

Research on the Socialist View of Contemporary University Students

【作者】 岳鹏

【导师】 戴钢书;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当代大学生社会主义观研究是基于当代大学生如何看待和怎样对待社会主义尤其是中国特色社会主义理论与实践等诸多敏感问题、重大问题和热点问题的深沉思考。这一整体性研究详细梳理并科学区分了社会主义观的渊源、特征、是非等历史问题;初步探索并着重回答了当代大学生社会主义观的结构、机理、过程等理论问题;系统探讨并准确把握了当代大学生社会主义观的现实状况、发展轨迹、影响因素和建设思路等实践问题。通过当代大学生社会主义观培育与引导的主要原则、重要内容和基本方法等问题的探讨,有助于积极培育并有效引导当代大学生牢固树立科学的社会主义观,坚决摒弃错误的社会主义观,正确认识世界社会主义、共产主义运动发展的基本态势以及充分理解中国特色社会主义建设、改革和发展的客观规律,确保使之成为“理想远大、信念坚定,品德高尚、意志顽强,视野开阔、知识丰富,开拓进取、艰苦创业的新一代”(胡锦涛语)。从而促使当代大学生坚决举中国特色社会主义旗帜,坚持走中国特色社会主义道路,进而在工作、生活和学习中,不论遇到什么样的困难和挫折都能为实现共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义共同理想而顽强奋斗,更好地投身于建设和发展中国特色社会主义各项事业,为全面建设小康社会和实现社会主义现代化做出更大贡献。本论文研究共分三个部分。第一部分:关于大学生社会主义观的基本依据研究。该部分着重指出了本论文研究问题的提出、国内外相关研究现状述评、选题的理论价值和现实意义、核心概念的界定以及社会主义观的历史沿革和思想梳理。第二部分:关于大学生社会主义观的基础理论研究。该部分主要包括大学生社会主义观的结构,以及形成的基本过程研究。第三部分:关于大学生社会主义观的数理统计研究。该部分主要是运用翔实可靠的调查数据和现代数理统计软件对大学生社会主义观进行数理统计分析,较为清晰地把握当代大学生社会主义观的现状特点、形成轨迹、影响因素等诸多问题。

【Abstract】 Research on the socialist view of contemporary university students is based on deep thinking about how to treat at and how to deal with socialism, especially sensitive issues, major issues and hot issues of the theory and practice of socialist with Chinese characteristics. This integrity research scientific distinguishes the origins, the characteristics, and other historical issues of socialist view; initially explores and focuses on the structure, mechanism, laws and other theoretical issues of socialist view of contemporary university students; systemic explores and accurately grasps the reality, development path, influencing factors, building ideas and other practical issues of socialist view of contemporary university students. By means of discussion on principles, contents, methods and other issues of nurturing and guidance about socialist view of contemporary university students will positively help and effectively guide the students how to firmly establish the scientific view of socialism, resolutely reject the wrong view of socialism, correctly understand the basic trend of development of the movement of world socialist and communist, fully understand the objective laws of construction and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and make them to be“a new generation with great ideal, firm conviction, indomitable will, wide vision, rich knowledge, pioneering sprit, hard work etc”(Hu Jin-tao’s words) . It strongly encourages contemporary university students to give the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and adhere to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. No matter what difficulties and setbacks can be overcome by struggle for lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and participate in the construction and development of the socialist with Chinese characteristics much better, and make great contributions to socialist modernization and build a moderately prosperous society.This thesis is divided into three parts. Part 1: The fundamental basis research about view of socialist of university. This section highlights the reasons that were raised in this thesis, at home and abroad reviews of related research, significance of the topic, the core definition of the concept, historical and ideological concept of the view of socialism. Part 2: The basic theory research about the view of socialist of the university students. This section includes the main structure and the law of view of socialist of university students. Part 3: The mathematical statistics research about view of socialist of university students. This section is mainly based on reliable survey data and modern mathematical statistical software to research about view of socialist of university students. It more clearly grasps the characteristics, the formation of track, factors and many other issues of the view of socialist of university students.

【关键词】 当代大学生社会主义观
【Key words】 contemporaryuniversity studentssocialist view

