

Research on the Interest Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

【作者】 张思军

【导师】 邓淑华;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国特色社会主义利益观,是中国特色社会主义道路的探索和发展中形成的关于利益范畴、利益关系、利益矛盾、利益制度和利益协调等的根本看法和基本观点。它是几代中国共产党领导集体,始终坚持马克思主义与中国实际相结合的求真务实精神,不懈努力、开拓创新、奋力拼搏的实践概括和理论总结。中国特色社会主义利益观是在中国特色社会主义实践中呈现出来的、体现当代中国实际和时代特征的、既不同于传统计划经济,也不同于西方自由市场经济的新型利益观,是扬弃中西方利益思想的理论成果。作为利益观最基础的范畴,中国特色社会主义利益范畴有着显著的特征,其构项、属性和内容都有着特定的内容。与中国特色社会主义利益范畴的内容的丰富性相一致,中国特色社会主义利益关系,是经济利益关系、政治利益关系、文化利益关系和社会利益关系的有机统一。它的演进既有马克思主义的理论归因,又是中国特色社会主义发展中各种现实因素共同作用的必然结果。经过三十多年的发展,中国特色社会主义利益关系呈现出利益主体多元化、利益客体多样化、利益差别扩大化、利益关系复杂化的现状。同时,经济利益、政治利益、文化利益和社会利益矛盾和冲突也日益凸显。中国特色社会主义利益关系和利益格局与利益制度存在辩证互动的关系。一方面,改革开放中的利益制度变革促成了利益关系演进和利益格局转换;另一方面,利益关系和利益格局的变化又促使利益制度作出调整。调解利益矛盾,协调利益关系,要在马克思主义指导下,不断改革和完善中国特色社会主义利益制度,在明确利益协调价值取向和基本原则的前提下,寻求各种现实路径。中国特色社会主义利益观,是马克思主义利益观的当代形态,对于深刻理解中国特色社会主义的本质属性和社会建设的价值取向、技术路线和内容,对于中国特色社会主义核心价值观的构建,都有着重大的理论价值和现实意义。

【Abstract】 The interest theory of Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a basic viewpoint with regard to the interest category, benefit-based relationships, interest conflicts, interest coordination, which came into being during the researching and developing process of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is the innovative practice generalization and theorization of several generations of Chinese Communist Party collective leadership who adhere to the truth-seeking and pragmatic spirit, combining Marxism with Chinese social reality. The interest theory of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, which unfolds in the Socialism practice with Chinese characteristics, is a new type that shows the reality of China today. It is different not only from the traditional planned economy, but from western free market economy.As the basic category of interest theory, the interest category of Socialism with Chinese characteristics has a noticeable character. Its components, attributes and content have their own specific contexts. In agreement with the abundant interest category of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, the benefit-based relationships of Socialism with Chinese characteristics harmonize the relationships of economic interest, political interest, cultural interest, and social benefits. It not only originates from Marxism but is also the inevitable outcome of the various practical factors interwork in the course of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. Thanks to over three decades of development, the benefit-based relationships of Socialism with Chinese characteristics diversify the profit subjects and objects, expand interest differences and complicate the interest relationship. Meanwhile, economic interest, political interest, cultural interest and social interest start to clash and contradict. The benefit-based relationships and pattern of Socialism with Chinese characteristics form an interactive and unified whole with Chinese Socialism interest system. On the one hand, the interest system transformation throughout the reform and opening–up facilitates the interest relations evolution and the benefit pattern conversion. On the other hand, the change of the interest relations and the benefit pattern helps to adjust the interest system. Adjusting the interest conflict and coordinating the interest relationship, we are supposed to, guided by Marxism, keep reforming and improving the system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, and, making clear the value orientation and the basic principles of interest coordination, explore a variety of realistic approaches.Interest theory of Socialism with Chinese characteristics abandons Chinese and western interest ideology and hence is the contemporary form of Marxism interest theory, and it has significant theoretic value and practical significance, for us to understand in depth the essence of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, develop a correct sense of interest, construct positive social leading values and understand correctly the interest contradictions in our current society.


