibration of Urban Traffic Microscopic Simulation Model has been tested through experimental data of Heping road of Wuhan city;(2) Study on heuristic optimization algorithm. Through performance comparison of simple Genetic Algorithm, adaptive Genetic Algorithm and Chaos-Genetic Algorithm (CGA) on test function, Convergence of Chaos-Genetic Algorithm is better than others.(3) Chaos-Genetic Algorithm has been used on optimization of traffic signal timing. Urban Traffic Microscopic Simulation and Optimization System have been developed and Urban Traffic Microscopic Simulation Model is used as the tool of evaluation of different signal timing plans.(4) Active Transit Signal Priority System has been developed and it supplies three priority strategy, that is:Green time extension, Early green (red truncation) and Priority phase insertion. Different priority strategy is adapted according to arriving stop line time of transit. The system is used to evaluate influence on intersection delay of non-priority vehicle and priority transit.(5) Evaluating performance index of Transit Signal Priority (TSP) is been put forward. Passive Transit Signal Priority System has been developed with Urban Traffic Microscopic Simulation and Optimization System. Optimization of Passive Transit Signal Priority has been tested for under-satuated and over-satuated traffic based on the performance index.of TSP(6) Sensitivity of traffic signal scheme to traffic has been studied that cycle length, offset and green split has impact on traffic. It is proved that the same cycle length is the base and precondition of steady traffic stream. Multi-intersection and multi-phase of signal simulation and optimization has been built and it has been used to study on signal timing optimization of arterial line and area system.


