

The Study of Enivironmental Quality Assessment Using RS. Based on Entropy Model

【作者】 杨丙丰

【导师】 王桥; 闾国年;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 遥感技术与应用, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 环境问题是当前制约人类生存与发展的根本性问题。环境质量评价能够帮助人们更好的认识环境问题状况,进而进行科学的环境管理。利用遥感技术进行大尺度环境监测与环境质量综合评价,对于宏观上环境问题的有效管理和决策具有重要的意义和价值。当前,基于指数的环境质量评价方法在指标选取及权重设定中缺乏统一的理论指导,造成不同的评价活动之间缺乏可比较性。亟需一套可以定量化、普适性应用的环境质量评价方法体系。环境质量是对环境优劣程度的描述。一方面,环境是相对于某一主体的客体,环境的好坏取决于环境对其主体存在与发展的适宜程度,是由环境的主体对其做出的评判;另一方面,环境质量是环境自身的本质属性,具有客观性。因此,实现环境质量定量化评价的关键是要解决对环境的主观评价与环境本身的客观属性之间的统一。具体而言,就是要理清生存于环境中的主体对环境的依赖关系是什么,环境又是通过何种途径限制其主体的发展的。由于环境的主体——生命体是以耗散结构的形式通过耗散能量来能维持其存在与发展,并且环境与其主体之间的交互作用也主要是通过能量关系进行的。所以,从热力学与耗散结构理论的视角探讨环境问题有望获得关于环境质量评价的有效途径。基于此种背景,本文试图以热力学熵定律和耗散结构理论为指导,建立了耗散结构-外部环境模拟模型用于探寻耗散结构、能量利用与环境熵变之间的内在联系,通过对Benard流体耗散结构-外部环境模型的数值模拟与理论分析,揭示了环境质量的熵本质。在此基础上,进一步构建了基于环境熵水平的环境质量评价模型—环境熵模型,并以2009年5月19日的全国大气环境质量评价为例进行了实证研究。具体而言,本文进行了以下内容的研究。1)建立了耗散结构-外部环境模型并引入Benard流体耗散结构对模型进行具体化,对Benard流体耗散结构在不同环境条件下的演化过程进行了数值模拟,并从理论上分析了耗散结构对外部环境的依存关系以及环境对耗散结构的制约途径。通过对Benard流体耗散结构-外部环境模型的数值模拟与理论分析,揭示出环境的熵水平是环境质量的客观表达。2)在对耗散结构-外部环境模型研究的基础上提出了基于环境熵值的环境质量评价框架,并据此建立了环境空气质量的熵评价模型。提出用单位体积的环境熵值表达环境的熵水平,将环境空气的熵值分为气体组分与气溶胶粒子分别求算,其中气体组分采用Peng-Robinson状态方程方法进行计算,气溶胶粒子组分参照固体粒子的熵值计算方法进行估算。3)以2009年5月19日的全国环境空气质量评价为例进行了实证研究。综合运用多源遥感数据提取了主要环境空气质量影响因子,包括空气温度、压强、空气中的主要气体组分含量(氮气、氧气、二氧化碳、二氧化硫、二氧化氮等);利用RAMS-CMAQ模型解析了硫酸盐气溶胶、硝酸盐气溶胶、铵盐气溶胶、钠盐及氯盐气溶胶组分的组成。基于环境熵模型计算了当天的环境空气熵值分布并据此对全国的环境空气质量进行了初步评价,通过与当天的API指数评价结果进行对比分析,结果表明,环境熵模型评价法与API指数评价法在整体上具有较好的一致性。4)对环境空气质量熵评价模型进行了不确定性分析。分别讨论了温度偏差5摄氏度,压强偏差500帕斯卡,各气体组分浓度偏差5%的情况下,环境空气熵值计算结果的误差范围,并据此给出了环境空气质量熵评价模型的总体不确定性。

【Abstract】 The environmental problems requires urgent attention, which closely related to the exsistence and development of human beings. Environmental quality assessment helps to command the conditions of the environment so as to conduct scientific environment administration. For making scientific decisions and handling the environmental problems effectively, it is of great significance and value to adopt the remote sensing technology to make large-scale environmental monitation and comprehensive assessment on the environmental quality.Nowadays, the index-based environmental assessment approach is not based on unified theories in the index selection and weight setting, which results in the imcomparability between the assessment under different environment. Thus, it is imperative to build an universally applicable environmental quality assessment system, which can be supported with quantitative analysis. Environmental Quality is about the conditions of environment. On the one hand, subjective to the subject, (mainly, human beings), environment is the object, which is appraised by the human beings dependent upon the degrees in which the environment is suitable to their existence and development. On the other hand, environmental quality, an attribute of the environment itself, is objective. Therefore, the key is to take both the subjective evaluation on the environment and the objective properties of the environment into account when making quantitative assessment on the environmental quality. Specifically, it is to figure out the aspects in which the subjects rely on the environment and the ways that the environment restricts the development of its subjects. It is by dissipatating energy in the form of dissipativity structure that the subjects maintains their existence and development. And also through the energy, the subject and the environment interact with each other. Therefore, combining the thermodynamics and dissipative structures theory together to do research, it’s promising to work out effective methods on environmental quality assessmentBased on the envision above, this paper conceives the dissipativity structure-environment model to explore the relationship between dissipativity structure, the utilization of energy, and the entropy of environment, based on the entropy law of thermodynamics and dissipativity structure theory. After calculating and analysing the data in the Benard dissipativity structure-environment model,, this paper points out that entropy is the essence of the environemntal quality. Then the entropy-based environmental quality evaluation model is accordingly built. Empirical study is done by taking national atmospheric environmental quality on June 15,2009. Specifically, this paper mainly does the following work.1. This paper conceives the dissipativity structure-environment model.into which, Benard, the fluid dissipative structure, is introduced for research.. Through simulating the operation and evolvement of Benard in different environment, this paper analyses the interaction between the dissipativity structure and the environment and reaches the conclusion that the environment entropy is an objective sign of the environment quality.2. Afterward, the paper proposes the idea of basing on the environmental entropy to evaluate the environmental quality and accordingly builds the entropy-based environmental quality evaluation model, with cubage as the unit to mesure the level of.the entropy. In this model, air is divided into two groups, the gas components and aerosol particles, with the entrospy of the former calculated with Peng-Robinson equation and that of the latter estimated with the method of calculating the entropy of solid particles.3.This paper does empirical study on the national atmospheric environmental quality on June 15,2009. From the multi-source remote sensing data, this paper extracts the main factors which influence the quality of air, including air temperature, pressure, the major components of air (nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorine dioxide nitrogen, etc.) and analyses respectively the composition of the sulfate aerosols, nitrate aerosols, aerosol ammonium, sodium and chloride aerosol with RAMS-CMAQ Model. Based on the entropy-based environmental quality evaluation model, this paper works out the distriction of the air entropy.and accordingly makes a preliminary evaluation of the national atmospheric environmental quality. Compared with the results made from API, these obtained from the entropy-based evaluation method shows sound aggreement.4. This paper analyses the uncertainty of the entropy-based ambient air quality assessment model. It respectively studies the the error range of the entropy of the air wherever there is the deviation of 5 degrees Celsius, the deviation of 500 MPa, the deviation of 5% in the dendity of the gas’components and accordingly points out the overall uncertainty of the entropy-based air quality evaluation model.


