

Research on Ore Supply Chain Equilibrium

【作者】 周程

【导师】 张培林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 物流管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 钢铁行业是世界上最重要的制造业之一,在我国国民经济中占有重要地位。目前,我国钢铁行业正面临严峻考验,国际铁矿石价格不断飙升,使钢铁企业成本高居不下。各大钢厂为防止铁矿石价格继续上涨,在各港口和企业内部囤积大量矿石原料,给矿石供应链带来了极大的不均衡性风险。在此背景下,本文探讨矿石供应链均衡性问题,对钢铁企业改善供应链的非均衡性、降低成本、扩展利润空间具有重要的理论和现实意义。论文主要研究内容及成果如下:给出了供应链均衡的定义,归纳供应链均衡特征,识别影响供应链均衡性的重要因素为供应不确定、信息不对称、需求不确定以及能力匹配四个方面。构建矿石供应链均衡管理层次模型,探究矿石供应链均衡性关键环节:供应商选择、运输、库存、混匀优化以及均衡性预警管理模式的不同层次及内在联系。分析矿石供应链不均衡性现状,重点探究了矿石原料在供应、运输及库存等几个关键环节的非均衡性问题,并分析其产生原因主要在于供应商选择不当、库存控制策略的不科学,以及运输和混匀等相关作业计划不合理。在剖析矿石供应链的特点及矿石商品的资源属性基础上,引入“均衡性供给竞争力”概念,构建基于“均衡性供给竞争力”的供应商评价指标体系。采用改进的基于群体理想解的多属性决策方法,对供应链均衡性下的供应商进行选择,并用算例证明了该模型的有效性。针对矿石供应链库存过大和堆存期长的非均衡性现状,采用级库存控制方法,在探究库场的均衡性约束基础上,建立了基于随机需求的多品种二级库存非线性规划模型,对多个矿石供应商和一个生产企业形成的上游供应网络的级库存进行了研究,为矿石供应链核心企业及其供应商制定了库存均衡性优化策略。针对运输的不均衡性现象,采用组合优化的方法,构建基于均衡性约束的运输-分配模型,对算法进行了设计,提出了矿石运输方式、运量分配、线路选择及运输成本最优的综合运输方案,对模型进行了实证研究。研究了矿石供应链均衡性预警管理模式。采用预警和优化的方法,对矿石供应链的均衡性进行预警管理,建立混匀配比的数学规划模型,对均衡性预警状态下的混匀优化方案进行了研究,并用算例证明了该模型的有效性。本文的研究工作为钢铁企业实施矿石供应链均衡性管理提供了科学依据,为钢铁行业“去库存”提供了新的思路,在提高钢铁企业供应链管理水平,降低成本,扩展利润方面具有广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Iron and steel industry, one of the world’s most important manufacturing, plays an important role in the national economy. At present, China’s steel industry is facing severe challenges, as the international iron ore prices soaring; the cost of the steel industry remains high. In order to prevent iron ore prices continuing rising, major steel mills accumulate a large number of mineral raw materials, at all ports and internal, which brings great disequilibrium risk to the ore supply chain. Faced with such difficult situation, iron and steel enterprises must adopt effective methods to reduce the disequilibrium degree of the supply chain, reduce costs, expand profits, and to protect mineral equilibrium and harmonious operation of the supply chain. The content and results of the dissertation are as follows:The definition of supply chain equilibrium was provided. The characteristic of supply chain equilibrium was concluded. Four influencing factors of supply chain equilibrium were identified, i.e. uncertain supplies, uncertain demands, information asymmetry and competencies match. The intrinsic relationship of the key links (supplier selection, transportation, stock, blending optimizing and early warning management mode) supply chain equilibrium were explored by setting up the administrative levels model of ore supply chain equilibrium, which consist of strategic level, supporting level and operation level.Current disequilibrium of ore supply chain was analyzed. And the problems of disequilibrium of ore materials supply, transportation and stock became the main aspect of this study. The suppliers without cooperation spirit, unscientific stock control strategy, and unreasonable plan of transportation or blending are regarded as the main reasons for the disequilibrium phenomenon.On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of the ore supply chain and the resource properties of the mineral products, the conception of equilibrium supply of competitiveness can be introduced, and classification matrix can be constructed, then from "equilibrium supply of competitiveness" and "ore grade" this two dimensions, the categories of suppliers can be analyzed. The evaluation index system based on the "group closeness" is established to give a comprehensive evaluation of suppliers. By using a comprehensive evaluation model based on improved group ideal solution, according to the different preferences of the experts, "group closeness"can be introduced to choose the suppliers under the equilibrium of the supply chain. Considering the disequilibrium status of large stock of supply chain inventory for the ore and a long period of stockpiling, using the method of echelon inventory control, and on the basis of inventory equilibrium constraints, a model based on the random demand of multi-species non-linear programming for two-echelon inventory can be established, multiple suppliers and a production company formed upstream supply network links the equilibrium inventory level has been studied, then optimization strategy of inventory equilibrium can be formulated for production company and its suppliers.According to transport disequilibrium phenomenon, combinatorial optimization is adopted, and Transportation-distribution model is set up.The integrated optimal transportation plan of ore transportation manner, traffic volume distribution, route choice and transportation cost is proposed.Early-warning management of ore supply chain equilibrium model has been researched. Besides, equilibrium evaluation indicator system which includes stockyard storage and stockpiling period is build; real time early-warning method has used to supervise warning indicators to prompt disequilibrium risk and coping strategy. At last, mathematical programming model of blending proportioning is applied to give preference to disequilibrium ore so as to lower disequilibrium risk.The research of this article gives scientific basis for running ore supply chain equilibrium management of re supply chain; provides new idea for "Destocking" of steel industry. Furthermore, it has wide application prospects.

  • 【分类号】F274;F426.31;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】324
  • 攻读期成果

