

Road Landscape Research of Aesthetic Subject and Evaluation Method

【作者】 李红杰

【导师】 张肖宁;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 截止2010年年底,我国公路网总里程达到了395万公里,其中高速公路通车里程居世界第二位,为6.5万公里。上世纪80年代我国开始出现私人汽车,至2010年我国汽车的保有量达到了7000万辆。如今,人们已经不满足于公路仅仅作为交通通道,对公路沿线优美景观的需求愈发强烈。国外对公路景观的研究已经有70多年的历史,并营造了许多风景如画的公路景观,极大提高了公路审美主体的满意度。如今,公路景观的研究在我国正蓬勃发展,但是由于起步较晚,我国公路景观研究包括基础理论与应用实践领域还有许多亟待解决的问题。本论文从公路景观审美主体和评价方法为出发点,在基础理论和应用实践方面开展研究,并最终为我国公路景观建设做出贡献。本文首先针对公路景观审美主体偏好与差异性以及审美主体的动态视觉特征这一基础理论开展研究;其次对公路景观评价指标系统存在主观性强、缺乏有效性检验的现状进行了研究,并提出了解决方法;公众参与公路景观评价的深度一直是困扰公路景观研究者的难题,本文将经济学中的满意度理论成功引入到公路景观评价领域,圆满解决了这一难题;本文最后研究了融合环境保护理念的公路景观评价方法。本文完成的主要科研工作与研究成果概括如下:1.通过对国内外大量关于公路景观审美主体视觉载体的研究文献,得到了审美主体的视觉载体发展历程,从最初的景观符号到纸质照片再到今天的数码照片,研究手段也从最初的现场调查到室内问卷调查到如今的网络调查。在分析研究了公路景观审美主体视觉载体这一理论基础之后,通过渝湛高速(粤境段)的实景照片,研究了审美主体对公路景观的感知偏好与差异,结果证明审美主体对自然性程度高的景观非常偏爱,而且审美主体比较偏爱水体景观。这一研究发现与国外景观评价领域的研究成果是一致的,这一研究成果也为提高我国公路景观建设的水平提供了理论参考。研究还发现,不同学历、不同性别、不同年龄和不同地区的审美主体对公路景观的感知没有显著性差异,这一基础理论的研究为以后的研究人员更加深入研究公路景观提供了理论支持。2.从公路景观审美主体动态视觉出发,在综合考虑经济能力的情况下利用华南理工大学道路工程研究所自研设备“车载数码相机等距变距自动拍照控制系统”研究了审美主体动态视觉特征,进一步的研究发现,在动态视觉条件下,近景绿带面积对审美主体的影响最大,这一研究结论为公路建设和环境保护部门研究公路景观提供了理论支持,也为公路景观评价研究者展示了一个利用自研设备开展科学研究的范例。3.针对目前在公路景观评价领域应用最多的数学方法包括描述因子法、层次分析法(AHP)和模糊综合评判法等在确定公路景观评价指标系统方面存在主观性强和指标效度不确定的重大缺陷,研究了将因子分析方法应用在定量化确定公路景观评价指标系统上的可能性,某景观路的实例应用证明了因子分析方法在公路景观评价指标确定中的良好应用,最后应用结构方程方法对这一指标系统的效度进行了检验,这一研究弥补了现在关于公路景观评价指标主观性强和效度不确定的缺陷。4.公路景观建设是为公众服务的,但是在景观评价过程中,如何让普通民众理解专业性较强的景观和视觉影响评价,提高公众参与评价效果,一直是公路景观研究的难题。本文研究了将经济学中的顾客满意度理论引入到公路景观评价中,并研究了其在公路景观评价中的实际效果。本研究首先对经济学中顾客满意度理论以及顾客满意度模型的起源和发展进行了简要回顾,并将这一理论借鉴到公路景观评价中来;其次介绍了公众满意度与公路景观之间的关系,借鉴顾客满意度模型构建了以公众满意度为导向的公路景观评价模型,并通过景观道路实例,应用经过信度和效度检验的指标系统编制成公路景观评价满意度调查问卷,数据的分析印证了该模型的可行性与合理性;最后应用SWOT分析(强弱分析)方法对该景观路的进一步改善提供了定量化、科学化的建议,从而一举解决了公众参与公路景观评价深度的难题,为今后公众更加广泛和深入参与公路景观评价提供了理论与实践支持。5.公路景观设计中融入环境保护理念是目前公路景观研究的热点之一,以广州市华南快速干线三期为研究对象,构建了融合环保理念的公路景观评价指标系统和评价模型,应用层次分析法对模型目标层、准则层、子准则层和指标层之间的权重进行计算与分析,结果表明华快三期沿线的声环境对评价目标影响最大,其次为公路景观的自然性和生动性,公路沿线光环境和公路景观的服务性对评价目标影响最小。实地调查指标层各因子的得分,SWOT分析表明华南快线三期景观美质优势项目比较少,其优势包括景观明洞、沿线绿化覆盖率、沿线建筑小品特色等,劣势区包括路域自然景观美、噪声对睡眠的影响、噪声对精神的影响、噪声对日常生活的影响和沿线噪声实测值,劣势区项目是管理部门应该首先改善的。本文最后部分有针对性地研究公众对常用的防噪措施景观美质感知,结果表明景观明洞在美感、安全感和综合认知方面均得到了市民认可。

【Abstract】 By the end of 2010, the total mileage of Chinese highway network has reached 3.95 million kilometers, including 65 thousand kilometers of express way, which ranks the second in the word. In the late 80s, personal car began to emerge in china, while the number has been increased to 70 million by 2010. Nowadays people come to be unsatisfactory with the road merely as a mean of transportation, and begin to concern more about the landscape along the road. The foreign countries have already had more than 70 years’ history to investigate the road landscape, and achieve some success in this field, which improve the satisfactory of the road users enormously. Presently, the investigating of road landscape is developing vigorously in china. Due to a late starting, many problems of road landscape in our country need to be solved urgently, which include the field of basic theories and applications. To contribute to the development of road landscape in our country, this paper describes the investigation of the basic theories and applications based on the aesthetic subject and evaluation approach.Firstly, this paper studies the preference and difference and dynamic visual features of the aesthetic subject, and then investigates the current condition of the subjectivity of evaluation index system and the lack of valid examination, and put forward the solutions in the end. The degree of public participation has always been a hard problem that disturbs the investigators. To solve it, the paper successfully incorporates the theory of customer satisfaction in economics with road landscape evaluation. Finally a new design approach of road landscape incorporated with concept of environment protection is presented. The following are the main work and achievements.1. The development process of visual carrier of aesthetic subject is obtained based on the literatures of road landscape at home and abroad. From initial landscape symbols to paper photos to today’s digital pictures, with the development of them, the research means are improved from on-the-spot investigation to indoor questionnaire survey until to now network survey. After this study, this paper investigates the preference and difference of the aesthetic subject through the photos of Yu-Zhan Expressway in Guangdong Province and concludes that the aesthetic subject prefer more of the landscape with better naturalness, especially the water landscape. This conclusion is consistent with the research at abroad and provides a theoretical reference to enhance the level of highway landscape construction. The study also found that the aesthetic subject of different degree, gender, age and regions have no significant perception difference, this basic theory provides a theoretical support of more in-depth study for later researchers.2. Based on the dynamic vision of aesthetic subject referring to road landscape, and considering the economic capability, the researcher adopts the "on-board digital camera isometric change control system" developed by South China University of Technology road engineering institute. Further study finds that under the condition of dynamic vision, the green belt area in close range has the largest effect of aesthetic subject. This conclusion provides a theoretical support of road landscape for highway construction and environmental protection department, and also sets a precedent for road landscape evaluation researchers of making use of self-study equipments in research.3. Application of mathematical methods to the present road landscape evaluation filed include describe factor method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, etc. however, those methods have major defects in subjective strong and index validity uncertain in the aspect of determining the evaluation index system of highway landscape. In this paper, study the possibility of applying the factor analysis method to quantitative determining the evaluation index system of highway landscape, and the application of one landscape road proves that it has good application. Finely, using the structural equation tests the validity of this index system. This research makes up the defect of strong subjectivity and uncertain validity in present road landscape evaluation index.4. Though the construction of road landscape severs the public, how to let ordinary people to understand the strong professional landscape and visual impact assessment, to improve public participation evaluation effect has been the difficult problem in highway landscape study during the landscape evaluation process. This paper researches introduction the customer satisfaction theory in economics to road landscape evaluation and also studies it actual result in road landscape evaluation. In this paper, firstly we briefly look back on the origin and development of the customer satisfaction theory and customer satisfaction model and introduce those theories to road landscape evaluation. According to public satisfaction construct with public satisfaction oriented highway landscape evaluation model, presenting the relationship between public satisfaction and road landscape evaluation. Though road landscape example, apply index system which pass through the reliability and validity test writing into "highway landscape evaluation satisfaction questionnaire”and data analysis proves the feasibility and the rationality of this model. Finally for this landscape further improve we apply SWOT analysis (strong and weak analysis) method and provide a quantitative, scientific advice.Thereby solve the hard problem of the depth of the public participating in highway landscape evaluation, and also provide theory and practical support for future public more widely and deeply being involved in highway landscape evaluation.5. Blending environmental protection concept in highway landscape design is one of hot spot in current road landscape research. Guangzhou south China rapid trunk three phase as research object, build highway landscape evaluation index system and evaluation model which fuse the concept of environmental protection, and use AHP method to calculate and analyze model criterion layer, the son of rule layer, index layer. Results show that the first effect is its sound environment, and the second effect is the naturalness and vividness in road landscape, and light environment along the road and service of road landscape is the last effect. Field investigation index layer the score of each factor, SWOT analysis express landscape of Guangzhou south China rapid trunk three phase lacking of advantages, the advantages including landscape open cut tunnel, the green coverage ratio along the road and architectural features along, est. The disadvantage include road area natural landscape beauty,the influence of noise on sleep, the influence of noise on spirit, the influence of noise on everyday life and measure the noise along the road. Also management department should first pay attention to disadvantage area improvement. In the last part of this paper, focusing on studying public senses of commonly used the measure of noise proof, and the results show that open cut tunnel has got citizens recognition in the aspect of beauty, security, comprehensive cognitive.


